Thursday, April 6, 2023

Good morning Thursday & a Little Catch Up

   Good morning everyone,

      So grateful-where we live we were spared the tornadoes and hail that hit Missouri. This was a wide spread  severe weather event in many states here in the midwest and I think this went south as well.  A small town outside of St Louis Missouri got destroyed-a reminder of what happened to Joplin years ago. That day we did get to 85 degrees F before storms hit and dropped the temps way back down.

   Prayers for all the suffering.

   Early Tuesday and Wednesday-I cleared out all the weeds in that upper area of the driveway-so once it warms back up a bit I will transfer some of the creeping thyme ground cover. I also need to buy a bit more bags of soil. 

  I took my car into a service near us that I like early this morning, they have a lady mechanic too that is a sweetheart.  The problems before were do to a bad battery-it was only a year old so we got a new one for free. My car is old so I took it in for a tune up, oil change, and to really check out belts that may need replacing. The shocks are pretty much gone in this car but that can wait. I just don't want to worry about breaking down.

  I got my new camera in Tuesday's mail. I took a couple photos, don't like the camera at all. When charging the battery - the camera gets very warm to the touch-I really don't think that is normal (?)  The little instruction book is totally useless, and since I am not good at figuring out things-didn't like that. I just started pushing buttons to get a couple photos off. I packaged it up and am sending it back to amazon. That is one of the good things about amazon I have never had an issue returning things. They email you a free label but it is a UPS label  There is a drop off at the bank across town, I will do that tomorrow when I get my car back.

  I did take two photos of some yarn I am spinning on my wheel-Miss Ashley (my Ashford Traveler),  I am loving this hand dyed green that I picked up on an Etsy shop. It is a long wool and feels good to spin a less processed wool again. She hand "painted" the dye-so this different shades a forest greens with areas of yellow-greens, to browns-really nice.  I am thinking this will be pretty with my bison fiber-which I may try to re spin for a finer yarn. I should have saved the bison fiber til I was a better spinner-but I enjoyed working with it very much.  I will weave a short over garment of some sort with those two spun yarns.

  I am still thick and think with my yarn but it is nicer than my drop spindle yarn-especially the joins are nicer. I am not keeping the wheel spinning non stop-but that's ok for now

  In the back is the vintage wheel-I have been asking questions about this wheel, so will be trying out some things to get that one to work too.


I am very pleased with this white long wool yarn-much nicer on my wheel too I had bought 2 pounds of this a few years ago at a very good price-usa long wools carded together for spinning. This is the yarn I will dye with black walnuts. I am pleased to finally be spinning nicer yarns.

    It is a cold day today again, so I will be spinning and reading today.


  1. Hi Kathy, Nice to read about your spinning. I'm glad your car is getting fixed. Yeah my camera died a while back and i'am just using my phone. I prefer a camera... infact we have Alvins nicer camera i could pull out and use but its just so darn big.. so for now the phone is handier.. i almost always have my phone on me so i always have a camera on me.. The cameras on phones have gotten so good and we don't even have an expensive phone.. We are cooler here today too, sunny, we will be even cooler here tommorrow .. then a nice warm up over the weekend. Golf weather for Easter Sunday probably So glad you made it through the storms safe and sound.. Hugs! deb

    1. Hi Deb, when I see the ads on tv about smart phones it is amazing how good the cameras seem to be. we don't have anyone to call so I don't one of those haha-no family at all on either side and I am mostly at home these days so for me a camera is better.
      Larry had a very expensive set up that he gave away a few years ago.
      we got a huge cool down here compared to the 85 degrees-I think we are slowly warming up next week.
      does sound like perfect golf weather-and getting my ground cover moved.
      Happy Easter hugs

  2. Spring is in the air although coming slowly in some areas

    1. yes slow out east I am reading and near Yellowstone they had lots of snow come down last week--we have red buds blooming now

  3. Hi Kathy, glad you stayed safe in the storms. Hugs and prayers to all who got hit by it. Glad you are able to spend your day reading and spinning, sounds good. I often have reading and painting days. This afternoon I went to the art group near here, it was fun to meet up with other people there. Sorry about the camera! Hugs, Valerie

    1. Hi Valerie, thank you so glad you were able to meet up with and art group-that's nice I found a new camera today with Larry's help we'll see how this one it Hugs

  4. Sorry you didn't like the camera Kathy. And I agree, returns on Amazon are easy. But I am glad to hear you got some yard work and some spinning done. You've had some really warm weather. And these tornadoes these last few weeks have been horrible. And so many. I hope you have a great weekend and Happy Easter to you also. hugs-Erika

  5. I was worried you would not like the camera. I have always had one that used 4 AA batteries, except one. You left the battery in the camera, but I only had it about a month and the battery refused to charge. It was a Nikon, but I will now only buy a camera that uses AA batteries as long as they make them (that type camera, because they will always make batteries)!

