Saturday, July 13, 2024

Prayers for our Country

   It is time to pray for our country and start caring and loving one another again.

   The lies, corruption, and especially the false rhetoric from the left and the news media needs to stop. Since the days of Obama's presidency 'til  present day-what has happened to us as a society?  Very few civil conversations occur for discussing one's viewpoints on things-you either agree or you are shut down instantly. I am a senior now so I see the changes in our society.

I wonder what the world is thinking right now about our country?? 

   I remember when John F Kennedy was assassinated, I was in 6th or 7th grade at the time, and we were all crying in the hallways and shocked. I will never forget that day. 

   I was watching the KC Royals game this afternoon that was not going so well, so I looked for Newsmax to watch the Trump rally. I watched the attempted assassination live  If Trump would have tilted his head just slightly he would have been assassinated this afternoon.  

   I believe God saved Trump today-to save our once great country.


   I will be praying  to save our forefather's vision of our country and it's citizens, I believe we need to reflect and turn to God


  1. Sending prayers -Christine

  2. My news reading is limited to online reading in the mornings for less than an hour because that’s all the doom and gloom I can handle and sadly there is much.

    1. I stopped watching the news or any form of it about 6 years or more ago. when I watched something live and then saw how a news show lied about it I was done. so I do the same not every day but I will scan on the computer a bit to see what is happening we live in a very sick world now

  3. Like you I was watching live. I put my hand on my mouth and was terrified at what I saw. The Left's portrayal of Former President Trump as a dictator and comparing him to Hitler and even some of them wishing he were dead...those folks need to be deeply ashamed for their rhetoric. They could have had blood on their hands. Bob and I had a feeling this would happen...and it did. I truly believe God intervened in this and unfortunately the left is still projecting rhetoric of Trump was just injured at rally. Trump unfit to lead America. This is so disgusting. It needs to stop....but this needs to stops. The Left needs to STOP. I will be praying for our country. Janice

    1. Good morning, I totally agree with you-my husband and I were thinking the same thing. I watch Benny Johnson sometimes on fb or instagram-and he shared an excellent video. about this incident. Not sure why our country has turned away from a loving nation to such hated supported by nothing but lies and propaganda-we are acting like one of those third world counties in recent years. I think many have no family structure with God as the center any more. sad to watch this all unfold and it started back in the Obama years.
      so far the left hasn't sent me hatred responses as of yet anyways.
      I decided if they do I will post it for all to view

  4. Left AND Right need to tone it down in general. And both have for a long while. But yes, our country needs our prayers.

    1. agree We need to listen and be respectful of one another

  5. You know I am not a fan of Trump, but an attempted assassination is not the answer, and can only be condemned. Both sides need to get back to being civil to each other. Hugs, Valerie


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