Saturday, March 8, 2025

Happy Weekend-This and That

 Good morning Saturday,

   Looking at the forecast for next week-Wow almost every day will be in the low 70's F   I am hoping I can get warmed up and feeling better.

  I still can't get into a doctor sadly and unbelievable to me. Took my temperature the last few days and it's 97  no wonder I am cold. I am never at the normal  temperature but don't remember being this low. I took a short walk yesterday near my house but didn't tackle the steep hills. I will try to move around more. My chest is not clear so continuing with the homeopathic teas etc.

  I get a newsletter from The Buffalo Wool Company  

  They are always doing interesting things and developing new products with buffalo fibers. Right now they are in Alaska for the Iditarod  

  Last week they shared a book by a native american for children-with lovely paintings. They were sold out on their website so searched online and found the author published two books. The paintings are awesome. I wanted to share these  books. There are many used copies online with all sorts of prices too..

  Not sure what is going on with our post office. Packages arriving very late or lost. I went into the  post office to mail my tax papers to our accountant on Monday. He still has not gotten it, hoping they didn't lose it. Also the tracking doesn't work-never had that occur before.  It is going to a city about 4 hours away so should have gotten mid week.  Anyone else in the states having this issue?

   This week I baked up chocolate chip cookies for both of us. My gluten free cookies baked up sooo perfect. This hardly ever happens with gluten free flour. I used organic fair trade sugars., butter and coconut oil These were chewy and a bit crunchy-just a perfect bake. I froze most of them so I don't get tempted to eat too many smiles

  Still enjoying all the different water birds, we may start getting more boats on the lake with warmer weather coming in next week.

Here where I live we have to change our clocks-I don't like this but I guess they are saying our country is 50/50 on this issue so this continues. There are a handful of states that passed laws not to change time twice a year.

 Enjoy your weekend

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

More Winter & Slow Stitching

  I am thinking many of us are just sooooo ready for Spring. We woke up this morning to very very very strong winds with a little snow. The winds are to last all day today-I do not like listening to howling winds. I may just close up the blinds on the big windows today. We were supposed to get this last night but it arrived early this morning instead.

  Do you get into a slump and no longer have ideas as to what to make for your main meal? I have been going through that lately-just don't know what to make for something different.  We finished up the cake yesterday so may just bake some cookies today-get my mind off those winds.

 Have made more progress on my second slow stitch bag (photos will enlarge for better viewing just click on them)

This yellow was dyed with mimosa leaves. I stitched a few circles and squares and now filling in the rest-I should have used a bit darker yellow for those to stand out a bit more. I wanted this to stay soft with this natural dyed yellow. Hope to finish this area today or tomorrow


A peak out the window

Enjoy your day

Sunday, March 2, 2025

Good morning Sunday

  I just deleted my last post-was sharing my views on political events-but decided there is no need for it. We all have a right to our own conclusions of world events and more-so decided no need to share my own as in the end doesn't matter at all what I believe or conclude.

  At the time I had read sooooo many blog posts on the Ukraine war that I had posted my thoughts-almost everyone of my friends here are liberals-never have figured out why most artists are liberals-but that doesn't matter at all either.  I enjoy reading and seeing your creativity 

  I did make a yummy pineapple blueberry upside down cake yesterday.  I cut me a slice for breakfast this morning. Sundays I make Larry his favorite-homemade pancakes with real maple syrup

Happy new month and week

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Awesome Sunrise Photos

  Good morning Saturday,

The warm up begins, we were just below freezing yesterday with sunshine-so I made it up to my mailbox-Wow a lot of mail. The mail person placed a lot of it in a large bag and tied it to my garbage container handle. Good thing the garbage pick up did not come this week-smiles. I do not blame anyone for not walking mail down-most of the steps were totally wind blown over with snow.

