Thursday, March 13, 2025

Signs of Spring

 Good morning Friends,

    This week we have been so spoiled with 80 degrees F Quite an adjustment after such a frigid winter. It is March though, and tomorrow will bring very very strong damaging winds and perhaps tornadoes in the area as well.

  I did spot spring buds though, daffodils and the lilac bushes budding

The grass is even greening up-Nooooo  am so Not ready for that just yet-

Last weekend I wrote a note to my doctor's nurse that I really needed to get in somehow-Monday I got a call and I have an appointment  Have to wait another two weeks but at least I am in.

Stay safe if you are in the path of these spring storms


  1. Lovely photos Kathy!!! I love daffodils and lilac... ofcourse i don't think there is a flower i DON"T I just finished up weedeating for today... uuughh... you are so right about that chore...uuuughh... the weeds and grass are not growing like gangbusters right now but i want to stay on top of it as much as possible.. My Winter chore of picking up rocks and making more of the yard 'mowable' did not materialize so i'am working on that now.. I'm stiff and sore from bending over picking up rocks etc... but it feels good at the same time too... if you know what i mean..

    We've been warm but not terribly so.. just nice really ... but the wind... girl the wind... uuughh... 30mph yesterday 13 mph today and 30mph with 60 or higher gusts tomorrow... the roofers came yesterday morning while the wind was low and fixed our roof... lets hope it holds up to tomorrow's wind.. i sure wish a little rain would come our way with all the wind... we are under extreme fire danger... You inspired mem to take some photos of my Viola just overflowing their pots... I'll post them on the blog in a minute... Take care in the extreme weather my friend.. be thinking about you... Hugs! deb

  2. I am so glad you are going to see the Dr. I know you have had issues lately.
    80 and flowers are still more than a month away for us. We will get up to 60 tomorrow with some showers. That will help melt the snow still covering the ground.


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