Friday, May 21, 2021

Saving My Weaving Project

   A few days ago I was just about 2 inches from finishing the first towel-I had unwound what I had woven to re measure the towel. Winding it back up to finish weaving-wow I got this.

    Look at that totally uneven edge. In all of my off and on weaving in the past 40 years this has never happened to me before. I took a bunch out-cause it just happened and then I noticed the tension was way off-mostly to the right-well you can't weave with this occurring

   I had recently joined a weaving group for 4 shaft looms which is what I have and asked-what is happening here??   It came back tension problems, I replied that I have always wound the warp on with sticks but for some reason decided to use papers-many use papers but I found out they need to be totally smooth-no wrinkles what so ever. 

   Sooo that meant cutting off the towel, and re tying on to the front--since the tension was so off-I rewound all the warp to the front-got rid of all the papers-and Wow I saw all of the wrinkles and kinks in the threads. So I wound back and forth back to the front twice to help get the wrinkles out.  

   Re wound with lots of sticks, I ran out of the sticks last night so early this morning I went up to our local hardware-lumber yard to buy more-they cut them to size for me for free-that was nice.

   The warp looks much better now, and even feels better I can get the warp tight across.

I just zig zagged the towel edges, after taking out the border threads on the one side, cut the threads short and just washed and dried this towel. Quite allot of shrinkage but I have my first kitchen towel, and I am ready to weave the rest of this off. Hopefully with no more issues.

I added lots of sticks-four per turn around the beam

Crisis diverted-fingers crossed 😀


  1. Oh it is a beautiful piece of weaving, Kathy! I am sorry you had extra work to do, but I know that is part of the process. Now you can relax a bit and enjoy weaving the rest of the oh-so-lovely towels. And, dance around the fire shouting, "I made cloth!" :~)

  2. The finished towel looks wonderful, well done on getting the kinks out. Sounds like a lot of work. Have a great weekend, Hugs, Valerie

    1. thank you Valerie-this was a couple extra days of work but hoping just weaving going forward

  3. That is quality! Such a shame you have had to go back and sort out the problems but look at that end result. It really is outstanding and although I think I have said this before, I do like the pattern! keep well Amanda x

  4. Big wow on this one! Beautiful!
    LOL, I think you´d cry if you saw the cheapy ones we have - but honestly... yours is way too precious to use!

    1. I have cheapy kitchen towels too that I pick up from wal mart-big box store-that fade and fall apart in a couple years and probably made in China too--so handwoven from now on
      It will be a joy to use these and years ago people made their own cloth for everything

  5. Looks beautiful! I know you want them to be all they should be, but remember they are utilitarian so perfection may not matter a great deal. This is hard work, congratulations!

  6. Wow Kathy, it looks beautiful. Congrats on making such a fantastic piece. And it sounds like the troubles with the edge won't happen next time since you got some answers how to fix it. It great we now have the internet and can share info with others who can use it. Hope you have a great weekend. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thank you Erika, yes the internet is really a life line for people like me that have always lived very rural, no family to rely on etc. I learn allot on you tube videos. I just found this weaving group a few weeks ago and everyone was so welcoming and then came to my rescue with this fix. Happy weekend

  7. I'm glad you were able to have others diagnose the problem of the weave for you. I love how the first of six towels came out. Now you know what to avoid.

    1. thank you and now I know No more papers for winding one-only sticks and I always use sticks haha just thought I would try papers

  8. It turned out beautifully. Such a lovely design buy my goodness so much work. Stick with what you know because it certainly worked out so much better.

    1. yes this was allot of hours but at least it was fixable-or hoping it is now

  9. thank you so much-I do really love this pattern

  10. Came over from Iris Flavia, that's a lovely design in your towel.


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