Friday, February 16, 2024

Winter Arrived Today

     We have been enjoying spring weather here, but today winter decided to blow back in.

Started with rain that turned to ice and then several inches of snow and cold with lots of wind too brrrr. The house feels really cold today with all that wind and change of weather.

  I did not even tackle walking up steps and the hill to check my mailbox today. Don't need to risk another fall.  I was going to have a friend drive me over to pick up my car today but everything was ice this morning-so we do not need to get out on the roads.  I did enough of that in my younger years in northern Illinois driving to work in winter. 

  Surprising there was actually a few boats on the lake this morning too.

I have gotten a few very thoughtful and lovely Valentine's cards in the mail this week-thank you so much for thinking of me-I love surprises in my mailbox. I also got Bleubeard and Elizabeth's T anniversary atc that I love, with special postcards-I will share hers next week  Hugs to you all.

  I only have one KC Chiefs sweatshirt that I bought a few years ago, and it was a vintage one-bummer though I was cleaning and splattered bleech on the front-what was I thinking??. I am still soooo bumbed about  that. 

   I explored Etsy and found a shop here in Missouri that is screenprintig shirts-so I bought a sweatshirt that says back to back super bowls.  I also looked for a friendship bead bracelet on Etsy in Chiefs colors-those seem to be super popular now, influenced by Taylor Swift. I found another Missouri shop that was making them at a very afforable price. 

   I probably have at least a dozen Green Bay Packers sweatshirts-some of them are at least 30 years old now or older, so I wanted one more KC Chiefs wear. This year I also found a vintage large and comfy Notre Dame college (South Bend Indiana) sweatshirt that I enjoy wearing.

   Those of you that are seniors do you enjoy still wearing your teams colors?

I think tomorrow sounds like a perfect day to make an apple crisp in cast iron-have not made one in awhile. I even have some vanilla ice cream in the freezer too.

  Happy Friday and Weekend!


  1. It really looks cold, brrr. Yes, I still have Braunschweig Lions shirts and not willing to let go of them (they are now called New Yorker Lions after their sponsor, how dumb is that!).
    Taylor Swift, and I admit I know not one of her songs, is non-stop in the news here as she gives three concerts in Melbourne. What a (stupid) hype!
    But, if she makes people happy, with that to a yummy weekend, hugs to you and the lake!

    1. I know Taylor Swift has a huge tour she is doing all over the world now I think. I admire her work ethic and helping others when she can. she has a huge teen following. your shirt is probably vintage now-hugs

  2. Replies
    1. thank you I wanted the house for the lake views-the house is not in good shape though-worse than I realized but we say now "I got my view" haha

  3. Your pictures are wonderful! Brrr for another winter’s day. We got the cold winds but, thankfully, not the snow. It looks like the perfect sweatshirt kind of day, and an apple crisp sounds perfect. Mary @ Hilltop Post

    1. Hi Mary yes winter is always lovely to look at when it first falls-I just don't drive in it anymore if I don't have to. Happy weekend

  4. We've had a bit of winter this week too. Sorry to read about your sweatshirt. I've done that a few times, which is really frustrating. When I'm home I usually dress pretty grungy, just so I don't ruin good clothes. Between cleaning products and art supplies like paint and glue, I'm always covered with something. Have a great weekend and hope it warms up for you.hugs-Erika

    1. Hi I was so upset with myself that I didn't put on a "grubby" shirt instead of my vintage one-oh well lesson learned, I am more careful nw. Happy weekend

  5. An apple crisp sounds terrific! We had snow this week, too -- not a lot, but a reminder not to ever take February for granted! And yes, I periodically will wear team colors. Not a lot because I have trouble deciding on a team these days!

    1. If you don't live near a team hard to choose I would think. KC Chiefs is in Missouri and Mahomes is just amazing to watch play-they have excellent coaches too I love my sports sweatshirts I have blankets for my teams too

  6. Toronto had some snow also but this has been a mild winter

    1. very mild here too except for period of the arctic blast I will take that over lots of snow though

  7. It is still beautiful. Does the deck overlook the water?

    1. Yes winter can be very beautiful Yes we face the lake and have a wall of windows facing that direction-awesome sunises and some months moon too

  8. OOOOooo stay warm Kathy!!!! We are cold here too and windy but no rain or snow and probably not as COLD as But when you've been used to a high in the 70's lately .. a high in the 40's is We have been invited out to lunch with some of Alvin's golf pals so we will venture out for that... I have dug out my letter writing material that i buried when the kids were living here... so expect one SOON!!! OH! And Happy Belated Valentines Day... I'm not off to a good start this year.. Hugs! deb

    1. I miss writing too, only sent out around 6 cards this year. we have near 70 too all last week crazy weather all over the country I am thinking. hard to adjust when it drops so cold it is around 1:30 pm here and just hit the low 20's F I probably won't venture to the mailbox again today either have fun going out to lunch I am thinking they are all ready for a golf game hugs

  9. It looks very pretty, but stay home snd stay safe! Hugs, Valerie

  10. Seeing pictures of your deck in the snow is strange. Sorry, but it does look pretty in a way. Team shirts. I've not ever worn one. Reading your post, I think it would be fun to wear a team sweatshirt.

    Stay safe from the icy weather!

    1. I like team shirts they are fun to wear, and sweatshirts are cozy in the winter months

  11. The only team shirts I wear are from the University of Michigan. Love the Wolverines! Yes pray for Kansas City. Bob and I went there about 8 years ago. We had another inch of snow this morning, But melted already. Janice

    1. Good morning Sunday, we have a warm up tomorrow so most of the ice and snow should get melted off. I love the Notre Dame sweatshirt I found-its a vintage one-I look for them on ebay good memories from my youth so glad I found them on the tv now


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