I will wait til tomorrow when it will be even warmer to tackle the shoveling. I got ill from this cold, and perhaps from the last big shoveling job. Asthma really bad, chest so tight I could not breath well. I looked on line and found a breathing technique that has worked for me, plus using the heating pad over my chest.  I have not been this bad since the late '80's

We have Directv streaming and my set up for my tv finally quit. It has been acting up for awhile now-I could not change the volume and no channel numbers. I got the replacement in the mail yesterday.  We had to replace Larry's setup a  couple months ago. Mine must be the newest version as it loaded more stuff, and a clearer picture as well.  I love the streaming for all the apps that are available We only look for the free apps-Tubi, You Tube, and others-it amazes me how much is available now days. Our tv's are going on 20 years or more old now too. I think the newer ones may be set up for streaming tv-it is really a huge upgrade in my opinion. One can get a basic streaming package and then shop for free movie apps etc.  I asked the Directv customer service how long their streaming devices should work and he said around 3 year  Ours made it to around two years. These have a small rental fee so easy to upgrade.

Now for the photos-the other day the sky was magical so I grabbed my camera. It was still negative temperatures so I took these from indoors out one of the large windows. You can still see the ice on the lake too. We got more ice coverage a couple days ago, but that will melting away next week for sure. On day will be in the 60's Looking forward to that for sure.

Happy weekend-hoping you are all getting a warm up soon as well

Thursday, February 20, 2025

A little Ice Forming on Lake

   We have been in the negatives at night several days this week-so we were bound for ice forming on the lake.

Have enjoyed watching the geese and ducks too along with the sea gulls.

The neighbor's dock to the right of us has a lot of ice around it-we just have a little. Tonight we will be 0 degrees F instead of being in the negative degrees. We only made it to the low teens today for a high.

    The UPS driver was brave and brought down a package to our door-that was nice of him especially with the steps being drifted with snow. Saturday I am hoping to be able to work on the steps.

  I baked oatmeal cookies this morning. I tried out a new recipe that I found on Pinterest link here  I will make it again they were really good even with my changes of ingredients. Here is a photo from the link I used yellow raisins but my cookies look like the photo. These are soft cookies

Stay warm and safe

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Hoping All Is Good After the Wintry Storm

  A lot of our nation has either been hit with massive flooding or wintry storms with snow and ice.

All things considered not too bad here-we didn't get the 14 inches of snow-thank goodness-but we got at least 6-8 with strong winds so my steps are drifted over. We are also in the negative temperature and single digits during the day still for a few more days. We are to get to just above freezing on friday and then the warm up.

The deck has drifts as well-and got the screen door open enough to throw out some seed and suet chunks to the birds.  The front door which is glass is solid ice at the moment-I have packages coming in but not thinking they will make it here-don't think our gravel road has been plowed out as of yet, I know the garbage truck did not attempt the drive here.

Could be worse-we did not lose our electric-so thankful as this entire house is electric-first time we ever lived in a house with a woodstove not set up for back up heat and cooking.

This morning we are watching lots of sea gulls fishing for food and flying around  I am thinking my friends on the east coast have gotten hit much harder. I took a few photos from indoors-a couple of them show my camera.

  Hoping you are all warm and safe

Monday, February 17, 2025

Those of You Affected--Ready For The Next Wintry Storm??

 Good morning Monday and President's Day-a no  mail day today.

   Much of our country is getting blasted with wintry storms and/or flooding.  I checked in on our friends that live rural in Kentucky-and he says they are fine as they live on high ground. A few states got major flooding over the weekend. My friend that lives outside of Yellowstone Park beneath mountains has gotten Lots and Lots of snow the last few days with strong winds-ugh. They are constantly plowing themselves out.

  I just checked on our weather again as I thought this storm was going north of us in Missouri-Not

Here is the weather report   We are considered Southwest Missouri which is affected.

    "Heavy snow expected Totals between 6-10 inches with some areas 6-14 inches starts midnight tonight til 6 am" 

  This sounds more like the winters we experienced in Northern Illinois.  

We are prepared with food and bottled water, hoping we don't get the 30-40 mile an hour wind gusts that are also predicted with this storm-that will mess with boats and docks. The negative temps at night this week will  have the lake freezing too.

  Can't beat mother nature just need to go with it. I don't go out of the house any more during storms like this.  This storm will effect many along with those of you on the east coast.  Stay safe everyone-this is when I wish we would have fixed the woodstove set up for this lake home. I want to do that this summer-our friend that helps us would split the wood for us. Nothing cozier than a woodstove I miss that.

