Wednesday, December 27, 2023

A Few Teas I Have Enjoyed This Year

 I was thinking today as I was enjoying a cup of tea, that I have tried new tea companies over the  past couple of years-and have really enjoyed the journey with their teas.

 Oliver Pluff & Company  based in Charleston South Carolina shares tea blends from our American history On their site they share a blog and the history of teas.

This company is a bit expensive with the shipping in my opinion,  but I have enjoyed this tea. Says it was Martha Washington's favorite

A couple of months ago I shared Harney & Sons  If you like nice tins at an affordable price, this company has them. I have enjoyed their teas so far too.

  One of the teas I purchased was Snow White-it had white tea, apple pieces, apple flavors, coneflower, and  marigold flowers.  This was a lovely tea very light in flavors

From their site-how to brew white teas

Can't remember now,  if it was last year or the year before, but I had purchased several teas-a splurge at the time- from Simpson & Vail  I have really enjoyed their teas allot. I purchased all loose teas-no tea bags-and in their paper bags, not their tins. They have tea blends with different author inspired tea blends, national parks and more.  This site has allot of tea information and all things tea

   One of the teas I bought was the Shenandoah National Park-this tea was one of the few of the parks that was decaf with green tea Of course I wanted their Yellowstone tea but it is made with black tea.(caffeine)  Their photos are set up so I can't share them.

   This year I discovered Twinings teas which I am in love with. Our small wal mart store added allot of different teas before the holidays this year including Twinings-I picked up their green tea with jasmine flavors-lovely 


   I don't want to forget Bigelow teas They are a USA  family owned company, and they have many herbal and decaf teas for someone like me that can not have caffeine (it raises my blood pressure sky high). 
   When I was contacting tea companies about plastics in their teas or tea bags-No was the answer I got from them The are constantly testing for No plastics I love that.
  Growing up at home- my Mom was not a big tea drinker but she did make ice tea from  scratch in the summer time and she loved constant comment-back tea only back then . I was so happy when they introduced their green tea version 
    This must be something new, not being able to copy and paste a photo from these tea companies. Oh well  Here is a link to Bigelow

Have you explored new teas???  I  need to stop purchasing and start getting teas used up-but has been a fun adventure.


  1. Twinings is one of the brands I remember from England when I was growing up. Enjo your teas! Hugs, Valerie

    1. just recently learned that Twinings has been around for 300 years-amazing

  2. My husband is the big tea drinker in the family. When he was in the military he would try different local teas from all over.

  3. I don't drink a lot of tea but I too love constant comment black.

    1. I have started drinking more decaf black teas, but I do enjoy the white and green teas

  4. ATM (haha) I will neither order nor send anything to or from your country. Taxes went through the roof.
    I had one item to send, €5, not much. Postage €20. Hello??? Not again.
    Glad we have a variety of tea here but as you mention.... There was no tea in my family!!!! Coffee, yes, but no tea. How come I love tea? Ingo does not like it, either.
    If I explore`? I rather exploded. Soooo much tea! Hugs to yum, you and the lake!

    1. Yes very expensive to ship in from other countries. there are soooo many teas to try hugs back

  5. This is a fun thing to do, and relaxing too. Nothing like a good cup of tea and a book!

  6. Oh i think it WOULD be a lovely fun adventure... but i'v afraid i wouldn't like very many...Found out i'm kinda picky about my tea and coffee... so i rarely take a chance on something new.. it usually ends up being a waste of money.. I have heard of some of the ones you mentioned though.. Bigelow and Twinings .. i see in Walmart.. Love the post about Tea!! Hope you are having a good day. Hugs! deb

    1. I just found twinings in our small wal mart-I really like them-and they have been in business for 300 years-that's amazing

  7. I love to try out new teas and new tea flavors. Plus it's fun to get new mugs or recycle through old mugs. I hope you're having a nice week between holidays. It will be 2024 before we know it. hugs-Erika

    1. Yes new mugs are fun too I picked up one last time I was at the animal thrift store yes I see there is a football game new years eve and I have been watching the country music count down which am enjoying ore than the other one

  8. This winter, tea tastings are a nice weekly time to relax and reflect on how the day is going. Thank you for the tea tips! Hugs

  9. I do like relaxing with a good book and a cuppa.
    I'm not very adventurous with trying out new teas, I tend to stick with a favourite.

    All the best Jan


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