Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Not Sure what Else Could Happen Here---UPDATED

 Our last year was ended and the new year begun with issues.  From the no car and bitter cold and ice to early this morning the heating system quit. Yikes. It is old and something that needed changing.

  I only noticed it because I was up at 5 am finishing a book on my kindle. I heard the heater trying to come on and then it didn't-sigh  I did get a hold of someone and the earliest they could come was 9 am. We are like 6 degrees F right now Bitterly cold. It has been too cold for me to clear the ice up the hill and steps and my doors are frozen shut too-ugh. Will need to figure out how to get the front door open

 I did remember that I bought a little electric heater a few years ago. The room where my weaving, extra pantry and desk and computer are has no heat ducts so I bought the heater for this room but never used it. Didn't want the electric bill to go up.  I set it up for Larry just now in his computer room-he has to have heat.

On a positive note-a beautiful pre sunrise this morning

Update: thanks everyone, I called early in the morning and a repairman was here by 9:30 am  he told me my road had Not even been plowed or touched since our ice and snow. Not a surprise really this is just a little road on a circle that is gravel for this area.  He was able to do a temporary fix and scheduled a new furnace early this week Thursday-so that's good service.

    I even got a call this morning that they were going to look at my car--finally Holding my breath on this one


  1. Kathy, that is -14C!!!! OMG.
    At least very, very beautiful pics from the lake!
    Warming hugs from here...

    1. Yes lovely views this morning yes very cold with no heat the repairman just arrived

  2. When it rains it pours... or maybe in your case freezes! Kathy i sure hope they get to you soon. We you able to talk to an actual person on the phone or a recording... ? Is it suppose to warm up for you today? You sure have had a stretch of bad luck! My goodness things have got to turn for the better and soon! I hope you'll huddle in there with Larry by the heater... make a hot cup of coffee and put on some layers.... Is there some kind of emergency number you can call? Like a council on aging or some such emergency senior care.... maybe they can make sure something happens for you... Let me know how your doin! Hugs! deb

    1. Yep we just have to the flow we got a real good repair person. and he told us our road here has not been plowed yet. I apologized for not having a cleared path down to the house.
      he was able to fix it for now-an animal got in and messed with something, and our unit needs to be replaced as it is over 10 years old now-so I just ordered that-over 5 grand yikes but we knew this needed replaced soon
      Larry would not be able to get out of the house right now at all-too much thick ice with snow on top--the little heater next to him kept him warm.

  3. I am so very sorry for your troubles. And I am sure you know it is not got to be frozen into a house just not safe. I do hope it is an easy fix and get you back up and warm soon.

    1. thanks we did get service within a few hours-a temporary fix I ordered a new unit

  4. You can't win for trying, Kathy. I hope that's a short-lived problem! Hang in there.

  5. So sorry for all of this....Makes it extra hard when everything happens at once. Take care my friend!

  6. Thanks for the beautiful sunrise photos. It gives me hope that soon the clouds will lift in my area so we can see things like that.

  7. The repairman is a hero getting through the ice to you.

  8. Oh no! I am so sorry about the heat! When it rains it pours! You are quite resourceful, so hopefully you are making do, but I still worry! Best luck to both of you!

    1. Yes we have not had a series of negatives like this in a very long time-it is life though. hugs

  9. So glad to hear the update! Fingers crossed on your car! Hugs! deb

    1. I have not heard anything back with my car as of yet-they still haven't plowed our road here either

  10. That's great service, and thankfully he came so quick. It is too cold to be without heat. And those are gorgeous photos of the sunrise Kathy. hugs-Erika

    1. Yes we have had excellent service from this company the sunrise was amazing

  11. Thank goodness you were able to get such good service, Kathy, and while a new unit is costly, it sounded like it was time to replace, never an inexpensive matter.


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