  I think this will be a baking week, not sure what just yet. Perhaps oatmeal cookies this time, or an apple crisp. I will be slow stitching too on my second bag.

  When I went shopping at Wal mart a few days ago I found organic free range large brown eggs for $6.00 I grabbed a dozen as that sounded like a good price-the local grocery store had that same price too.

  Stay warm and safe everyone.

Saturday, February 15, 2025

Surprise from our Realtor

   Good morning Saturday,

      Thursday we had a surprise visit from our Realtor-He hands me a package and says Happy Valentine's Day.  Inside was a frozen crab shrimp boil-Wow amazing gift.

     I got a photo of it still frozen-but couldn't get a good photo while it was in the boiling water-then I forgot to take a photo when I plated it. I had heard of this new fish store a year ago and everyone we know that has tried it loves the food.  This one had two pieces of corn on the cob, lots of little potatoes, spicy sausages, shrimp and crab. Also whipped butter with a little spice added

This was soooo delicious and an amazing thoughtful gift.  We are getting serious now about getting our woods property sold.

   Today we have a break in the weather so I can do a bit of food shopping and get in more distilled water-I use it in our commercial coffee maker and I just recently bought two small humidifiers to get some moisture in the air here.  Easier to keep them cleaner using distilled water.  After today we are plunging down to the  minus numbers with wind-not good.

Happy weekend

Thursday, February 13, 2025

Brrrrrr It's Cold Outside

   Good Morning Thursday,

Hoping none of my readers got snowed in from these wintry storms coming through our nation this week

. We got one of those pretty snows yesterday, just enough to make everything pretty. It even warmed up enough for me to shovel off the slushy ice and snow to make a path to the top. 

   I order a lot of foods in so was thinking I would get it before the snow,  my packages were delayed-our circle and steep gravel road is a bit difficult to navigate for trucks-so should get them today.  We are bitter cold though for a few day-10 degrees F early this morning.

 The squirrels and racoon (racoon visits at night) have destroyed my feeders and suet holders so have been tossing seed and broken up suet on to the deck floor.  Being so cold yesterday we had a lot of bird visitors-along with too many squirrels I am learning to toss some seed out-let the squirrels have their way-and when they leave I toss out more for the birds-that has been working-so far at least.

   I was able to capture a bluebird and cardinal in my photos  We also had a  pileated and downy woodpecker visit-fun, and lots of small birds  We have always loved watching the birds.

When the birds see me they all fly off This area has been covered with many different small birds Being so cold now-I throw out more seed in the afternoons too. We are one of the few year round residents here-so thinking that is why we get so many squirrels.

  I was wanting to make something different for us for our main meal at 2 pm yesterday  I decided on spaghetti which I have not made in ages. Turned out really good-I served it with a small salad and grilled bread with garlic(gluten free for me whole grain for Larry) and olive oil. I still had some gluten free pasta for me and angel hair pasta for Larry in the pantry.

  Happy Thursday

Saturday, February 8, 2025

Happy Weekend-Super Bowl Food & Slow Stitching Site

Good Morning and Happy Weekend Friends,

  Those of you that watch the Super Bowl-do you go to a party to watch the game and eat good foods, or stay home?   My husband is the "football Widow" here in my home-smiles.  I have always enjoyed watching sports-not golf or soccer though. My Mom only watched golf which I always thought was interesting being brought up on the farm with a woodstove and no electricity in the home. She first experienced electricity and more accessible running water when she went to college.

  I don't go overboard with the food but I did pick up salsa,  pico de gallo and corn chips, and I am making peperoncini beef sandwiches tomorrow.  I learned about this sandwich from a friend years ago that came down to visit us from Wisconsin one weekend and brought fixings for meals.  I have not made this in years so thinking Larry will love it. It has been over a year since I have eaten snack foods-so a treat for sure. 
   I am one of those people that prefer eating snack foods over real meals    haha

