Monday, March 4, 2019

T Stands for Tuesday & The Downsizing

Good morning everyone,
   Happy T-on Tuesdays we share a post with friends that must include a photo with a beverage. You are most welcome to join us-find link in my right hand column with our hostess Bleubeard and Elizabeth.

   The weather people were still building up this major snow event that was to occur over the weekend-but Mother Nature had other plans-so thankful.  We woke up to an inch of snow, and we are having the arctic cold for a few nights. This morning (Monday) we still have water and heat so I am very thankful.
   Sunday one weather person explained the reason we didn't get allot of snow was because the system sped up and flew past Missouri-he apologized to all those viewers that wanted the snow lol thought that was sweet.

   However, I see that many of you on the east coast will be getting slammed with a major storm-stay warm and safe and hope no one gets hurt or loses their electricity. and my prayers go out to those with the tornadoes south of me-so sad.

  All weekend and most of last week, I have been going through things in my craft room. It is really unbelievable how much stuff is crammed into this small room-floor to ceiling.
   Over the weekend I went through the very large and deep metal file cabinet-where I had saved articles, and information on quilting and all things crafts. This cabinet has been buried for the last few years so I hadn't been able to use it. I discarded most all of the quilt patterns, kept everything wool, weaving, spinning and other craft ideas. I have two very large boxes full-that I am putting into the auction. Saturday I watched movies and stayed up til midnight working on this.
  I even found weaving information with my address in Denver Colorado back in the '70s  so much of my craft room has come with me in all my moves since then. crazy I guess lol

   I also went through my cookbooks again and discarded 4 more big boxes to the auction-there just is not room in the new lake house.

   I am having a very difficult time doing this-many say it is empowering to let go-for me it is not at all. Hubs is ready for this I am not-but I will get through it.

   I also went through the boxes of the vintage kitchen items we collected when we first got together-and was able to let go of another box of those. I probably still have too much in kitchen items and cookbooks but for now will see what will fit. I guess it is not good to want to hold on to tangibles but it all has memories for me.I really enjoyed all the garage and farm sales we went to finding all of these items.
   One of my wood rolling pins-and I know which one- Hubs bought for me when we were courting. I could only let go of about 5 rolling pins-the others not yet.
   I still have my late sisters (she passed very young a year after graduating college) little singer sewing machine that she had as a child. I put that in the auction things and an hour later put back in the to keep area.

  So far this is the auction area I decided the hallway was a perfect spot as my living room is full of the to keep boxes from craft room-mostly weaving yarns.

   We have a large collection of vintage trunks and I love them all-they were put to use in this home since we have no closets, no storage areas. I really want to keep all of them-if not must decide what must go.
   Another big thing to go through and decide what to keep is a huge trunk of leather and hides. We wanted to sew traditional clothing and get back into the pow wows and mountain man events but we just ran out of time.

   I really am not complaining-though re reading this I guess it sounds like it. Part of the mood I think, is the weather here-so un normal to be this cold all of February and now in March as well-most years gardens are being planted, and grass is being cut by now-so that is depressing. My Hubs has ptsd and that is showing up more now-he went to bed early like around 6 pm for several days now-I always feel sleep for him is a good thing-he is safe. although many nights the nightmares continue-they usually stop during the summer time. This cold weather and many days rain is slowing down the outside work at the lake house that needs to get done.

   Tuesday I will be going with a friend to the big city an hour or more drive away in Springfield, Mo to get our taxes done.
   We usually make a day of it-I discovered a place called Relics which is a huge building of antiques-I know I know lol-and a tea room-here is the menu (the salad choices look perfect for gluten free) so maybe we will visit that-and I will bring the camera and try to remember to use it lol.   
     Those of you I don't visit for T tonight I will visit late Tuesday or Wednesday.

  Wednesday morning early I visit the eye doctor for my month follow up.
     I need to talk to him about what glasses will be best. I am thinking progressives again. The long distance is excellent-but everything else not so much. I am getting by for now with one of Hub's number 2 reading glasses-but they are not strong enough for very close up and a bit too strong for reading and the computer-so have been frustrated with all that. Can't see to read anything-like the washing machine dials, preparing and eating my food is all blurry-so will be anxious to find out what will be best for me.

