Saturday, June 15, 2024

Wolves & Stitching

   Those of you that have been online friends with me for some time-know my love for wolves.

Our beloved Nikita, a wolf, that Larry rescued from people who had no clue how to take care of and should never had gotten her in the first place was our fur family member for many years. She was truly a part of our family. We still miss her so much. We always had German short haired pointers for our family pet before her. Larry trained them to hunt pheasants and to be loving family members. We were getting older and not hunting for the pheasants any more so when our last one passed we didn't intend to get another.  Well until Larry rescued Nikita. Personally I do not think that a wild animal should be bred to sell pups. 

    If you haven't seen on social media about the horrible torture and killing of a female wolf pup, it has reached a global following.   I just won't go into all the politics about this in our western states-but if interested this has started a movement to protect our nation's wildlife from torture and senseless killing. I don't get into politics and issues here on my blog-but this has really upset me-so am following this movement that is now headed to DC this month to hold a rally and talk with congress to get the laws changed.

   This has gotten me back into reading Rick Mcintyre's books. I have discovered he has written more books than I realized so am searching them out. I also saw on Amazon he has a new release in October. His books are quite expensive new so I search for used books.

  Being so downhearted about all this I bought myself a wolf charm and a St Francis of Assisi medal made and from Italy that I found on Etsy. I had a small medal that I added to Nikitas tags back then.

  Being a senior I am watching the decline of our society over the past several years-disheartening to watch occur. I believe this ties in with the brutality of our wildlife-which I can not wrap my head around.

 On a happier note-I started watching the embroidery videos at the link I shared on my last post. I went through my fabric stash and found a pretty blue that came from a ladies pant leg that I had picked up at resale shops years ago. I used to make a lot of quilts from recycled clothing-looked for 100% cotton.

  I also ran into two pieces of flower pounding I did soon after we retired in 2003. I had gone to a fiber retreat for a weekend with my husband's pushing me to go. I did have fun and is the only one I have ever gone to. One of the classes there was flower pounding. It really is fun.

  Anyways, I ended up ironing these two pieces and at the end of this summer class of learning embroidery stitches-I am going to embroider around these pounded flowers and leaves. and probably make into a pillow. I had done this with a very small piece back then and the little pillow still sets on my desk. For some reason that piece held a bit more colors.

  The flower pounding is a fun project and is so pretty for the first year, but soon after it will  go to these browns. I did soaked this cloth in a mordant first.  I think it will be pretty with stitches.

  Being in the 90's the lake is crazy busy today. I just close the blinds as sometimes it is too much. Well we did buy a lake house on one of the main channels  smiles

Enjoy the rest of your weekend



  1. I did not know one could raise wolves -Christine

    1. I think here in the states the laws are probably different in all states. I personally don't think it is a good idea-they should remain the wild. when we got her as a puppy we took here in to the vet- and he says ok I will put her down as a mixed german shepherd we told him we rescued her from a bad situation that was in Illinois, here in Missouri back 20 years ago it was legal

  2. We actually have a rescue wolf program going on here in Michigan in our Upper Peninsula. We also have a program where we re-introduced elk back into our state, which was such a success where we now have an annual elk hunt. Such a shame that they hunt the wild horses, wolves and bison out West...mostly illegally. Also sad they that there is illegal breeding of wolves with dogs. glad you were able to rescue Nikita. Janice

    1. This is good news for your state. thanks for sharing,
      I am reading a book right now that was suggested reading about our wolves in the western states. I knew it was bad but is much worse than I had thought. the us government protects the ranchers when they over kill wolves and other wildlife. and I didn't realize these rich ranchers rent govt land for their cattle and expect the govt to pay for kills and they are doing it. this is really messed up in those states-I will never visit that area again.
      there is a rally happening in DC on June 26th to protect our wildlife. they plan to set up meetings with congress to form a bill to protect.

  3. I'm glad I didn't see that wolf video. That sounds really disturbing. Poor wolves. I realize they are predators, but they deserve a place in this planet too. Stay cool Kathy. hugs-Erika

    1. Yes we all need to live together on this planet looks like a long stretch of days of 90's here

    2. Yes that video was very disturbing-I am following a biker/dog trainer that is leading the movement to protect our wildlife from this happening again

  4. Dear Kathy I am always heartbroken when I read about senseless killing and torture of God's creatures - animal and human as well. That old song "Bless the Beasts & The Children" echoes in my memory. Stay cool friend. Hugs!

    1. i have been very heartbroken and not understanding this torture to one of God's creatures as well really do not understand this mindset and those citizens in that state for the most part are supporting this behavior


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