Here is a photo I found online from here

  When I went to the local grocery store I didn't like any of the buns they had. I did find a gluten free bun for me though. So I bought a whole grain thick bread instead-I will need to toast if first for this sandwich. I do have some quality hot dog buns in the freezer-I may just use those instead for Larry's sandwich
  I baked us a cheesecake this week-one of Larry's favorite desserts-It turned out really good.
I always keep a lot of eggs in the frig-just so I have them on hand when I want to bake. The local grocery store had mostly empty egg cases, but they did have a decent assortment to choose from I only buy brown eggs. I was so happy to find a new brand of eggs what were from local farmers from Missouri in cardboard containers-that I prefer and large brown eggs and were free range. The price was $6.00 not too bad for these eggs.  
  The other day I searched on the You Tube channel for Slow stitching tutorials. I found  Jo Mo link here to her channel    
     I am enjoying streaming tv service as I add the free app You Tube and all my subscriptions that I follow now are on my big screen tv to watch-much nicer.

 The Jo Mo site has so many different ideas and little projects to try. She has beginner as well. Here is  a  too fun one-a scroll-I love this idea-and in one of her scroll tutorials she uses a wooden plain clothes pin to close it.. This looks like a fun project after my bags project is completed-or perhaps mid way for a break from the bags.  Her site will give  me stitching ideas for my bags too.

Happy Weekend and if you watch-Enjoy Super Bowl Sunday

Tuesday, February 4, 2025

A Couple Photos

 Yesterday we viewed a lovely pre sunrise. Love that baby blue to the right

(For better viewing click to enlarge the photos)

I dug out my Mom's hooked rug. I place this n the bedroom near my desk where it doesn't get any foot traffic. I put it out for a few months to enjoy and then roll it back up for a bit. She dyed all of her wool and cut it all into very very thin strips-I have her cutter. This was made in the early 1960's  My brother got her vintage dining room table with the chairs that she had hooked all the seats for . I also inherited her amazing staircase runner. I gave that piece to one of our cousins as he has children to pass it down to. I may have shared this in the past. My Mom did amazing rug hooking pieces

 A surprise tonight, the person across from us on the lake did a half hour fireworks show. He has not done that in very long time.

Saturday, February 1, 2025

I made a Delicious Soup & Slow Stitching

Happy first day of February-I am so pleased to have January in the past now-what a rough month that was for us.

   It has been foggy here with the change in temperatures-lake water colder than the air right now. It does make for pretty views. Today is cooler than they said it would be, but it did make it up to 50 degrees F Will not complain about that at all. Much warmer tomorrow.

  Started cleaning house this morning-it needs it. Only two days left of the steroids-thank goodness 

 I decided to make up a chicken soup today. I found a large container in the freezer of my own chicken stock along with lots of the white meat. Last fall when I was stocking up on some foods I picked up a new to me dried soup mix. Found it on Vitacost's online site. It is by Frontier, was gluten free, and no added anything like salt etc.  This was sooo delicious. As the dried veggies came to life in the stock there were nice slices of carrots-that tasted like they came right out of the garden, lots of herbs and rice etc. The dried corn was so delicious too-sweet and tender. At that time I also picked up their bean soup mix to try as well.


 As this cooked up the broth was really thick so I added in salt free chicken stock in addition to what I had of my own.  I added in frozen peas and lots of chicken. This was a delicious hearty soup. It made a big pot so may freeze some of it so we don't get tired of it.

  I have started working on the second slow stitch bag-I am just making it up as I sew  along. Am liking it so far I have lots of embroidery threads in my stash-I inherited some from both of my Grandmas, my Mom, even some from my late sister's stash. I have picked up a few variegated colors recently Also friend Deb in Texas shared some of her threads with me as well. 

(oops ignore the time stamps-they don't seem to show up til I post them)

This fabric that I began stitching on first is the sun dyed piece from Pebeco sun dyes along with coarse salt thrown on top as it dries in the sun.

I have picked up a few templates. Each set goes from very small to large. I wish I knew about these when I was quilting.  Here is one of the sets-I bought a couple different shapes

Photo is from Amazon. these are packaged into a thick plastic bag with zipper, all pieces on a ring and includes a little bear charm I love this product

Enjoy the rest of your weekend. We have our workers coming to tomorrow to help Larry get the lift's motor figured out to work right.

