Saturday, January 27, 2024


 Good .morning, and happy weekend 

   If you watch pro football- the games to determine the superbowl teams will be on Sunday. I have also been enjoying watching the national figure skating event-I always enjoy that too.

   My computer is getting worse-whatever is going out is on the brink of really going out. Early in the morning, I get on and do a few things, but after that as the day progresses I can not read anything on the screen.

   My computer set up is old, the monitor was a hand me down from Hubs when he upgraded a couple years ago-so it's time.  I was looking at large chromebooks or similiar but those are much more expensive than a desk computer-which I have always had. I also need a new printer as well-ugh.  The new computer arrived yesterday, so when Larry is up to it, he will set it up for me. I know nothing about  them except to type on them-smiles.

  Larry is improving but then he has another setback. Last week he can finally put full weight on his legs. He worked with standing and walking with a walker with the therapist-wednesday and thursday. As expected the extreme pain has returned and friday he couldn't stand at all. This is still a challenge for him.

 About three weeks ago, just before the really bad weather hit-my car decided not to start. This happened last year as well.So thinking what ever is attached to the battery must be the problem as this is a new battery from last year.Our friend near us here on the lake, hopefully will have time to charge the battery and then follow me to the auto repair shop near us today some time. They are very busy people and are always on the go-so I don't like to ask for help unless I really need it.

  My freezer and shelves are always stocked with foods but I am out of fresh items. Always challenges .

  We were not able to view the wolf full moon this week as we have allot of fog and cloud cover here.

  Just thought I would pop in for a catch up post as I won't be online much til my new computer is set up.

  Happy weekend and new week ahead!


  1. Well my friend so good to hear from you.. Glad you are getting a new computer. I have always loved desk tops... Using a laptop is still quite new to me relatively speaking... although i've used it for years now and am very used to it.. It is an ASUS VivoBook ... and it does what little i need it to do.. I like the laptop because i can put it wherever... It is almost always on my kitchen table because usually its jut hubby and i.. and that way i'm not squirreled away in a room or office. I can still feel like i'm part of the 'action' whatever 'action' that Its been good .. i think if i had to go off in a room to use it i probably wouldn't use it very much..
    Glad to hear Larry is making progress.. even with the setbacks... Kudos to him for doing it without pain meds.. i don't think i could have done it.. Everyone is sick here ... again... stuffy head, sore throat uuughh.. Having a houseful is reallyl starting to wear on everyone.. This time next week they will be moving into their new apartment... send me a little strength.. :) Take care dear friend.. i hope your car repair is minor.. ( from past experience.. have you cleaned the battery posts lately?) Hugs! deb

    1. Good morning, My new computer is up and running well this morning-so happy. The new monitor was acting up so we went through our wire cables and changed theirs up and now it works-a good think. I thought I would really like a large lap top too so it would mobile but those were double the price-this new computer has a very small system which is nicer than my old one. Love the new monitor, now hunting for a new printer.
      I know nothing about cars and this is an old mountainer which was very expensive back in the day-built well, so I keep it going. It may need a new alternator or new cables-hoping to get it to the auto shop monday.
      Glad you are enjoying your family-but I know you will welcome the quiet-hugs

  2. Hi Kathy! Sorry everything is breaking down. I have the same problem here. I have a new smartphone, but still need a laptop and a TV. Everything is old and broken, a bit like me. Hope Larry soon feels better! Hugs, Valerie

    1. I think these things go in cycles-the new computer is set up now and very nice-and much smaller the very old one I had. next for us will be new appliances-as these were old that were here already-ugh sounds expensive
      thank you about Larry I tell him not to get discouraged or overdo hugs

  3. Replies
    1. Yes I am sure it is-but I think whatever the battery is hooked to is the problem

  4. Sorry for all of your bad luck lately. I know nothing about computers either. I forgot to reach out to you that anything you see on my blog for crafts can be purchased. I have many bloggers who purchase what they see as I do not have an Etsy account. I usually do Paypal, but a few will write me checks. The only thing is I do have to charge our 4% sales tax because we do have a business. Janice

    1. Thank you so much Janice-I will remember that-I got rid of my paypal account a couple years ago-they did something I didn't care for which I can't remember now what that was so deleted my account.

  5. It sounds like a rough week. I'm sorry to hear all that and hope everything is resolved soon and Larry is (literally) back on his feet again soon. I'll be watching too - I'm not a huge football fan but our Detroit Lions are having the season of dreams (after years of awful!) so I'll be "there!"

    1. I will be watching both games today-hoping the Lions win I do care for the SF team at all

  6. Oh dear not fun when computers, cars etc break down.
    Hope things will be sorted soon.

    On a positive note you sound well stocked up with freezer food.
    I always keep some frozen and canned vegetables in case of emergencies, they can be very handy.

    Sending my good wishes to you and Larry, may he feel better soon.
    Take care.

    All the best Jan

    1. Hi Jan, I was brought up by a farm girl Mom so I have always had a garden or bought fresh from a farmers market to can and freeze-so It's in my blood haha Hopefully Monday-tomorrow my friends will get my car started and I get drive it to the auto repair shop.
      Larry has the new computer working this morning-now I can finally see color, and read the screen haha We was a bit today and yesterday-not walking yet though-that will take time hugs Happy new week

  7. I do know why I gave my private laptop to my admin to take care... I cannot do it myself, either.
    Hope yours is running normal again very soon, such a hassle!
    Hope Larry keeps on going,,,
    And certainly your car had to join the package, huh? Oh, boy.
    At least you have enough in the freezer!
    Funny, last night I dreamed about the moon. It was beautiful (we live in the city, I cannot really see it from here).
    Hope all turns out good after all, hugs to you and the lake!

    1. Good morning Iris, things looking up today so far. Larry set up my new computer yesterday-but the montior was acting up-kept flashing, going dark-so we went through a drawer full of wire connections-and changed up what came with the monitor--so far working good. and wow I can finally view photos how cool is that ?? haha
      I could have done with out no car, Monday our friends will help me charge the battery and hopefully get it to the repair shop-and then my friend's wife will take me to a small grocery store to see if I can pick up some fresh foods-I need a bigger store shopping but this will get me by.
      Hugs Larry is struggling but doing a bit everyday

  8. Sorry about the set backs. What kind of PC did you get. Mine is like your old one. I am anxious for spring/summer so I can get the garden in. Food in general but fresh produce is so expensive here. Hope your day is a good one.

  9. Oh I am so very sorry your husband is still having such issues. (((Hugs)))
    And just what you need is computer issues and car trouble.
    I wish I were closer so I could help out


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