Monday, July 15, 2024

Another Hot Weather Day

  Like allot of us in the states this year-Missouri has had a very hot and humid summer so far, along with more than usual rain throw in. Today looks like a really really hot day-found this state map on Facebook yesterday These are the predicted temps with the humidity figured in

  After today more rain and a cool down-hopefully I can back to grass cutting after the rain this week.  I did go fresh food shopping yesterday as soon as the stores opened at 7 am and it was already very hot and humid. Even more so by the time I got back home and unloaded everything down the hill and steps. I figure this is my exercise as we are pretty much stuck in the house these days..

  This weather has really gotten to my allergies and Larry too-we both have one ear full of drainage and pain. I keep an herbal Oreganol-oil of oregano around as a form of antibiotic. It keeps things in check usually.  Still too difficult for Larry to get up the stairs into a car etc to see a doctor. 

  We have new health insurance this year provided by AT&T when I retired with them back in 2003. It is much less costly per month and they seem to be more "hands on"  This morning a nurse practitioner is coming out to go through our medicines. They called several times as I saw no need for this. The insurance will give us  each $50.00 for agreeing to this service. Larry says well that's $100.00 towards groceries. So will see how that goes.

  Last night I did finish all those X's on the first of 6 of the wolf blocks. What is left to do is a running type stitch that goes around the whole design to stitch and also around the stars etc.  I was looking at a piece my Mom had started-that I had finished the embroidery on, and turned into a pillow  It is by the same embroider company--and the trees etc have that outline stitch but then are filled in with the X's in different colors-green for trees etc.  So I am going to get out my ruler and see if I can do a better layout for the  X's inside the trees, wolf, stars and moon. I will like it more than just leaving all that white fabric showing, especially the wolf. We will see how that goes. I am treating this first block as my learning piece.

  I have been wanting to make us a from scratch lemon meringue pie, but it is either raining or too humid to make the meringue. Hoping to be able to make it later in the week.

  Happy new week everyone


  1. You have been busy as always! Sorry that you both have problems with allergies. Stay well, hugs, Valerie

  2. It's been screaming hot here too. I was sweating just sitting on the couch watching TV. It's time to lay low! Hang in there.

    1. Looks like across the country is too hot this summer hugs

  3. Oh, it has been hot here for days so unlike our normal weather. I am so over it!
    I think we have 2 more days of humidity and then the temps are still hot but not the humidity.
    Looking forward to seeing your work again.
    Pie sounds lovely but I am not cooking much right now with the heat.

    1. I am making us very simple meals too and fresh fruits too

  4. We're hot at my house but you are hotter than we are. I hope it cools off soon. Summer haw become a lot like winter keeping people inside with the AC running. Stay cool. hugs-Erika

    1. think a lot of the county is very hot this summer rain coming in now with thunder and lightening I am pretty much indoors too-the humidity is pretty extreme here this month so far you stay cool as well hugs

  5. Good luck with the insurance visit. $100 will surely help in groceries for sure. Heavy rain the past 2 days here and very humid as well. I dont go out these days except for work back and forth. Janice

    1. we have a couple days of a cool down finally-storms in the area most of today-again-ugh I never heard of this service before but the np was very nice and helpful

  6. Good Morning Kathy!!
    So nice to see a post from you this morning... I'am indeed sitting here having my cup of coffee ...I stepped outside to collect my 'Moon Tea' this morning and it was warm and muggy already (7am). I see Fall decorations showing up in the stores and let me tell you i'm ready for some Fall... its been a long , HOT Summer already.. I'am a NightOwl so being up this early is odd for me.. but we have a little one coming this morning about 10 and i need to get a few things done.. We have a plan for Chinese Food later...:)

    Well at least they are willing to pay for something you don't really want to do.. lol That seems so odd.. they will pay YOU for coming to check your pills... weird.. Now if only they could figure out how to get Larry up the hill and to a doctor.. Maybe the could send an ambulance with a couple strong , strapping guys to get him up the hill...
    I think your wolf project will be lovely when finished... Good to have a practice block! Big Hugs from Texas! deb

    1. I seem to stay up too late these days but then wake up 4 or 5 hours later--ugh-thought that was strange too with the insurance paying us to come out-I really think they are hooked with medicare so a bit leery about that but it's done now. we are looking into those outdoor chair lifts-our steps are so uneven-narrow on top with the railing and then the steps widen a lot they come friday.
      the ambulance guys will do that-but it needs to be connected to a hosp visit.they are great guys we have a volunteer fire dept.
      Yesterday I marked out some lines so will see what happens with those X's

  7. Stay cool!
    Your hot and humid has reached us here in Vermont.
    Today is pretty bad compared to other awful high heat index days. The A/C is constantly on despite being at the economy setting when it only turns of when the room temp goes up.
    Allergies have also been a bother. Daylilies are in full bloom everywhere. They are gorgeous, but big allergen sources for me.


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