Monday, June 10, 2024

Summer Cards Update

   Just an update: I had fun Sunday making up 12 Summer cards I had bought some new rubber stamps from a shop on Etsy that I love-thinking the shop owner designs and makes her series Little Ladies

  I added the below to that blog post but thinking no one will see it there

 "Good evening, I spent most of today finishing up making my Summer cards-they were fun and am happy with them. I rarely have a plan I just jump in haha.
   This is now CLOSED-I made a dozen handmade cards and will mail the international cards out tomorrow-June 10th  and the USA cards end of this week. 
   Thank you to the friend that is joining in, the rest of my cards went to a few long time friends and a couple cards will go to my slow mail friends."

  Woke  up this morning to sunshine-finally and NO rain.  We had been getting flooded with hard rain over the weekend and most of last week. 
    Soooo hoping I can begin tackling the very tall grass here-ugh. and the ticks are out-never knew about these bugs til we moved to Missouri in the woods-they are here at the lake as well. So time to get out the bug spray.

  Enjoy your new week ahead.


  1. Glad you had fun making your cards and hope you get sent some lovely ones in return! Hugs, Valerie

    1. thank you Valerie it was fun-trying to get back to my crafts again. I don't expect cards in return but I do love slow mail

  2. Way too cold for an ice-cream here, but I might try again for slow mail... I will! Ack, work-wise these are weird times. Lame excuse, I know!!!! Hugs to you and the lake.....

    1. Oh no hoping you do not have another cold summer-is that normal for Germany? I jst checked the forecast and we are headed towards the 90's F and no rain. No worries Iris-work comes first-hugs

    2. Work should NOT come first!!! But I´m so darn tired.... I´ll do my best because FRIENDSHIP comes first!

    3. take care of You hugs I forgot to take photos of the card when you get yours can take some photos? thanks

  3. My card is in the mail if not there already

    1. thank you it usually takes around 2 weeks or a bit more from Canada ad Europe

  4. I know your cards are wonderful and I hope after they have arrived at their destinations you will share your work with us!

    1. thank you-I never thought to take photos they came out very fun

  5. Aaahhh Spring and Summer cards.... i have the best of intentions... sigh... However! You are next on my list for a snail mail letter... so I'm going to attempt the Spring card at the same time... i don't 'make' alot of cards so i never know how it will turn out.. lol

    The rain keeps missing us here... It goes either North of South of us... The other day we got 2/10ths... We can always use more.. But on the positive side the hail and tornadoes have been missing us too!! :) Big Hugs to you Kathy! deb

    1. Big Hugs back Deb Thankfully we have missed the large hail and tornadoes too-one of the hit just a couple miles of us-so thankful
      I usually have been making my Christmas cards-last year I found an artist on etsy so bought hers instead. I had fun with these cards-played with my new rubber stamps. no worries Deb You have your hands full too right now with the grands. The card making helped me get back to my craft room-it's been a very long time taking care of Larry.
      take care


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