Thursday, September 12, 2024

Grass Cutting & Sunrises

 Good morning Thursday,

  We are back to high 80's and low 90's with humidity again this week. With the grass being so thick and tall and with the cooler nights-I need to let it all dry off a bit. So instead of going out at first light I wait til close to 9 am now. 

  I got another good section cut down. The larger battery will last 45 minutes to an hour and then I grab the normal smaller battery to finish up an area.  Am hoping to keep at it before the rains come, and really hoping no more cutting til next Spring. If we get rain and warm temps I may need to do one more cut.

  I grabbed the camera to show the area I am working on this week-facing the lake to the right of house.

  I liked this property as it has more than normal lake front land with at least two lots. Most lake homes are right on top of each other-could not deal with that at all being a country girl used to land smiles. If turning around and looking towards the left we have just as much property that way as well with steeper hills and lots of trees.
   It took me about an hour and a half to cut all the section to the right to line up straight with the rest. This summer was just soooo hot and humid that I couldn't deal with grass cutting-I must do better next year.

This is looking by the lake towards that other direction. Our land goes up to those trees in the back.I cut this area last week.

I took this photo to show the electric company that owns this lake to make electricity is now beginning the lowering of the lake-that rock is evidence that they have started doing this now   In a couple weeks lots of huge rocks at the edge will be exposed.

a surprise dandelion blooming

This is the time of year with lovely sunrises

  I stopped feeding the birds around June as the numerous squirrels were driving me crazy haha They cone in and eat All of the food-they do not share. They started going after the hummingbird feeders and the large seed feeder-that was it. I took everything down and stopped feeding all summer.
     I just started to throw a little seed and peanuts-for the woodpeckers and blue jays-on the ledge this week. After the third day one squirrel arrived so I chased him off. So far has not returned.   The squirrels would not bother me as much if they would eat a little and share with the birds instead of eating everything. The peanuts probably draw them in too, but we have numerous species of woodpeckers that love them too.

  Enjoy the rest of your week


  1. Hi Kathy, you have been busy as always, you get lots of work done. Here it has cooled down, and I like it better. Have a great weekend, take care, hugs, Valerie

    1. Hi Valerie, so good to see you visiting-hoping you are feeling much better hugs

  2. It surprises me that this may be your last grass cutting of the year. In the St. Louis area I often had to go almost till Thanksgiving.

    1. Depends on the weather here since we had such a very hot summer I will probably need to cut at least one more time

  3. The sunrises are beautiful.

    Sending good wishes to you across the miles.

    All the best Jan

  4. Wow, that's quite a job to cut these areas with your trimmer, but it is looking very nice. We have been quite dry for a few weeks, but have gotten very light rain today. I am afraid to guess how many more times I will need to mow. I love your sunrises, and sunsets.

    1. Hi Mary thanks it always looks nice when it is all cut down-just too hot of a summer for me this year to keep up with it . I love the sunrises here too-hugs

  5. Beautiful area. but you have a big job that's for sure.

    1. Yes the plan was to rock most of this-we had bought the commercial fabric to put down first-but then Larr's fall changed a lot of things. this is too steep for me handle a lawn mower so this what I can handle. it was so hot all summer that it got away from me-playing catch up now

  6. That is a lot of lawn to care for Kathy and hopefully the growing season will stop soon and you will get a break. I am ready for fall temps, but daytime ones have been in the 80s here this week.

  7. I'm glad you showed use the photos of your lawn. It's got just enough slope too, doesn't it? Glad you're able to get some things done outside. Have a super Friday and weekend Kathy. hugs-Erika

    1. yes it can be rough on the knees. further down the slop is much steeper

  8. I'm headed to bed but i saw your post! Oh we battled the squirrels in Arkansas... Hubby saw it as a challenge... We finally did get things situated just right... Girl thats alot of weedeating... I think you could use a mower in that one area... I have a self propelled mower i use occasionally when the grass gets out of hand.. I've spent the last two days in the gutter out front and on the side weedeating it down... uuugh quite the job and the with the rain mosquitoes are out... scratch scratch scratch... Its been very nice weather here but slowly warming back up.. Two days of up over 100F starting tomorrow.. blech.... Hugs to you Kathy don't work too hard with that humidity! deb

    1. Good morning Deb, There are rocks in here, tree stumps from past owner, and you can't see it here-but this property slowly goes up as steep hill on both sides-so I don't think I could handle a lawn mower and I can't handle a heavy gas can-don't want the expense of a battery mower. In the beginning we hired it done-took them an hour with professional equipment but their prices kep going up-too expensive. and when it is really growing they wanted to cut once a week as there are areas very thick
      the plan was to put pro weed barrier cloth down and bring in rock-which Larry would spread with his equip-with Larry's accident that didn't happen.
      It takes alot of work-but if hadn't been so hot and humid here all summer I wouldn't have let it get so tall it is what it is.
      we are back to humidity too with the low 90's I don't think we will get to the 100's any more
      take are-hugs

    2. I have a little one gallon gas can i use and they make self propelled mowers that practically pull you Now the rocks and stumps don't know what to tell you about that... Gorgeous thick grass though!! Hugs!

    3. The photos don't show it-but this gradually goes up and up so pretty steep-don't think I can handle a lawn mower-this is a daunting task now as I get older-yikes I will be 75 next month-a little scary for me

  9. Wow, you did well cutting all that grass and the views over the lake are stunning! You live in such a beautiful place 😊. Wishing you a very Happy Friday and weekend! Hugs, Jo x

    1. Good morning, thank you Jo we do have lovely views here. we live in the more rural of lake in the ozarks-so far at least. so I still have my country setting

  10. Kathy what a huge undertaking with cutting the grass. My heart goes out to you. The only thing I can say is this is certainly going to keep you in shape. Had to smile about your squirrels...between the chipmunks (we are overrun) and the squirrels am certain our poor birds get very little of what we put out. :)! Even spotted a chipmunk drinking from the hummingbird I get it friend. Have a great weekend. Hugs!


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