Monday, July 1, 2024

Hello July

 Wow I still can not wrap my head around how very fast Summer is flying by. 

   The lake was crazy busy all weekend with fireworks around us too. I  think many came out this weekend as so far the 4th looks like more rain storms. We did however, have another severe storm come through again this weekend as well. Our neighbor made it back from boating with about 5 minutes to spare. The skies got black and the lake looked like an ocean with the high waves.

  We are enjoying lots of fresh fruits since my last grocery store visit-melons, cherries, berries, yellow kiwis. 

   Scanning through Facebook I found another Snoopy to share. Snoopy has me smiling

  I am still enjoying watching pro baseball - the KC Royals continue to improve their game and are so fun to watch play.  I grab my embroidery piece while watching the games. This wolf block is mostly those X's, have found a better way to stitch those too. I was stitching each X seperately  as per instructions I found online-but found they come out nicer if I stitch one side of several in a row and then go back to stitch the second line of the X. Stitches up faster too.

  If you celebrate the 4th-any plans??   I will be making us baby back barbecue ribs in the oven, probably make us potato salad along with assorted fruits and hope to have refrigerator space for the lemon meringue pie  Happy July


  1. Sounds like you could spare a little rain for that not the way it goes? Too wet or not wet enough :)!! Hope you will share your embroidery project when it is finished. Glad you are enjoying baseball. I admit I am not into sports. Perhaps in my next life I will take to a few!! By the way have decided your house sounds pretty great for the 4th of July...can I bring Dick and Kelsey?? Have a lovely holiday friend. Hugs!

    1. Good morning I am the sports watcher in the house-smiles Larry doesn't watch any sports-mostly because they are all way overpaid which I would have to agree with. baseball is fun when your team is winning the Royals this year are a young team and quite exciting to watch this year. I am look forward to the olympics too.
      Yes it is I love fireworks but not the crowds-pretty special I can sit in a chair or on the deck and watch them all around us-pretty fun hugs happy 4th

  2. Hubby says.... can we come visit for ribs and potato salad? lol . No rain here but then no severe weather either... thank goodness.. No rain means i can stay on top of my Hugs! deb

    1. Yes finally got one side caught up now the other side will need cutting once it stops raining. I totally gave up on my flower gardens-sigh.
      Yes I think Larry "might' share the ribs-smiles enjoy your 4th hugs

  3. Thunder and rain this morning, too - which I love - - but way too cold for summer.
    Hope your 4th isn´t too crazy and loud, hugs to you and the lake.
    I have the 5th off and plan BAKING :-)

    1. Hope you get some summer weather this year Iris, I remember last year you had a cold summer too-hugs. Baking how fun!! what you going to bake??

  4. Oh no on more storms. Glad your neighbor made it home alright. When I cross stitch I go across one way and back the other. Faster for me. Happy July! Days are getting shorter already. Janice

    1. I was happy to see our neighbor got back too-I am glad I tried that with the cross stitch-goes much faster and my X's look better too I am ready for fall haha

  5. The lake sounds dramatic in the storms.
    All that fresh fruit sings to me of whip cream!

    The plan here this year is bring out own lunch gathering of neighbors. It is a lot easier than potluck and bring a dish plan. I can't face one more macaroni salad.

    Happy 4th of July
    God Bless America!

  6. Yummmy food for the fourth. We are having company and will see the fireworks on the 3rd. It will be crazy busy here all the tourists will be here.

    1. same here the 4th is usually crazy busy on the lake-will be interesting this year with all the storms thought--right now as I write this-fireworks are going off-Happy 4th

  7. Fresh fruit sounds so good! And I love your Snoopy. July? Not possible!

  8. It's hard to believe it's July, isn't it? I hope your weather isn't too wet for the 4th. We've had wet weekends for weeks now, but maybe the 4th will actually be nice, which is what the weather folks are saying. Enjoy your ribs and watching all the boats. hugs-Erika

    1. Yes the months are flying by way too fast right now. we have had so much rain with strong winds and lightening too. we will Happy 4th


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