Wednesday, June 12, 2024

We are Headed to the 90's F

   It was a matter of when not if here in SW Missouri for the 90's to arrive. It starts today and looks like for a couple weeks.

  I did finally get to the grocery store early yesterday, but the other day when walking down the hill and steps my left knee popped or stretched out too much or something. This left knee has not given me any troubles for many years  now-I had to think about where my knee support was.

  Back around 2000 after we bought our woods property, we had someone set up hunting stands-back then I was climbing up in those with my muzzle loader or my bow. Had opportunities to shoot but I never did-anyways one of the tree stands had the step into the stand too far away and  I messed  up my knee. It only gave me troubles off and on. I had taken a couple very strong shots in the knee that would help for 5 or 6 years. I refused the operation if I didn't actually have to have it.

  So this was a surprise when this happened.again. It feels swollen inside and not real steady-so the knee support helps a lot.

  I will be out early today working on getting the tall grass knocked down-we have had so much rain since the month of May and most of June as well.

 I posted a few photos on my Instagram page of the gorgeous amaryllis blooms and another bloom that the butterflies love.  

As you can tell, I am not posting as much as I used to. 

   Praying Larry continues to get better and I am hoping to get back to my crafts more. Our Wisconsin friends may take a drive down for a long weekend with us soon. Had not seen them in  a couple years now. We look forward to seeing them again.

   I do enjoy reading your posts, but I think I will continue to slow down with social media.

 I do still enjoy letter writing with friends so if interested and you like to write slow mail  just contact me. 

  I was writing many letters to seniors for Letters Against Isolation but have dropped out of that program. At my age now I don't need time deadlines which was one of the reasons I have stopped participating.

 We have reached "hump day" again-I can see that June is already flying by too fast.


  1. June is flying way to fast, isn't it? The 90's (they say) are coming our way next week. I need to finish some gardening before that. I hope Larry continues to improve, and stay cool Kathy. hugs-Erika

    1. Yes June is flying by way too fast for me. The 90's start today and looks like for the next 2 weeks at least. Larry had quite the set back from over doing-he started walking in the house with his cane yesterday. You stay cool as well hugs back

  2. I think time does fly as we get older... I'm soon to be 57 and i have noticed it.. I made the decision months ago to step away from the blog and tparty... I've had several urges to return but have not followed through.. Now that i think about it i suppose i should post on the blog once in awhile just to keep it active and so a scammer won't take it over... ?! Anyways.. There are days i never sit at my computer now.. It feels good to 'reclaim' that time.. Now i have to break the habit i've fallen into of scrolling through Facebook on my phone! I never would have thought that would be me!

    Always praying for Larry's recovery... and that you find a way back to your crafty time.. keeps one sane... Have a wonderful visit with your friends. Your flower photos are gorgeous... I've seen that Amaryllis . I think it might be called StarGazer... ?
    Cutting down the weeds and grass here is a constant battle all Spring.. then sometime in the Summer with the heat and lack of rain most die back and my job gets easier.. lol This morning i'm up early to paint fence instead of weed eat.. then i have a Granddaughter coming for a visit. She stays about 4 hours .. we play and go to lunch... great fun.. Take care Kathy! Hope you have some lovely Summer days ahead of you! Hugs! deb

    1. Good morning Deb, I dropped out of the T group too-when there are many posting it takes a lot of time to visit read and comment on each one. and still there were many that never visited me so I don't miss the T group all that much.
      I do try to post something at least once or twice a week to keep in touch with friends
      I do visit several bloggers during the week but I limit my time on blogger. I scroll through facebook too-haha but I have groups I visit there like the national parks, nature, craft interests no politics at all. I enjoy scrolling through Instagram once a day-I have that one set up too for just my own interests. and I like to check in on Pinterest as I have that one set up for crafts and herbs foods
      sounds like here with all the rain the grass and weeds has gotten ahead of me but once the 90's arrive every day and less rain hopefully a lot less cutting.
      Have fun with your grand daughter-sounds fun.
      Hugs back

  3. Hello friend! We are very cool weathered here now, but it's going to change. I have thought often of writing to you-I will-I promise! I think the other bloom with the butterfly on it is a type of milkweed. I have orange ones and oink ones-oops I mean pink ones!
    I hope you eyes are better. I still struggle with this dry eye thing. It's not fun at all. Hoping Larry will get better.

    1. Good morning Debra, I will write to you soon as well. I was thinking this was a milkweed thanks-I started some from seed last year.
      My eyes are finally getting better. I went back to the eye doctor, and he said can never use too much of the eye drops-so I have been using more each day. I use refresh plus found a good price on sam's club site. I also found one that has more lubricant in it by the same company-but that one is pretty expensive. I hunted online and bought a few boxes of that one. I had bought a heated eye mask from amazon and the doctor was not thrilled about that. I did stop that-sent it back-and my eyes are doing better since I quit using that.
      Larry continues to try to walk-he overdid it one week and that set him back a couple weeks.
      Take care my friend-hang in there with your eyes hugs

  4. Yikes. 90s and a bad knee. I hope both ease up soon. Perhaps the visit with your friends will be good medicine for both you and Larry -- at least a break in the action!

    1. Yes we will really enjoy seeing them again. they have done a lot of traveling the last couple of years, and Larry was too ill last year. a break indeed-thanks

  5. Safe travels for your friends. Temps will be in the 90's here too soon. Hope your knee gets better and also hoping Larry is getting stronger. Janice

    1. Thank you Janice I am not ready for 90's just yet but summer will be here soon

  6. My side of the state is receiving the same weather. We closed up the house last night and turned on the air conditioner. Unless the weather breaks I won't get to listen to the night sounds when I'm falling asleep until after Labor Day.

    1. we needed to turn our a/c on too ugh I don't keep real cold though have it set at 78 degrees f enjoy your summer

  7. Your weather has heat up faster than here in NH, Kathy, and that said we're expected to get into the 90s next week. I have some good reading that will keep me cool and inside for sure. Sorry to read about the knee being aggravated and hope it feels better with the support. Also, good thoughts for Larry feeling better too as he has had such a hard time. Hope you will be able to find some time to do a few crafts.


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