Last night I wanted a treat-I was not up to baking cookies, or a cake so decided on my chocolate popcorn-always sooo good and makes me happy I added allot more popcorn this time then the recipe calls for-so not totally covered in chocolate but gave us more. (recipe can be found in the search on my blog)
    Hubs this morning says Wow and I slept through chocolate popcorn? lol

The sun is shining this morning-loving that but it is and will stay very cold today and tomorrow in the single digits.

   For my drink sharing I am enjoying a cup of my chicory beverage with cream in my favorite cup.
   I also am loving the chia seeds soaked overnight in the frig in almond milk. Tastes like homemade tapioca to me and loving it.

I add a little agave and sometimes dried blueberries or other fruits. This morning it was not as thick as it usually it is- I think I added in a touch too much almond milk-but I am really loving this for breakfast of if I need a bit of a snack in the early evenings-I am using different unsweetened milked nuts from the company Elmhurst that I shared a few posts back.

Happy T Everyone.


  1. I can imagine how hard it must be for you to have to give up so many things with memories attached, I had to do this many times and it's a big thing. Glad you were able to treat yourself to some chocolate popcorn, sounds like a great mood lifter. Your breakfast sounds good, too. Happy T Day, take things slowly, hugs, Valerie

    1. thanks so much Valerie, yes this is really a big thing for me-but in the end it will be a good thing-especially at our ages now.
      I am really loving this chia with a nut milk-hugs

  2. I enjoyed reading your post and I didn't think you sounded like you were complaining. It's hard to let go of stuff you've had a long time. I'm the same way. You're making progress with your to go pile in the hallway, so that's what matters. I'm sorry your eyes are still blurry for reading. Hopefully the Doctor will make some good suggestions. You're lucky the snow storm missed you. It didn't where I am in CT. We got about what NOAA forecast (they said 5" to 8") but it was the lovely heavy wet snow we get due to the moisture from Long Island Sound. Your breakfast looks delicious. Happy T-Day! (I didn't post my T-Day yet.)

    1. Hello Anne, yes I am sooo happy the amounts of snow missed us-we just don't need that right now-this bitter cold is enough to deal with right and then this friday thunderstorms and 60's-crazy weather for sure lol stay safe

  3. I too am amazed how much we can accumulate in a hobby. I find the downsizing process myself to be a combination of opposite emotions. It's rejuvenating and cleansing but also full of so many memories passed and even a bit overwhelming when decided what to get rid of...never the less...I love the simplification!! Enjoy your process as well.

  4. A super post to read and I think we all will have similar thoughts to yourself, if we had to downsize our cherished things. I sometimes take books and stuff to the Charity shop shop when we are in its vicinity and many times its only half the size it was at home when I enter the shop.
    I hope all will go well and the doctor will have good suggestions for you regarding the glasses. I have worn mine since forever and couldn't do without them, they are part of me.
    Happy T day wishes Kathy, your chocolate popcorn looked delicious.
    Yvonne xx

  5. Must be hard to let go of so many personal and loved things. I can say it would be easy for me, but in the end, would it really...
    thanks for sharing, good luck with it all, and happy T day!

    1. It has been really hard for me-but I am getting a break from it for a couple days. I seem to go through once and then I can go back and discard more-when I think of the space and not wanting it to be packed-then I can go back and do even more lol

  6. I totally understand about giving up things. Especially the craft supplies. And cookbooks. I have tons of craft supplies, which I would have a hard time giving up, and lots of cookbooks. I know people say they are only things, and they are, but just because it is trendy doesn't mean everyone should do it. Good luck with that Kathy, and I hope your weather stays more spring like. Hugs-Erika

    1. thanks Erika for understanding-I really love all of my cookbooks too but I had several 100 books-oh my. I am keeping most of my craft supplies/ I know what quilts I want to make yet so all the pattern ideas were easy to give up-don't want to give up the leather but will need to cut it back. hugs

