Friday, April 26, 2024

The Rains Have Returned

   April here in SW Missouri,  is usually filled with days of rain, but this year mostly dry and very windy with up and down temperatures. The weather forecasters did get the rain day correct this time-haha.  It started late in the day yesterday, we had rain most of the night as well. A much needed rain. I only got to cutting half the grass here which means the other half will be really tall-especially with a week of rain- every day forecasted with rain.

  Larry has always loved the different ornamental grasses so we bought a couple to start from seeds, and I ordered two plants-they came in yesterday and were packed very well. I didn't want to plant them outdoors yet with all this rain coming in though. I will get the rest of the seeds started this weekend..  Larry's vision is to lure the different ducks here on the lake to use the grasses for nesting. So these will get planted near the lake front. I love that he still thinks of tomorrow, with all his setbacks.

 We did decide to go with Directv streaming service for our tv programming . The price is locked in for 2 years and is the same price we were paying with our electric co-op with more channels and no dish-I like that part. It is definitely a learning curve though as the system works a lot different than what we are used to. Just need to take the time to figure it all out.

   The Roku streaming had no phone number to contact their customer service to ask questions. I did figure out that Roku is the tool for the streaming service and then you buy all the packages separate of what you want to watch. In the end Directv was just easier for us and Larry got his movies and I got the sports. We bought quality tv's about 10 years ago and with this streaming service the colors are even more vibrant-like a newer tv. That was a bonus.  In this new age of tv so many choices, and with streaming you can add you tube and lots of other channels to it-nice for a larger screen.

  Last night with the storms coming through I couldn't sleep-I don't sleep through storms very well-so I finished writing the 10 letters to send out to seniors through the Letters Against Isolation project. I am enjoying the process. Having fun dressing up the letters and envelopes with stamps and stickers.. Here is a photo of the backs of the letters. These get mailed to the same facility so I make each letter different. A nice way to "play" with my stamps and also with the wax and seals.

   Yesterday morning I did some errands and the food store had lovely strawberries-yum I also buy blackberries and blueberries which are my favorites in fruits. Thinking of baking up angel food cakes for us-wheat and also a gluten free version. I also bought ingredients for cheesecake in case I decide to bake that for the weekend.

  Happy Friday and weekend. thanks for visiting.



  1. Glad you found a streaming solution you are smart and know so much about this now. It is great writing those letters to isolated seniors. -Christine

    1. Hi Christine, we did search as much as we could to figure out what to choose. the streaming with directv is pretty neat once we figure it all out. looks like you can even watch a show that you missed

  2. I love your idea of sending letters to seniors who have nobody - great idea! Hugs, Valerie

    1. we have no family either, a few friends, still have each other-so I did want to write these letters for those stuck in a nursing facility-hugs

  3. Happy Friday to you too!!!! We are thinking of hitting an Estate Sale...the sun is shining... little warm for me... 90F by afternoon... The storms keep missing us.. but they are predicted every evening for a few days.. maybe one will come through... Had the Granddaughters over to play in the little pool we bought Wed... Thurs the Kindergartener had her very first play that we attended and about a million other people squashed into a tiny auditorium ... And tomorrow the eldest will spend the day with Grandma... Grandpa is going golfing.. I like Larry's idea of making a place for the Ducks... and i might have to pop over for a slice of Cheese cake.. .:) Hugs! deb

    1. Must be fun for you both to have family near you again. Growing up I spent a lot of time with my grandparents on their farm loved it.
      a couple weeks ago we got up to 87 F that is a bit too hot for spring weather for me-hoping you get some rain
      Larry loves cheesecake so I bake him one every couple of months. I may just bake up the angel food cakes soon-a hassle baking two of them but I freeze a lot of mine.
      Happy weekend hugs

  4. Illusions are never lost, let Larry keep thinking about which plants to buy. From what I read you have had a very active few days writing, buying food.

  5. Your senior project sounds wonderful. I know they must love it. I like the idea of grasses and nesting ducks. That would be lovely.

    1. I am enjoying the senior project-I have to laugh at myself sometimes that I am a senior too-mid 70's ha ha but so far we are enjoying being in our own home I am looking forward to this grass project-this morning we watched mama duck with a dozen or so little ones swim in from of our boat-so sweet

  6. We have been fortunate not to much rain this week, but it continues to be windy. Larry's plan for the ornamental grasses sounds good and hope you will be able to plant it and then to get some nesting ducks in time. I am averaging only about 6-7 letters monthly for Letters Against Isolation and you reminded methat I need to start some this weekend. Your artwork on the cards is a nice idea.

    1. For this set of letters I grabbed some of my stamps and added them to the back and then colored them in with color pencils. was fun too I may skip the next sign up and then do the next one. I have tons of outside work to get to once it warms up I love the idea for ducks too

  7. Sounds like you've been busy Kathy. I love that idea of ornamental grasses. They make a nice root system and help with erosion from boat wakes too. And glad you decided on a TV service. I have a Roku and we stream several channels like Paramount + and Netflix. I need to get my direct TV onto the Roku. The dish needs to go. I hope you don't get too much rain. hugs-Erika

    1. Good morning the streaming service from directv is better than the non streaming service.I watch Bally for sports like baseball and hockey and I got two bally channels and also they repeat the game later same day-don't think they did that with the broadband. still surprised with the better picture on the tv too. and Yes no dish didn't want that again. you could probably switch your directv to streaming too and get rid of the dish
      we did get a lot of rain yesterday more is coming, lovely morning so far. I didn't think about the grasses helping with erosion. Here in the area where we live the wall is all natural slate-huge slate rock is beneath the lawn as well, but the grasses will hold the edge I think

  8. How wonderful that it rained where you need the water... we're now over the rain and cold and the beautiful spring is back with sun and warmer temperatures... great.
    Your envelopes look so wonderful dear Kathy... I send you both my very best wishes and a hug for you. Viola

    1. Good morning, Spring is a wonderful time isn't it! Thank you I am enjoying decorating these envelopes and letters. Happy weekend Hugs

  9. As of right now, we have no grass to mow. Sometimes I miss it, most times not. I do love ornamental grasses, however. We had a big patch when we lived in Wisconsin, they just will not grow out here where we are now.

    1. Having no grass to mow is a good thing-smiles. the plan was to get rid of the grass and lay down that landscape fabric and add lots of small rocks-this is not a nice lawn either mostly weeds and it is on a slope to the lake front. for me at my age it is a chore with my weed eater.
      there are so many grasses to choose from too. I am excited about them hoping they will grow well
      Happy weekend

  10. Mr. M. has to mow all year round. Only a few times in the winter. I love ornamental grasses but for me, it would bring the deer into my yard and right now they stay in the neighbor's yard. You are always so busy, that's a good thing. Blackberries grow wild in my yard and we pick blueberries every other year. My faves too.

  11. Kathy it sounds like your streaming solution will be great. We have dish but now that high speed internet is available - thinking of at least cutting down the channels and doing some free stuff - also may purchase a tv for in the kitchen and try out Roku. You are so right about it being a learning curve. Don't we wish for simpler times when you just turned on your tv and you had three channels - NBC, CBS, and ABC :)!! Hugs


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