Monday, October 7, 2024

A New Week

 Good morning, a new week is upon us-we are full sunshine but much cooler now we have fall temperatures today.

    The lake was very busy do to events happening and our temperatures making it to the 90's-perfect for boaters. We saw many fisherman on the lake.

  Last week our workers got a lot done for us. Saturday I moved our large Weber grill close to the smaller one near the front of the house. Much easier to use there since close to the front door and kitchen. That was a job though as it is heavy and I moved a lot of the rocks too for around the base. This weber is probably over 30 years old now. Didn't get to the acorn ink project though. I did get gluten free and wheat batches of sugar cookie dough mixed up.

  I will be making another trip today to the local hardware store for more materials for our workers this week-to finish up the drainage project where Larry fell off the wall a year ago this month.

  Today the Kansas City Chiefs football and the Kansas City Royals baseball game will be playing at the same time tonight--so if I get the baseball game on the tv will be recording them both.

  I have watched a lot of film from phones of all the organizations and private people and business's helping the flood victims from the hurricane. I took down my rant post but for me it was important to express my thoughts. We must care about our fellow Americans.  Now on the fema page they say they are helping-however most all of the films I have seen the locals have not seen them or they are hindering.  Like refusing to let the independent helicopters land-who have been helping since day one.  It is a horrible situation Biden doesn't even know what is going on,   I am not in a position with my age and Larry's caregiver to go down and help so am praying for the victims.  Such a horrible nature's disaster.

  Happy Monday

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