Sunday, September 12, 2021




  1. After reading Barbara's comment, I was struck by something I read back in the early 1990s, when AIDS was so prevalent and running rammpant. The Manhattan (NYC) District Attorney's Office charged a man with homicide and attempted homicide when he knowingly had AIDS and intentionally infected many women by having "consensual" sex with them. The women who died were what spurred the suit. The attempted homicides came later, once women learned they had been infected. It's too bad we can't do the same with those who "choose" to infect others with this virus, especially the highly communicable Delta virus. Unfortunately, it's not the same, because the incubation rate is far quicker with the Covid virus than with the AIDS virus.

    1. Elizabeth, people who have been vaccinated are still catching the virus and transmitting the virus. Please be careful.

  2. It is Not about freedom of choice! Please, stop spreading nonsense.
    Ask yourself why so many intelligent common sense people fight against saving lives!
    140 years of vaccines that SAVE LIVES/prevents infection/DEATH:
    cholera 1880, rabies 1885, tetanus 1890, 1896 typhoid fever...Covid19 2020

  3. I agree, completely! There is no science involved in the mandates, only a power trip & money!I'm so sad to see how duped so many of our fellow countrymen are.

    1. I wrote my comment below before I saw your comment to approve-we are the same thinking

  4. I am leaving comments open so readers can freely voice their own opinions (as long as comments remain civil) I did not post this to change anyone's mind just voicing my own beliefs.

    Yes I do believe in vaccines, Yes I did get the pfyzer covid vaccines, Yes I do believe in the flu shot, yes I do believe kids should get all of their vaccines before attending school for the first time-but in this country we have freedoms not dictatorship-once socialist-communist ideals become law-in the end we lose our country-as they know they can get away with it and will take away more freedoms Evil loves Power that is what this has come down to.

  5. They think about forcing people here, too.
    Freedom will be gone.
    Most are not tested properly and you have no idea about long-term effects. And it mutates so fast. Distance, I think, is the key.

    1. I agree distance and hand sanitizer-I use that allot-after I get the mail and open it, after I put gas in the car, after food shopping and putting it away more hand sanitizer-washing hands often

  6. I understand people feel like they are being told to do things, but more people here in the US have died from covid than the total death count of American service people in Afghanistan (2,448) and the second world war (405,399), never mind Vietnam (58,220) and Korea (33,686). I am sure I am leaving something out, but how many people need to die needlessly?


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