  7. Good that the snow missed most of your area. I got slammed. Glad you still have heat and water. Lifesavers, both.

    I keep going through my things and getting rid of some things. I just donate mine to the Goodwill because I don't want to mess with the auctions and shipping. Guess I'm lazy in that respect. However, I am still not to a point where I can get rid of lots of personal items. The ones where memories are attached. I really want to get rid of my art I've created in the past, and I fear it is only recyclable. I've already gotten rid of most of the art supplies I no longer want. I can see how hard it would be for you, especially the incredibly personal things.

    Had to laugh at "the big city." When I think big city, I think St. Louis or KC, not Springfield. But it certainly is bigger than where you live.

    Your breakfast looks good and I know how much you like that chicory beverage in cream. Thanks for sharing your updates (and you didn't sound whining to me) and your breakfast with us for T this Tuesday.

  8. Forgot to mention, if I went to Relics I would order the Quiche or the shrimp/avocado salad. Both sound perfect to me!

  9. i´m not good at letting-go either... i even made the experience that i bought books again which i had gifted to a charity auction before (now, sorry, that´s not helpful to mention, i know, but really some decisions are hard). and it really is unbelievable how much we can hoard just for the hobby...
    chocolate popcorn sounds good - never had one. happy t-day:)

  10. Kathy, you must feel overwhelmed by boxes! What auction??? I didn’t realize you would have one, is it at your old house? Good for you for planning that!
    Letting things go is so hard! I’d try to “reframe” my thoughts and find something good in doing it instead of being nostalgic and sad.
    Old things are nice to have, but being realistic, they are a constant reminder of the past. A new scenic location with less of those reminders may be a good thing for Larry and his PTSD. Looking ahead in a new, uncluttered, and totally different place on the lake might be the key to more joy in your later years.
    Who has the space to store everything anyhow? No one needs more than one good wooden rolling pin (I have trouble finding a place in my kitchen for just one!), and with storage space in your new house, maybe some space-hogging trunks can go too. I always like trunks, but since we have closets, I keep one only and use it as an end table. Inside is where I keep board and card games. Beyond that, off the trunks go.
    Now that your life focus is changing, you will probably not do mountain man events either, much less time to sew and wear leather clothes. Just keeping some leather for crafting might be good, but not a whole trunkful.
    Try to look ahead to your new location with the thought of what you will use. It’s a whole new life for you two!

  11. It is difficult to pare down, so much time and effort went into collecting items that spoke to you, and now you have to say goodbye to some. I totally understand!! Good luck with your move.

  12. That is a lot of work, physical and emotional.
    April 1st is the date I chose to finish cleaning stuff out/finish spring cleaning. I hope I do as well as you have.

  13. Looks like you are doing such a great job sorting out your craft supplies! I would find it hard to downsize my craft stuff as I don't like to throw anything away even bits of leftover paper which I'll probably never use 😉. The chocolate popcorn looks so yummy and after seeing this and the chocolate dessert over at Foxy's I'm off to the kitchen to seek out some dark chocolate before I visit anyone else from the T Gang, I just can't wait any longer 😉. Wishing you a very happy T Day! J 😊 x

  14. Downsizing when what you don't have room for has memories attached is a difficult task. I'm trying to do it gradually, so when the time for a move comes there'll be less left to go through. I admire your spirit through it all and trust your delightful new place will more than make up for these hard decisions.

