Wednesday, November 27, 2024

Good Morning & Pelicans-Photos

   Good morning Friends,

     It is just the two of us for Thanksgiving, but that's ok with me.  This morning I made up a big batch of cranberry relish-I always make mine from scratch. This year I added fresh blueberries and organic canned mandarin oranges.

   I also just put a sweet potatoe pie in the oven. I used fresh sweet potatoes that I prepared last week and froze. For the crust I made a gluten free crust using organic raw walnuts and gluten free graham crackers with butter and splenda for the sweetener. My kitchen is smelling pretty good right now-smiles.

  For our Thanksgiving meal, I decided to make us Belgium waffles-which are a treat for us, and serve with our smoked turkey. The cranberries will go well with this too. Perhaps a green veggie as well.  We need to eat fairly healthy here, a few less carbs than potatoes, stuffing etc. 

  This week the pelicans have returned-really fun to watch. I also set up my luminaries with battery tea lights. My other bags were pretty worn out, these bags have snowflakes and are better quality bags too. Before retirement when we lived on the border of Illinois and Wisconsin we would get some pretty bitter winters. I would set up the luminaries with sand and real candles back then.  Now I enjoy them on the ledge of our wall of windows.

  The photos will enlarge if you click on them

We have rain coming in today so it is pretty cloudy outdoors. I couldn't get a clear close up as they are on the other side of the lake from us

Happy Thanksgiving to all of you that celebrate


  1. Kathy, sending best wishes to you and Larry for a Happy Thanksgiving and your meal sounds delicious. I also always make homemade cranberry relish but have never added other fruits, so thanks for the suggestion of blueberries which we enjoy. The sweet potato pie is something I have never made, but we enjoy these so maybe in the future. Have you ever tried mixing sweet potatoes with pumpkin for a pie?

    The luminaries in your window look lovely. The weather in NJ where we are currently visiting will be rainy on Thanksgiving and hopefully any snow will hold off until we are safely back in NH on Sunday.

    1. No I have not mixed and pumpkin and sweet potatoes Larry doesn't like pumpkin pie but he loves sweet potato pie-I discovered is probably because the sweet potatoes actually have more flavor and are sweeter than pumpkin-so I det it now why he likes the sweet potato pie more
      hoping you get home before the snow hits--enjoy your family thanksgiving

  2. Your luminaries are lovely. I have some I line the driveway with when we are having a party. I put canning jars with sand and real candles in them.
    I love sweet potatoes but do not care for it in a pie not sure why.
    We are waiting on snow to come in tomorrow.
    Happy Thanksgiving

    1. Larry won't eat pumpkin pie but he loves sweet potato pie. I used to make me a pumpkin pie and a fruit pie for him this year I made the sweet potato pie-discovered it is sweeter than pumpkin so that's why he likes it I think. I used a keto brown sweetener instead of sugar Oh that's a neat idea using jars inside a bag-that would have been so much easier when I was using real candles outdoors.
      hoping you don't get too much snow-but if staying home will be ok.
      Happy thanksgiving

  3. Adding blueberries to cranberry relish sounds like a lovely idea.

    1. good evening it is I add them towards the end of the cook so they stay whole

  4. Those pelicans are so cool Kathy. And it sounds like you're having a lovely and quiet day. We are too with the weather coming in later, but I'm going to cook a small turkey for us. Plus leftovers are the best. Have a fantastic holiday. :) hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika they have been so fun to watch-they are a heavy bodied bird so they flop down in the water-not very gracefully haha. stay safe in that wintry weather-glad your family postponed for a day-hugs

  5. Your fairy lights are beautiful and your view is a dream... Water is always beautiful, isn't it?
    I grew up in Dresden on the Elbe (the river that flows through Dresden). And today I live about 20 km away in a hilly village on the edge of the forest. So I'm always happy when I come to water, whether it's a river, pond or sea :-)))
    A hug for you. Your Thanksgiving meal was definitely delicious.
    Kind regards Viola

    1. Hi Viola, we do get some lovely views looking over the lake-especially during he non seasonal months (summer) we lived in the woods for many years after retirement I loved it there as well

  6. Those lights on your window sill are so pretty and I bet it was fun watching the pelicans 😊. Glad you had some yummy food to celebrate Thanksgiving too. Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours! Hugs, Jo x

  7. Sending my good wishes and hoping you enjoyed a quiet but happy Thanksgiving.

    All the best Jan

  8. Shoot. I think blogger has either the hiccups again or I didn´t push "publish"...
    Your food sounds yummy! And, well, lately it´s always also for Christmas just Ingo and I. And that´s OK.

    1. I like the peacefullness of just the two of us now. I blogger is messing up a bit lately-happy new week

  9. Your luminaries are so pretty and perfect on your window sill. I just found out we had some Pelicans in the Southern part of our state and no one knows why they came up this far this past Summer. Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving. Sounded yummy. Janice

    1. I always thought pelicans were on oceans but when they migrate they use lakes and rivers. we had some today again to watch. It was a simple day but I liked that. hugs

  10. Kathy i swore i left you a comment on your Thanksgiving post... grrrr... If i didn't i'm sorry about that... Thanksgiving was a little crazy with the GrandLittles... Love seeing the Pelicans and hearing about all your Food! The little lights are adorable! Perfect for the window.. I just made a blog post and you can see your lovely card... :) Thank you so much for thinking of me! Hugs! deb

    1. I just rechecked to see if I missed the comment-didn't see it. glad you got the card in time for Thanksgiving hugs


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