Friday, May 17, 2024

Pretty Day Today

   Happy Friday and upcoming weekend,

      I got myself up and out of the house early this morning. Needed to do an amazon return at the ups drop off at our bank, and I went to the small local grocery store for fresh produce.  Since this store was bought by a company that picks up these smaller family stores-their produce has really improved. Most items are priced well so I would rather buy from them then everything at Wal Mart. I have not been happy with this small Wal Mart since our move to the lake house, and lately their produce goes bad really fast. and I have gotten bad meat-so I will be buying meat at this family store too.

   I was home by 9 am and we had the perfect day-partial sun, less humidity and in the high 70's F so perfect to work outdoors.

    When I got home and got everything put away I tackled the big task of collecting rocks around our property to fill up the big tubs 2/3 full. I had  my friend bring them  over from the woods house  These are perfect for growing plants in, and hard to come by. The ranchers get cattle feed in these and then they reuse them.  She brought  me 5 of them, but I am going to ask her to bring me the rest of them.

   We drilled lots of drainage holes in the bottoms, I added the rocks, and then I save bubble wrap and cut those up and add to the top of the rocks and then the soil. Once set up they are good for a long time, just need to add some fertilizer to them over the years.

  We have had soooo much rain here that I didn't realize it was drowning out my seeds in the bottles. Only seeds growing is my brown cotton-so I planted them in 3 of the tubs. The rest of the seeds were just too water logged and we have had cold nights as well. Also this side doesn't get full sun all day do to the trees. 

  My husband gave me his old camera that still takes good photos and much better than mine.. He was using it to sell on ebay but no longer is doing that. My newest camera is terrible, at my age I didn't want to spend a lot of money on a camera, and I don't have a cell phone.

 This one needs more rocks, but I had to stop working. I took a break for our 2 pm meal and then went back out to see if I could finish these two tubs.

This is the other one that needs more  rocks-I will work on that tomorrow

 I am going to plant indigo seeds in one of these and borage seeds in the other one. I read that I can dry the indigo leaves to dye with later-so I am going to try that.  I don't make an indigo vat but have dyed in the past with fresh leaves. Still a little tricky but I did get a few lovely colors on fabrics.

  The other side-the right side looking at the steps is a total mess, lots of weeds, and since Larry's fall prevented him from finishing the water project-that side is holding tons of water-a real mess. I need to tackle that next week for sure. I may dig up some of the perennials before I lose them and plant over on this side near the tubs til that water issue gets fixed.

  That's it for me,  I have the KC Royals baseball game on they are playing much better this year. The weather shows the next 3 days will be  near 90 F  typical Missouri weather haha


  1. Looks like you have been one busy beaver. Next weekend I plan on doing some planting if the weather cooperates. Hope you have a great weekend! Janice

    1. Yes I got a lot done today, finally getting back to feeling more like my old self. with the hot temps the lake will be full of boats for sure. Happy weekend

  2. You always do so much Kathy, you get more dxone in a week than I do in months! Have fun watching the baseball game! Take care, hugs, Valerie

    1. thank you Valerie, I am slowing down though-smile and I am feeling it this morning for sure great game and they won hugs

  3. You've been super productive and I am in awe. I'm glad you're doing better. Good idea about the rocks for those plants. I plan to get out and do yard and garden stuff today. It's sort of perfect for it -- so far!

    1. Today we just started with the high humidity and high temps-hugs this is the ozarks though Have a good week

  4. We are at or over 100F for the next week...uuughh.. and after all the rain i bet the humidity will be thru the roof.. I just swept out the garage and i need to get out there and spray for bugs.. I try my best to get any outdoor stuff done in the morning.. I think those tubs will be great.. In fact we got some from our rancher friend but once we got them home we found them to be super brittle... i guess they had sat out in the field quite awhile.. oh well .. great idea though.. My marigolds and petunias the kiddos helped me plant are doing great.. But both came down with a case of spider mites... I have them sprayed now ..lets hope that works.. We only ever food shop at Walmart... we have 3 big ones nearby... Once in a while when i can't find what i need i go to HEB.. Your a busy busy woman! You inspire me! Hugs! deb

    1. I wasn't ready for these ner 90's but 100s ugh I am never ready for those I have a hunch that once this rain stops we will have a very hot summer this year close to the 100's
      bummer about those tubs, they must have been really old, as I had tomato plants in four of them at the woods house for almost 20 years and they are still good.
      My garden area is a total dissaster but this side where the tubs are I will be planting marigolds, zinnias, and cosmos fist. bummer about the spider mites.
      I have never had any problems with a wal mart before but this one is much smaller than the large ones and am having trouble with their meats and fresh produce-so I am going to start buying those things from the two small grocery stores in the other town.
      I am not as busy as used to be, but I am working on stopping stressing with Larry's health concerns-we just stay positive and focussed hugs

    2. I usually succeed in not stressing over hubby's health until the dark of night and the house is quiet and i'am awake...

  5. I've been busy with yard work too, but I am LAZY this morning as it's damp and overcast. You did have a lot of rain. I saw your area was in the wet on the news. I hope it dries out for you, and sorry to read about your bottle gardens. I hope Larry's camera works for you. Have a good weekend. hugs-Erika

    1. We have had soooo much rain here, more than usual. I had to turn the a/c on for us today-ugh high humidity and close to 90's F same for the next couple of days. The old digital cameras take so much better photos-I am enjoying it

  6. Good for you for getting outside things done before the weather heats up. This St. Louis-side of the state girl is curious where exactly in the Ozarks you are.

    1. Hello Missouri girl-smiles we are now living on lake in the ozarks. I retired in 2003 and we lived in the woods-which we loved-until about 3 years ago when Hubs wanted to downsize to a smaller home. I wanted a view or I would not give up the woods-this house was in worse condition than I realized but I got my view-haha

  7. You have been busy that is a lot of work. I have been gardening too and very sore at night.

    1. I was really sore when I got up this morning-carry those rocks were heavy and I did a lot of trips-I did get the last two finished up this morning

  8. Well, it certainly does not look like you are suffering from a lack of things to do! Great repurposing of those pots, cannot wait to see what they look like in a few weeks!

    1. good morning-that is for sure haha the other side is a total disaster with the water issue. I love these pots-they last many years too very thick and strong

  9. Sounds like you had a good day :)

    All the best Jan


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