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

This & That

 Good Morning Friends,

  What a difference sunshine and above freezing feels like. Our home is finally warmer. Discovered the old furnace was heating the basement-weird-but that did keep the floors warmer than they are now when it is below freezing. So I had to wear shoes indoors-ugh I never do that just wear thick socks instead.

  I did have to go into the doctor Monday to make sure I was having asthma issues and not something else. So am on those dreaded steroid pills but am thankful not pneumonia.

  A couple weeks ago when I was buying a few food items online, I was looking for those olive oil sprays. Not like Pam etc-but just pure olive oil-doing that I found something better. Not sure why I never knew about this before. On Amazon I found a sprayer made in Italy that you pour your own olive oil into. Wow I had not seen this before and I love it! Are you familiar with these? This is the one I bought (that red piece is a protector in shipping)

After I wash up my cast iron pans, I always heat them up and spray olive oil in them, let the pan heat up and then wipe out the extra oil--This new sprayer saves money for sure. I also use it to spray into the cast iron pans for frying eggs etc

When I went food shopping yesterday I couldn't help myself but to buy some flower seed packets. I wish I could grow a few veggies here but the numerous squirrels here destroy everything ugh-except flowers This Spring I will be able to find out how many of my perennials perished with that water issue. Thinking most all of them I will replace the bee balm plants for sure. Will check to see what seeds I still have left of perennials if any.

   The super bowl will be a repeat of the super bowl two years ago. Hoping KC will win and make history-first team ever to win 3 super bowls in a row. KC has excellent coaches.

  Happy Midweek everyone, and hoping you are having warmer weather now too


Wednesday, January 22, 2025

A Bit of a Warm Up

    It has been an extremely cold winter so far. We did get down to minus 2 F Monday but a very slow warm up beginning now. Today we have sunshine which is always a good thing.

  Part of Lake in the Ozarks did begin freezing but not by us thank goodness. If we would get frozen in that can cause a lot of damage to docks and boats here. That did happen when we first moved here to the lake. With the days warming up to above freezing in the coming days-I think we will miss that ice for now on the lake in my area.

  I was thinking about this very frigid winter here,  and we have not had our garbage picked up in three weeks now-do to our iced gravel and steep hill on our road-so I have been careful not to fill it up with cardboard boxes etc-just food garbage. 

  I do need to  go food shopping again soon for fresh items which may happen this Saturday or next week for sure. I do not want to deal with any driving on ice. My younger days driving in blizzards and ice is over since retirement-I can tell you stories about some of those trips-haha. I was a phone operator with Bell and AT&T when operators used to be important and needed. When I was first hired I was assigned to a cord board office-that was wild and am glad I got to experience that.

  I have been Baking cookies this week. 

I baked up wheat chocolate chip cookies for Larry yesterday-froze most of those. The day before I made a batch of gluten free molasses cookies. These were a childhood favorite of mine. They are a soft molasses cookie not a crunchy one. When my Mom made them they were quite large. Since I changed the flour to gluten free, used butter and coconut oil instead of shortening (ugh when I left home I never used that again) and I used half Splenda and organic sugar for the white sugar. My cookies were delicious but baked up very small. I also mixed in fresh grated ginger.

Today I am baking up a gluten free batch of chocolate chip cookies for me. I added about a half of a cup of chopped hazelnuts that I found in the freezer (I had found those at the Aldi store before moving here) I also used a dark chocolate sugar free organic chip.

I roll the dough into balls first

Then I flatten them (to the right) and bake (to the left)  I will freeze a lot of them-just so I don't eat many-smiles When you don't eat much sweets then they become addictive when you have them around again. At least that is what happens to me

     I was disappointed with the Notre Dame Game loss but through their season they had only lost one game and then this one. I think some of the players were playing ill as well. During the season I thought they played a lot better than many of the NFL teams

 I began slow stitching on my second bag this week. I really like the lay out on this bag too, I changed it a bit from the last photo.

How are you all handling our arctic winter? Please stay safe and warm. This is the year we really needed a working woodstove-those are soooo much warmer.

