Saturday, January 11, 2025

New Furnace Woes and Slow Stitching Bag Finish--Bag Photo Update

   We were still having issues with our new furnace. Thursday morning I thought they figured out all of the issues, but early evening yesterday it was acting up again. Blowing cold air, fan not turning off. Then when the fan finally stopped the heat came on but was too warm.  So I had called right away and the repair person was to be here around 6:30 pm but came around 7:30 pm.  He checked all the wiring again, decided it must be the thermostat we have was not compatible. He said I really do not know why they didn't send you a new one with the heating unit.  He had one in his truck-that seems to have fixed things-hoping for sure now.  He did get his truck stuck up on top of the hill-right where the hill drops off-very steep there and he would have crashed into the house and more.   So it took him a bit to get himself dug out. This is a rough winter here so far. 

  I did manage to get a couple of the steps cleared of ice yesterday when we warmed up to the low 30's for just a couple of hours. The ice is so thick with the added 4 inches of snow. So I cleared snow and then put salt on the ice and after an hour or so,  was able to clear three steps. This afternoon we are to reach 40's F so I got to get us cleared out today-as the temps are dropping again tomorrow. I want to get my car back on Monday. So far our road still has not been plowed and the rural road to here is not real good either. I know main roads have priority first.

  Soooo I have been pushing to get my first bag to the finish line. I did that last night. The outside of the bag is thicker than the lining with the layers of fabrics and stitches so the edges were not laying flat nice even after the ironing with steam. I decided to stitch a blanket stitch around the outside of the straps and then just a running stitch around the inside edges.  I am pleased with the finish.

  I began laying out the next bag last night and early this morning I finished the layout. It is ready to press and pin.

The next layout. This room is a bit dark so sorry not a great photo  The yellow piece in front with the white is not that bright as it shows up here. The little leaf cut out is one of my eco printed leaves.

   I will share a better photo once it is all pinned and I can take it into a room with more light.

  This is such a good way for me to use up my hand dyed fabrics into something useful to share as gifts. There are only two pieces in this layout that were gifted to me from a friend. That yellow and white piece-which is a light weight denim, and the strap on top of photo to the right-that blue piece was part of my gifted hand dyes.

Have a good weekend and hoping this winter is not too bad for any of you

Update: after looking at the layout photo above I decided I did not like that bright yellow piece. So I swapped it out for a more subtle piece. This one I had dyed with Pebeco sun paints and added allot of salt on top. These lay in the sun til dry to set the dye process-that was fun. I like this piece much better in this.
   When I was doing journal pages I always noticed something I didn't like or needed to be fixed after I took a photo. Same happened here. Wonder why that is?  Thoughts??

this is how this little bag closes-kinda clever


  1. Snow I can deal with. Ice is terrible, so I really feel for you. I hope the furnace fix is the final one!

    1. surprise-furnace not working again, they do send the repairman right out and it is at least an hour drive for them to get to us. the guys that installed it did a major mistake with the gas pressure or something hoping for sure it is right now

  2. Oh, hope your furnace is working properly now! And wee... ice and snow,"hurrah"..
    Here luckily everything´d melted away.
    Those bags look great. Sadly I have no talent.But a Singer... One day.
    Hope it warms up at your place, hugs to you and the lake.

    1. Sadly the furnace acted up again blowing cold air-they do come right out which I appreciate it-the guys that installed the new furnace did not se the gas right-so it was shutting down to prevent a blow up. I said I hope you let those guys know what they did wrong-oh Yes he says they Will hear about it.
      so hope it is finally fixed now. get rid of the ice the steps is rough going ugh

  3. Your bags will be beautiful gifts! I love the stitching and colors.
    Sorry to hear you furnace had issues. That is no fun in the middle of winter. I hope the new thermostat fixed the problem.
    Here in Vermont the temperatures have been days of very cold with a warmup enough to give me the ice worries to deal with.

    1. Hi yes ice is the worse-and it is soooo thick here too I had to quit working at the top 3 steps the ice is so thick and stuck to the cement-I see the hill will be awful too but I just a path up hope it will stay warmer tomorrow

  4. Its an art process.... it tricks your eye... you can also look at your painting or project through a little mirror over your shoulder with your back turned and you could pick up the problems in the mirror..

    So glad your ice is melting.. ours is all gone .. in the 50's today and beautifully sunny.. I think we had that problem when we put in a new thermostat on an old system in Arkansas... When it rains it pours.. I hope you have a beautiful day Kathy and thank you for the comment on the blog!! :) Hugs! deb

    1. thank you for the tip-that is all quite interesting how that works to see our art. we have melting finally but the ice is soooo thick and stuck on the steps getting frustrated and our furnace is not working again--this is brand new and very expensive so am very frustrated-back to blowing out cold air again cools the house down and then the heat comes on craziness and have a very ill cronicly ill husband so not happy they are sending someone out right away

    2. the repair man came right out figured out what the installers did not do hoping it is right now

  5. so glad you were able to get your heat fixed. and very glad you got your steps cleared.
    Your bags are fabulous!!! Wonderful stitching. when using do you put the long strap through the short strap? I didn't mind the yellow but like the second one also.
    you are keeping busy.

    1. Hi I have lots more to clear only got a few steps done--and came in the furnace is blowing out cold air again sigh I am so frustrated.

    2. Oh and yes the handles do fit inside of each other-I need to take a photo of that

  6. Replies
    1. it is! I couldn't get it all done on the steps but made it to almost the top-hopefully I can work on it tomorrow the steep driveway is a nightmare as well ugh

  7. We had some thermostat issues when we needed to replace ours. I hope yours is fixed now. Your slow stitching looks amazing Kathy!!! Hope more of ice melts.

    1. Hi Erika, will bumber around 1 pm the furnace was acting up again. blowing the cold air, running too long etc. so the good this is the repairman came right out-takes them about an hour to drive her. It took him a bit but discovered the installers didn't check the gas pressure or something so was shutting down to not hurt the furnace. so hopefully no more issues. all these house calls are no charge thank goodness-they should be for a brand new unit-and was expensive for sure.
      Thank you about my bag I am really pleased with it-I need to take a photo to show that the straps fit together for this bag.

  8. Furnace issues are certainly an issue with the winter you have been having, Kathy, and hopefully this fix will work. Too bad the service person got stuck in the snow and ice and jt seems you have been having a tough time clearing it, thick ice is hard to dal with especially when it refreezes.

  9. I can deal with snow, but ice is no fun at all. So sorry you are having all of these furnace issues. Your bags are too cute. I was wondering how the handles worked. TFS Janice

    1. ice in our situation is Not good. The repairman that came yesterday figured out what the installation crew did wrong-it was a big one. so far working right now. no sunshine today but in the 30's I got to clear a path to get up the hill and shovel out my parking spot so I can get my car tomorrow-
      That's what intrigued me about this pattern-it was in a Sashiko needlework book I had gotten Now that I know what I am doing to put this together should go faster with the rest of the bags

  10. Oh yes, I see things I want to change way after I have finished a project. It's interesting how it helps to put something aside for a while and come back to it later.

  11. Oh how darling your bags are. I knew they would be! I am so hoping your heating issues are solved. Also, watch those steps! Take care! (We have lots of snow, too! )


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