Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Those of you that Stitch-A Question--Updated

   Hello Friends,

       I want to do a little embroidery, I think it would be more fun to learn some new stitches if I had a small project.

   Years ago I bought sets of large blocks that were stamped with the design-and then just rinse when finished and the lines dissolve away Looking online I can not find anything like this. Just finding patterns that are pdf-ugh how would I even get that transferred onto fabric? 

  That all sounds too complicated for me right now

  Soooo do any of you have suggestions on where I can find this online? thanks   The last one I did was a set of 12 inch blocks that I sewed into a quilt and a pillow. Oh and no counted cross stitch for me-just embroidery stitches, don't mind a few of those X's


Update: I just found the company I was looking for Jack Dempsey they have towels and quilt blocks. Back in Illinois there was a sweet little shop with all sorts of craft items and threads etc and she sold these. Now I am remembering I have quilt blocks somewhere that I had laid out in a quilt per my Mom at the time it was soooo large took that all apart-have no clue if I still have that in my stash or not haha.

  The Jack Dempsey just uses very simple stitches but I could always change things up a bit I am thinking

Friday morning early--we are headed towards even hotter days with high humidity-so will be outdoors cutting grass very early this morning.  I am just doing an hour each morning now-to not aggravate my back and shoulders too much.

  I browsed on Ebay for Jack Dempsey embroidery blocks and they have pages of listings found one for flowers which I bought and put a bid on one for wolves-that one was different-all x's and plain is the wolf etc-interesting. 

   If you are hot where you are-stay safe and cool


  1. Have fun with this -Christine

    1. thanks I will I do want to back to learning the sashiko stitches to make the bags I had cut out for my slow mail friends but I need a simple project first

  2. Wishing you well with the new project, Kathy, but sorry I can't be of any help. ANything to do with sewing or the like is not my stronghold.

  3. Good luck with your embroidery. I heard the younger generation is getting back to it. Along with crochet nd cross stitch. Please share your progress. Janice

    1. thank you, this is good news that the younger generation is getting back to stitches

  4. I hope it all works out well. Alas, not a stitcher and no help!

  5. I can ask Ingo, he can sew, if that helps. I have no talent for either, sorry -and I really am! It must be great to have that talent. Hugs to you and the lake (still cold here)

    1. I learned to sew as a child, my Mom grew up a farm girl and they sewed most all of their own clothing. I had to sew my own clothes if I wanted to go to camp for a week-I never enjoyed sewing clothes though-too much math-never was good at how to adjust a pattern to my size.
      we are getting hotter starting today for several days more humidity and higher 90's F ugh hope it warms up for you soon hugs

  6. I'm glad you are finding something to tickle your embroidery fancy. :).. The tropical storm barely made it here... just limping in with cooler but humid temps and misting rain... We'll take it.. everything looks nice and wet and washed off.. lovely... Oh i had to buy a new weedeater... thats one weedeater a year i've been here...uuugh.. they just dont' last.. The first two were Black and Decker this one is a Craftman.. we'll see.. OOooo your making me want to pull out some material and thread..nooooo.. i have a million other things to Today i'm putting together a windchime with metal gold feathers i found years ago at HL... Have a lovely day Kathy! Hugs! deb

    1. good morning, I am glad you got a little rain, but looks like you missed the harder rain. I am on the third year now using a worx it works really really well. back then someone we new was selling some items and this looked like it had never been used. we have been happy with this brand.
      I was not going to buy anything but I ended up browsing on ebay for that embroidery co. and they had pages of listings-the wolf one was interesting

  7. There used to be a lot of stitching places around, including a lot more fabric shops. Times change I guess. I hope you have some fun. hugs-Erika

    1. I agree times change. I live rural so I don't really see what is happening out there in the cities. I do remember growing up as a kid-my Mom made most all of our clothes and at that time fabric stores were for clothing making when quilts were super popular all I saw were quilting shops. My Mom would make a once in a year trip to chicago to a very huge fabric shop to buy for our clothes. she did make my father a couple suits as well, and she made all her drapes in the house too.
      sewing was forced upon me back them, I never was good at math so was not good with adjusting patterns to fit me.
      stores like Joanns in the cities always had a little bit of everything-have not lived near one of those in a long time either.
      I need a project that I don't need to think too much-my mind needs to be alert and focussed to weave so I am hoping this stitchng will be fun


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