Good morning Saturday,
Looking at the forecast for next week-Wow almost every day will be in the low 70's F I am hoping I can get warmed up and feeling better.
I still can't get into a doctor sadly and unbelievable to me. Took my temperature the last few days and it's 97 no wonder I am cold. I am never at the normal temperature but don't remember being this low. I took a short walk yesterday near my house but didn't tackle the steep hills. I will try to move around more. My chest is not clear so continuing with the homeopathic teas etc.
I get a newsletter from The Buffalo Wool Company
They are always doing interesting things and developing new products with buffalo fibers. Right now they are in Alaska for the IditarodLast week they shared a book by a native american for children-with lovely paintings. They were sold out on their website so searched online and found the author published two books. The paintings are awesome. I wanted to share these books. There are many used copies online with all sorts of prices too..
Not sure what is going on with our post office. Packages arriving very late or lost. I went into the post office to mail my tax papers to our accountant on Monday. He still has not gotten it, hoping they didn't lose it. Also the tracking doesn't work-never had that occur before. It is going to a city about 4 hours away so should have gotten mid week. Anyone else in the states having this issue?
This week I baked up chocolate chip cookies for both of us. My gluten free cookies baked up sooo perfect. This hardly ever happens with gluten free flour. I used organic fair trade sugars., butter and coconut oil These were chewy and a bit crunchy-just a perfect bake. I froze most of them so I don't get tempted to eat too many smiles
Still enjoying all the different water birds, we may start getting more boats on the lake with warmer weather coming in next week.
Here where I live we have to change our clocks-I don't like this but I guess they are saying our country is 50/50 on this issue so this continues. There are a handful of states that passed laws not to change time twice a year.
Enjoy your weekend