Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Good Morning & Life's This and That

  Autumn has arrived here for sure this week-cooler weather, a little rain, more water fowl on the lake-loving it. The oaks are dropping their leaves and their acorns. Still not much in fall colors though.

  Last week Thursday was our 6 month appointment with our family doctor. Larry's suburban has not been driven for months-our friend helped us get and put in a new battery, I washed up all the windows, and our friend drove us. I love the suburban-has such a nice ride but it is just too big for me so I haven't tried driving it.  The doctor's office had wheel chairs there-so the appt went pretty smooth.  I was happy our doctor offered to request more physical therapy at home. Larry was due to re apply for that a month ago. Have not heard from them as of yet. For some reason this office does not have the shots-so I need to get Larry into the drug store near us for the flu shot and that new one for seniors with the three letters. I had talked with them when I got my last shingles shot if they could give Larry the shots in his car do to their steps-and they said they would.

   Yesterday I got my renewed drivers license in about 15 minutes. It was raining all morning so not many people there. No matter what I do my photo is always so horrible on my license-ugh. Oh well I am good now for another 4 years.  Close by I had  my dentist appt. After that I needed a couple fresh items from Wal mart so I drove there and also got my flu shot there.  This Wal mart is not a super Wal mart but a much smaller one. This summer they did a redo to add more merchandise. To achieve that, they made all the aisles smaller, they also added a deli. They had the space for a deli but never used it. They have some interesting things there now. They also upgraded the produce-more local and organic produce which I like. I found huge mangos so had to bring two home with me. My preferred fruits are berries and those are now way too expensive to buy fresh.

  It rained lightly most of the day yesterday-this area really needed the rain. More rain today too.

For those of you that enjoy slow stitching- I found someone I really enjoy watching and learning new things on her You Tube channel-k3n clothtales   She is doing a series right now that she is adding to her cloth journal-I will start from the beginning now as she is up to week 39.  Listening to her is like being right there with her as she talks about her cat etc while creating a block and slow stitching. I think she lives in England and is a fiber artist that displays her work. I originally found here on Instagram here

  I find a lot of inspiration for my crafts on Instagram-many artists and craftsman there, just have to sift through things there and put in topics you are interested in. 

  In a couple weeks it will be one year since Larry's bad fall from the stone wall. I have been an emotional wreck most of this year, and not able to concentrate on my letter writing or my crafts. I am working on getting back to "normal" again.

  Wal mart had big bags of fresh green beans that looked really nice and were fresh-they snapped-so will be blanching and freezing those this morning. I am having issues with my directv streaming on my tv-so need to get "in the mood" to contact them this week. I don't use cell phones so couldn't find their text on Larry's phone-ugh. They connect with you through the text somehow so they can see your tv and what is going on.  The nice thing about streaming is that I can watch any of my shows on the computer-so I did that last night.

  I have rambled on enough already-Have an awesome day!


Update: Just finished steam blanching the green beans. Really surprised how nice these were coming from a Wal mart store. We have been married over 40 years now and Larry did a lot of Japanese cooking way back when we first got together. He had a very large steamer he would use for different dishes. I also used it for steam blanching lots of fresh veggies for the freezer. On one of our garage sale shopping trips  I found this matching small steamer which I use for small batches.  I prefer the steam blanching over the veggies in the boiling water to prepare for the freezer.  I steamed for 4 minutes and dropped into ice water to cool fast  Then freeze.

These come with two trays but I use one at a time for blanching That way the veggies are just above the boiling water. 

Below-green beans now ready to bag up and into the freezer

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