Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Stitches & This & That

     I did start on one of the embroidery wolf panels yesterday-this one is mostly all X's and then some type of border stitch around the wolf, trees, stars, moon.  I needed something simple right now-with Not a lot of thinking.

  If you are on Instagram-they have amazing embroidery tutorials. I started following a couple and then of course many more popped into my feed. Some of the best how to videos for embroidery I have seen so far.

  We got a major storm last night into this morning, my rain gauge had 2 inches of rain in it.  Of course more of the roof on the dock has come loose since it continues to be very windy.  The noise drives me crazy with the loose metal roofing panels flapping in the wind. and Wow next week is July 4th already-where did the time go??? The lake will be crazy busy during that time. The 4th is the busiest on the lake.

  If not raining tomorrow hoping to do some food shopping including finding some melons before the holiday weekend gets here.. 

  I got more cleaning done this morning too-washed down all the wood kitchen cabinets with a wood soap, dusted the two ceiling fans. Since it was cooler today and the a/c was not running all day today-I caught up with laundry too. I try not to have too many electric things going when the a/c is on. Our co-op electric co is now charging for excess usage at peak times. Of course when I called about this, she could not tell me what the peak times were. I keep the a/c at 79 too so it can go off and not run 24 hours.

 I bought fresh lemons to make a from scratch lemon meringue pie soon. So refreshing during a hot day. I may make that on Friday,

   Hoping things are going well for you all.

I liked this one too


  1. You've been busy Kathy. I've been doing some cleaning this week too, but nothing big. I hope you share some photos of your embroidery. I'd love to see them.

    1. I seem to behind on everything lately, but felt good to get cleaning in this week. Once get further a long I will share. this project is nothing fancy though

  2. Your electric company resembles my cell phone company. I recently got a text that I was going over my roaming data allowance. I called them asking them how I could keep track of my roaming data usage. They said, "You can't". How stupid is that?

    1. I don't have a cell phone, I did when I was working years ago in case I had car trouble as I had a long commute back then they had a lot of roaming charges I didn't think they had that any more we keep one cell phone with trakfone we have had the service for over 25 years now-never had a roaming issue.
      these companies are getting ridiclous

  3. Our co-op emails on hot days when the peak hours are to use electricity . It sounds like you had a productive day. So sorry about your roof not fastened down.

    1. Ou co op should do that too I may contact them about that thanks

  4. Oh, boy, 4th is next week already, you are correct, time runs...
    Sorry you have such crazy weather - BUT!!!! Ingo did his job again, if you like pop in here!

    Melon is a good idea, now that you sent summer over here (this even rhymes).

    Yes. Laundry... right after I finish this comment, promised.

    To Snoopy and... thank you for your mail!!! Hugs to you and the lake!

    1. You are so welcome for the mail-that took a very long time-you usuualy get my mail around 2 weeks.

  5. You have been very busy again. And now I will be dreaming of lemon meringue pie, yummy! Hugs, Valerie

    1. Hi Valerie, I have not made this a pie in awhile-a huge favorite for sure-smiles

  6. I'm looking forward to your lemon cake Kathy - I hope you make it - I wish you a good weekend and if we don't hear from each other before then, a wonderful 4th of July. I will be going to the ballet Romeo and Juliet at the Grand Opera House on July 1st. I'm really looking forward to it, it's a very good ensemble.
    A warm greeting from me for you.

    1. Good evening Viola, I ave never been to an opera-sounds like a wonderful evening. My husband told me a long time ago that he has been to the opera in Chicago when we was very young. Probably next week I will make the lemon meringue pie-it needs to be in the refrigerator-and right now that is full will melons and fruits. Do enjoy Romeo and Juliet! hugs Kathy

  7. That is weird not telling you what the peak hours are.
    Happy 4th of July!
    The time is going by fast this summer.

    1. I thought so too-yes summer is flying by way too fast-we are still super hot with humidity and storms continuing so I am looking forward to fall already-smiles

  8. We pay more in electricity during the hours of 2 and 7, so we try to avoid using it as much as we can. The lake and river will be packed here too next week...but it usually is every weekend anyway. Unfortunately we had a drowning yesterday. A 53 yr man dove into the river and did not come back up. So sad. Looking forward to seeing your stitching pieces. Janice

    1. Good evening, 2-7 does sound like peak hours=thanks I don't do any laundry when the a/c is running, and keep the lights off too.
      how sad about the drowning. we have many deaths here on this lake-and with the commercial expansion of the lake since covid the lake has just gotten too busy during the summer very sad last week here a 9 year old boy was kittled from open air exhaust fumes from sitting in the back of the boat near the motor most of the day. he had 72% carbon dioxide in his body-

  9. Isn't it nice NOT to have the a/c on? That lemon meringue pie sounds just fantastic!


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