    Like you, I prefer a camera. Unlike you, I don't own a cell phone, not even the cheap ones that don't take photos. SO glad you were able to return the camera. Keep us updated, please. Those were two nice photos, at least.

    1. Hi, we have a cheap cell phone that is Larry's and really only use it for emergencies in his car, or if our electric goes out we can use to call the electric co other that we don't use cell phones either.
      I was looking at those with the regular batteries but seems like one would go through allot of batteries unless you had a set up to recharge them-if that is still around.
      I found a new camera will see what happens

    2. I took over 1400 photos before I changed batteries. The reason I changed batteries was I was taking Sally to dinner on her birthday and I didn't want to accidentally have my batteries die. I changed them, but they still had juice. I get TONS of photos before I have to change batteries, but I'm a photo junkie. I take five photos where others would only take one.

  6. Also, if you don't post before or on Sunday, have a blessed Easter.

    1. thank you so much Elizabeth-Happy Easter, did you get the spring post card I mailed out awhile back>

    2. Obviously NOT. If I had, I would have let you know. I'll watch for it, though. And thanks in advance, too.

    3. I didn't realize the batteries would last that long-I should have asked, I just bought a different camera. Wow your postcard must have gotten lost-sad-I sent a few out around 10 days before Iris shared hers-I used my botanical inks on them too that's a bummer

    4. My camera has a little icon that shows if the batteries are full, 1/2 full, and 1/4 full. I was down to 1/4 full, which is why I decided to change them. I put one of those four in a wall clock and it is working perfectly in that. I buy rechargeable batteries. At one time I had two chargers, but one of the chargers took so long to recharge the batteries, I finally quit using it. I sincerely hope you like your new camera.

    5. thank you for the information, I did not realize those type of batteries in cameras would last a long time.
      I just got refunded for my old camera and am waiting for the new one

  7. Happy greetings to you... your spinning wheel and your yarn look so wonderful... we also had night frost... sun this morning, but the rain is supposed to follow... perfect weather for indoors. Have fun spinning and reading. I will cook, bake and sew. It is comfortable :-))
    Happy Easter!

    1. Happy Easter, we have been cold here too for a several days after the big storms-warms up next week though-enjoy your baking and sewing hugs

  8. I'm sorry the camera was disappointing. That always is a bit of a bummer -- and work too, sending it back and negotiating the refund and all. Ugh. But, on the up side, glad you missed out on the big storms and tornadoes. Have a wonderful weekend!

    1. nice thing about Amazon it is very easy and hassle free to return not liked or damaged items the first 30 days-as soon as ups scans they have the return amazon sends me out the refund-I really appreciate that.
      so glad too we got missed by those severe storms-scary stuff
      Happy weekend

  9. I always enjoy seeing your yarn activities. Sorry the new camera didn't work out. I'm glad you were spared those bad storms.

    1. Thank you so much Anne. spinning and weaving has always been on the "back burner" since I bought the Ashford wheel as a kit back in 1978 I found an excellent spinning group on facebook that is so friendly and so helpful when I don't know something-mid-70's now this is my time finally for spinning and weaving hugs

  10. Thunder storms and tornadoes are the worst thing about spring. I am sad for all the people who lost so much in both these storms. The colder weather really was a nice break from working outdoors; glad that you have your spinning now.

    1. Hi Mary it was a nice break-we are warming up now-hoping to get some of the ground cover moved spinning on Miss Ashley is getting better I spun 3 spools yesterday and 2 today-almost finished with the 2 pounds of white long wools I picked up around 2017-this summer will dye it with black walnut outdoors

  11. Glad you did not get hit by the weather! It seems to get quite common, it wasn´t even in the news here - is that good or bad, I don´t know!
    Sad about the cam, hope you find a better one soon. And wow on your spinning! Hugs!


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