Saturday, April 22, 2023

Earth Day

   Today is the official day to celebrate Earth Day

Here is a link the official site for Earth Day 

   I personally have mixed emotions-I believe in taking care of our planet, recycling, making good choices, there are many small things we can do to not waste-less paper-plastic plates, less paper towels, washable straws etc.

   I follow Free the Ocean-every morning They send me a quiz about the oceans-which helps them to raise money from sponsors to rid our oceans of plastics when we answer the questions. I learn allot of new things from the morning quiz too. They also sell sustainable products-I buy a few when they have their 25% off sales-otherwise they are a bit expensive for me. I do like their laundry soap that is in a sheet and then dissolves in the wash.

   I have always thought instead of plastics especially in the food and medical sectors companies need to invent something that works like these plastics but will decompose-I have always thought that is just common sense solutions to the explosive use of plastics.  I did read that Mcdonalds Happy Meals will be phasing out their all plastic toys to something more sustainable and will decompose-that is a huge save of plastics.

  I personally do Not believe in those wind generators though-they are an eye sore to the land and kill many birds. I also do not believe in the push to get rid of clean coal and clean gas, All electric everything is Not the answer (especially since most of the components come from China only or the rain forests-what sense does that make??)  It's a balance and common sense of policies-which our country and the world is lacking at the moment.

  I was brought up in the hippie generation-so getting rid of plastics has been around a very long time.

  These are my personal views You are most welcome to your own views too

                                   A few recycling ideas

  I found this board on Pinterest that is full of recycling and re use of things

25 recycled ideas for your home here  these were interesting  I remember doing this one as a kid reusing food cans-perfect for the art-craft room without buying something, or storage uses in the garage or tool shed-great for nuts and bolts etc..

Here is another DIY recycling site with fun ideas

one of the projects   

.57 creative recycling ideas and projects  (these were interesting, different and very creative for sure) here

Happy Earth Day


  1. Happy Earth Day to you, too, Kathy. Plastic is something I have railed against for years. People are tired of hearing me complain about plastic, especially at Easter.

    I decorated several of those cans that you showed first, too. One of the cans I covered used old PLASTIC straws I had been given and was not about to put in my recycle box or trash.

    1. good morning, I agree-if we can send people into space than we can come up with an alternative to plastic that will decompose after use

  2. Kathy, the main evidence of climate change that we are already experiencing and suffering from is prolonged heat waves and we will see it repeated more frequently. There will be more droughts, with more incidence of water evaporation and if the planet warms a lot, we may see irreversible changes in some ecosystems of the world, which would be catastrophic for the people and wildlife that depend on them.

  3. Happy earth day to you also Kathy. I'm with you about getting rid of plastics, or at least those that can't break down, but I'm confused about clean goal and gas. There is no way to have combustion and not get carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide. Perhaps that means building engines that can change those chemicals to something like oxygen or water? I'm confused by that term I guess. I hope you're having a lovely weekend, and are you having nice weather to work outside in your garden? hugs-Erika

    1. Hi Erika, I don' understand the chemistry behind things-but I am not happy with the batteries needing to be made from things from the rain forest, and that China is making all the parts--and China does not care about the earth's well being at all-lots of pollution there.
      we at least have clean coal plants at least in Missouri they are very clean.
      wind and solar only will not cut it in my opinion with the technology we have at the moment-but I am just a layman so what do I know haha
      sadly we are very wind and cold today with a freeze coming in tonight til early tomorrow-found this interesting about "clean coal"

  4. I mostly agree with you. Our electric bills are not low so how does having a bigger load on our already fragile system make sense?

    1. so agree with you-and they are pushing everybody towards electric cars-no grid for it ridiculous

  5. I so agree with you about the wind turbines and plastics. How wonderful it would be if they were replaced with materials that will decompose. I don’t see much on tv or elsewhere about keeping American clean and beautiful like there once was. Remember the old Native American with the tear falling down his cheek. Bring him back! Mary @ Hilltop Post p.s. A great post!

    1. I had forgotten about that with the Native American-thanks for mentioning this. no anything any more about Love of Country-sad to watch

  6. Replies
    1. I thought so too haha these links had great ideas in them

  7. Oh friend...such cool ideas for recycling...loved them all. The can idea is great and one could even decorate those cans with art too. Yes always balance...extremes never are the answer in my humble opinion. We have a friend at church that takes the plastic bags and makes mats for the homeless - so I recycle those by giving them to her. It takes 700 to make one mat. She crochets them together somehow. Hugs!


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