Sunday, December 24, 2023

Merry Christmas


   I am not one to get depressed about things, I have always been good at bouncing back from tough things or life challenges. 

  I won't lie to myself-I am very depressed today, 

    Larry is just not getting better-sadly. The brand new mattress is still too high for him from the wheel chair. 

Am thankful that I have a blow up mattress-a queen size in case of overnight visitors I was able to set up for him yesterday. 

  I am praying for another Christmas miracle Tonight I am drinking one of those egg nogs with spirits in it already and watching Christmas movies.

  I needed to express my thoughts tonight some how-- so my blog is it at the moment

For smiles I am loving Snoopy over on my Facebook feed


  1. Oh Kathy I am so sorry. I pray he can get some good rehab and good healing.
    Sending hugs

  2. Hopefully the Christmas movies do the trick and you have a Christmas miracle!

  3. So sorry to hear Larry isn't recovery very quickly. And so sorry to hear you're feeling sad tonight. It's tough. I hope the eggnog and movies cheer you up, and that you can squeeze some smiles out on this holiday. Thinking of you Kathy. Hugs-Erika

  4. Sending healing prayers, I understand your feelings.

  5. Prayers for you and Larry's health
    You are not alone being depressed.
    I've eaten every sugary treat in the fridge and cupboard. Reading your post, I remember I bought blackberry brandy for the holiday!

    I will toast to y'all's happiness to be.

    1. thank you- I have bee eating way too many sweets too, today. When we lived in the woods there were lots and lots of blackberries near-I would make us blackberry brandy-from vodka-sugar blackberries-pretty good hugs Chears to us both not staying depressed

  6. Oh kathy ... How i wish i could make everything alright.. I can only imagine what you are going through... and how i would feel if that were my hubby... and i was in your position.. I would be a mess.. We can only hope there is some healing going on that you cannot see.. What if you got him a cushion to sit on , while in the wheel chair .. maybe that would lift him up high enough to get back in the bed?? But maybe you need more height than a cushion would provide.. Sending you warm wishes and hugs . I've been so busy leading up to Christmas that i haven't been in touch.. I'm so sorry to hear this news.. I thought for sure he was on his way to getting better.. i'm sure you did too.. Much love, deb

  7. Kathy, blogs are sometimes healing, they allow us to forget at times what worries us. I wish you all the best at this time of year.
    My love to you.

    1. I agree, a good way to express ourselves when we don't have another outlet Merry Christmas


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