    I would find a tea room with antiques irresistible! Happy T Tuesday :)

  15. I understand totally how you feel as I had to go through the same when we moved to Spain. A person accumulates so much stuff, and it is just that, stuff. But still I didn't want to let it go. I managed it eventually, after a lot of soul searching. I'm not good at letting go. Once I've done it I'm OK.
    Your chocolate pop corn looks yummy. We can't really afford to do things like that as both hubby and I tend to put on weight as soon as we look at chocolate! So we keep it away from the house. (But I have a suspicion hubby has a secret stash in his toolkit).
    Happy T-Day,

  16. It’s so hard to let go of our things from the past, when we moved to Spain we had to have a radical down size, even furniture, it was so hard to do, now after twenty years, we aren’t moving but have been having a sort out, my husband would throw everything out but I can’t do that so easily.we have things we and never used since we left England Needless to say they have now gone
    Have a happy T day
    Jan x #16

  17. Wow!Sounds like you are on a roll when it comes to cleaning. It is a great thing to purge but difficult when it comes down to the things with sentimental value. If you can't part with it, then just hold onto it a little longer. Who knows, maybe the next time you purge you will be ready to give it up.
    Your chocolate popcorn looks amazing. I will be looking that recipe up.
    Happy Tea Day,

  18. If you're crazy for having moved your craft things from home to home, Kathy, I guess I am too ;-) Your de-cluttering has inspired me to have at it as well. Yesterday I spent most of the day going through boxes and boxes of family photos and mementos. I spent as much time reading and remembering as I did culling and organizing (grin). I've already gifted cookbooks. I'm fortunate to have a chef friend who collects them. So that was easy. Starting was hard, but I'm finding it easier as I progress. I do feel lighter. Plus the house feels cleaner AND easier to clean.

    My heart sank when you wrote you were giving up your late sister's little Singer. Then it leaped up when you changed your mind. There are some things that are too much a part of us to let go of.

    Wouldn't your rolling pins make great wall art? I didn't feel like you're complaining. It's more a muse about accepting and dealing with life's changes. Look how much your words have helped me do that.

    I hope you can get your glasses very soon.

    I wish I could send you some of our warm weather. In fact it has been hot (too hot too early) - high 80s.

    Happy T-day! Eileen xx

  19. You're lucky the snow storm missed you and I am sure you will make the best decision what to let go and what is needed - It's a chance to reorganize all new and in a way you like it!
    Love chocolate popcorn -

    Happy T-Day Kathy!
    Well wishes for your eyes!

  20. I know how you feel! We moved about 9 months ago, and I went through my things, my late mom's, my grandma's and years and years of things! It was difficult to part with all the cookbooks, but I let most of them go. I thought I was collecting them, but what for. Now if I want a recipe, although I still have a box and a cupboard full of cookbooks, I look it up online! My hubby made me get rid of so much, because it was all mine. I am the hoarder! He saves nothing! photos are the big thing I have boxes and boxes of! ours, his family's, my mom's and dad's families. I have everyone's because no one else wants them! I won't live long enough to scrap them all! My kids will toss them; in fact I doubt they will even want the albums! There are about 40 of them! I gifted our stuff to the Goodwill here. Carloads and carloads! And my hubby thinks I still have too much. I wish you the best in this endeavor!
    Happy Tea Day!

  21. i don't envy you the sorting and purging and packing up! I too have memories and emotional attachments to things... but it sounds like you are making progress. good for you! Hope it all goes well. When are you planning to move? now to look at some of your older posts to see what you've been up to...happy T day!

  22. Chocolate pop corn? Wow, this is new to me! I think I will try it!
    It is always difficult when you decide to move. I wish you all the best, Kathy.
    Hugs, my friend.

  23. Hi Kathy! Interesting to see a new way to use the chia seeds that I pop in my porridge. I bet they'd be lovely soaked in my oat milk too. Chocolate popcorn sounds delicious.
    Good luck with the sorting and down-sizing.
    Alison xx

  24. wondering how you are going to do this auction.

  25. Having gone through downsizing myself I know what you are going through - it didn't affect hubby half as much! I took photos of favourite items that I knew we couldn't bring here! They are on the computer somewhere - I have never looked at them, although I do still miss my bureau! An auction is a good idea - we did send some items of furniture to auction(yes, the bureau was amongst them!) Chocolate pop corn looks and sounds like a good plan!! I hope you eye appointment went well! I need specs for reading and close work so have them on a chain around my neck - they come in handy that way for reading labels in supermarkets!! Belated Happy T Day! Chrisx


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