Monday, March 17, 2025

Happy New Week-BlueBells and Slow Stitches

  Happy new week everyone and Happy St Patrick's Day if you celebrate. 

  We are back to warm weather today and tomorrow before the next big storm comes through with lower temperatures.  We are safe here at the lake but many areas in Missouri were hit hard with tornadoes and a foot deep of hail-wow that's a lot.  A couple cities were hit with major damages not all that far from us so am very thankful.  This same storm is on it's way to the east coast now so hoping all of you will be safe.

  This is the first year in over 40 years maybe close to 50 years when I think about it-that I didn't pick up a corn beef and cabbage to boil up. We love the meal and I always buy rye bread for my husband to make reuben sandwiches the next day.  When I went food shopping a couple weeks ago the stores had very small packages with a high price tags so I passed on it. I need to go food shopping this week so will see what is available.

  I have been buying a few flower seeds-will use them to fill up my big tubs mostly. Today I was looking at the perennial bluebells  I found these on Ebay  -- English bluebell seeds-hyacinthoides non scripta native englishe bluebell    Reading through the listings these are the more pure form of seed others are crossed with another seed.  One of those seeds you need to chill them first or they won't germinate.  Here are the photos from his site-   These need mostly sun and will fill an area so I like that-and Larry prefers I plant mostly perennials.

  Do you have these or have you grown them?? They look beautiful

Over the weekend I set up the water bottle "greenhouses" just a few so far. Larry loves snapdragons so I bought a package of those. I lost my bee balm plants so started those seeds and also blue salvia.

  I lost my echinacea plants too with that water issue from the well last year, so I also ordered those seeds-I find Ebay is a good source for seeds.

  I am making progress on my second slow stitch bag. I am almost finished with the last large piece on the one side of the bag and then just the handles to stitch-and I can work on putting another bag together. I am still enjoying this project very much. My stitches are not all even for sure but I am not going to concern myself with that.

I like how the stiches came out on the mimosa dyed yellow-click to enlarge for better viewing If you find them there are several square boxes within the stitches

Happy Monday and have a good week


  1. I've never grown bluebells but they look gorgeous. I hope you have good luck with them. And your slow stitch is looking great too Kathy. No corned beef at my house tonight either. I'm not sure my husband even likes it, but I should have thought about making hash and getting some. Oh well. I hope you have good luck finding some when you shop this week.Hugs-Erika

    1. I am excited about these bluebells hoping they grow well they will spread too so that will be nice. I think one either really likes corn beef or doesn't at all I have never made hash with it-sounds good too. hugs

  2. Not a fan of corned beef. We had chicken fajitas tonight. No celebrating St Patty's Day but I did wear green for work. Those bluebells are so pretty. We dont have those here that I know of. I do love snapdragons myself too. Glad those terrible storms did not affect you. So much damage and lost lives because of them. Janice

    1. we love fajitas I made beef ones last week. I have never seen the blue bells in person but I heard they are a nice perennial that will spread too. Yes Missouri got hit really hard with the storms have a good week

  3. By shopping a couple of days after St. Patrick's you may be able to score a discounted corned beef.

  4. Happy Monday, Happy St Patricks Day and Happy Week!

    Bluebells always look lovely and the ones in the garden here spread well!

    All the best Jan

  5. Thanks Jan I think I will like the blue bells hugs

  6. Kathy i like that your stitches are uneven... makes the bags much more YOU...much more homemade and i love that... I go to craft shows nowadays and everything is so perfect ... so artisanal that i might as well buy it in a store... I'am working on my second windchime/mobile.. trying to get it finished for the stockshow.. Besides framing and matting my Owl.. it is the last thing i have to do for the show..
    I have never had Bluebells but they are beautiful! I hope you can get them to grow for you... I just posted some pics of some volunteer Verbena i have in the yard... You can smell them before you see them.... I always cut around them when i mow the yard... :) So glad you two are safe at the Lake... We are WINDY still and DRY.... very dry... Hugs! deb

  7. Happy St. Patrick's Day and I'm glad you have some warmer weather 😊. We have bluebells in our garden, they are very pretty and offer lovely a blanket of flowers under our apple trees. Great to get those seeds for your garden and your bag stitching looks fabulous ❤️. Happy wishes! Hugs, Jo x

  8. Those bluebells are spectacular! I didn't do anything this year either -- it just crept in. Love that you're getting your seeds together.


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