Tuesday, July 2, 2024

A Look at my Stitches

  A few of you asked for photos. The photo showed all one color-red-ugh haha  I decided to use blues for the sky, and then I will decide on greens and browns for the landscape-perhaps try to stitch a mountain with the X's not sure yet.

   I did add a lighter blue within the main blue

    I am not real crazy about the bird on the left but not sure I can match in the X's Any suggestions on what stitch to use for the outlines of the stars, wolf etc?

The photos will enlarge for better viewing-just click on them. 


  1. I think this will be wonderful when you finish and can't wait to see.

  2. The owl is supposed to underline the night but it also takes some of the focus away from the wolf... because the stars are completely sufficient for the night sky... and if you don't want to embroider the owl you could add two small stars instead. I would probably fill the stars full with yarn.
    A hug for you from Viola
    I wish you much joy :-))

    1. Good morning Viola, and thank you so much for these suggestions. I don't care for this owl either I will see what I can figure out. I was thinking of filling in all the motifs but not sure about the fabric for that-may try it though
      thanks again

  3. This is coming along great Kathy. I love the contrast of the dark and light blues. Besides the wolf there is that cool owl. Are they done in cross stitch also? Happy July 4th. hugs-Erika

    1. Yes the whole piece is done in cross stitch and then the shapes show up. I think it will need some sort of stitch around all stars wolf etc.

  4. Brings back memories of me at 15 when my gramma started me in cross stitch with these type of projects. Looking good. Janice

    1. My Mom was raised a farm girl and she did a lot of embroidery when she was growing up-but for some reason something she never introduced me to. when she was in her early 80's she went back to embroidery and enjoyed it-that's how I got started as I finished her projects and made one into a quilt and another one into a pillow

  5. Kathy that is fabulous!!! I have to say i think all those X's would drive me a little crazy.. lol ! I have done my fair share of cross stitch patterns but its been awhile.. I think all those X's would be daunting! I cannot wait to see how this comes out. I think whatever animals you decide to include should be outlined. I think you would be much happier with the outcome. I could see leaving the owl out or in.. But i KNOW you love wolves so i think it would look totally great with just the wolf.. What about using a metallic thread for the stars?? Have a great day today Kathy.. Its been busy here ... swimming with the girls yesterday.. Golf with hubby today... then the girls tonight for the 4th... for Sparklers and Watermelon... Then a Day with Grandma tomorrow for the eldest Autumn = Dinosaur Museum... Lunch ... Library... Grandma is then going to enjoy a nice quiet weekend... 'knock on wood'.. I've been enjoying painting rocks into Ladybugs...lol Hugs! deb

    1. I agree this is a lot of X's for sure I have never seen a wolf in these patterns before and it was unique how the motifs were formed.
      You are very busy Grandma for sure-but sounds fun. are the girls living with you now?
      Please share the lady bugs hugs and Happy 4th


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