Stay warm and safe

A Thought For Today


Saturday, January 18, 2025

Winter Blast Coming

I am not sleeping tonight do to the strong winds out there-which is bringing back another arctic blast. Looks like those of you on the east coast will be getting it too this round. I had two warm days to work on clearing things, especially after I was able to get through that very thick ice to make a path to the top. Yesterday I finally was able to get my car back too. Our circle gravel road has been solid ice-and the steep hill is still ice when it wasn't melting. With the super cold coming back now here too-I won't be going anywhere though.  Our friends that help us out are leaving for Florida early this morning and will stay in Florida til March-don't blame them. I should have ran some errands yesterday but I just wanted to get back home.

We were still continuing to have issues with our new furnace from the original install-they had to come back out again to fix a major issue. I think it is finally right now. We keep the heat on at the woods house and have had issues getting my delivery this time. This time it was totally empty and our friend there that helps us had to bleed the lines and relight the pilot-that is in the attic. I hope this is the end of things to deal with. Fingers crossed-as they say "when it rains it pours"

 A football weekend for me-KC Chiefs in the playoffs-again at home, and the Notre Dame Irish playing in the college championship game. I will watch the inaugural activities as well.

 I was browsing Pinterest a bit a go and found a DIY that had me thinking of blog friend Deb in Texas-a wind chime made with tin cans This would be a pretty garden feature

   I don't like the sound of wind-has always made me uneasy and nervous. It is really howling out there now like crazy-I worry about dock issues when the winds are this strong. I may just take an early shower so I can't hear it haha

  I have the second bag all pinned  and ready to sew. I am thinking a big pot of potato soup sounds good for today-I will see if I still have a little ham to add to it.

Stay warm and safe

Sunday, January 12, 2025

A Bit Warmer-Shoveling and Future Bags

  Good morning Sunday,

  No Sunshine today which I could use for working the ice up, but we will be mid 30's up to low 40's. Hoping I can get a path up the hill-we will see how this goes today. My legs are a little shaky this morning after working on those steps. Thinking I will skip the top three steps if they don't clear easily and get on with a path to the top and clear where my car parks.

 I am loving my finished bag-so I am excited to be going on to the next one. I started pinning it yesterday-this room has no heat ducts so it gets pretty cold. I bought the little heater for this room when we get really cold, but Larry needed it more when the heat was not working. No issues so far thinking it is fixed right now.

  Before Larry's accident (October 2023) I had dug out all of my hand dyed fabrics and the larger pieces I cut for the linings. I think I cut for 9 or 10 bags. I also had yardage of good quality heavier muslin cotton as the foundation for the hand dyed layout. My plan is to mail out to my slow mail friends but I will have extra bags-if you would like one please contact me through the contact form on my page here. This was a project to use my hand dyes in a project and then share with my online friends.  I will make a list in order as I receive them. 

  I am off to eat something, and then get to work outdoors

Happy Sunday

Saturday, January 11, 2025

New Furnace Woes and Slow Stitching Bag Finish--Bag Photo Update

   We were still having issues with our new furnace. Thursday morning I thought they figured out all of the issues, but early evening yesterday it was acting up again. Blowing cold air, fan not turning off. Then when the fan finally stopped the heat came on but was too warm.  So I had called right away and the repair person was to be here around 6:30 pm but came around 7:30 pm.  He checked all the wiring again, decided it must be the thermostat we have was not compatible. He said I really do not know why they didn't send you a new one with the heating unit.  He had one in his truck-that seems to have fixed things-hoping for sure now.  He did get his truck stuck up on top of the hill-right where the hill drops off-very steep there and he would have crashed into the house and more.   So it took him a bit to get himself dug out. This is a rough winter here so far. 

  I did manage to get a couple of the steps cleared of ice yesterday when we warmed up to the low 30's for just a couple of hours. The ice is so thick with the added 4 inches of snow. So I cleared snow and then put salt on the ice and after an hour or so,  was able to clear three steps. This afternoon we are to reach 40's F so I got to get us cleared out today-as the temps are dropping again tomorrow. I want to get my car back on Monday. So far our road still has not been plowed and the rural road to here is not real good either. I know main roads have priority first.

  Soooo I have been pushing to get my first bag to the finish line. I did that last night. The outside of the bag is thicker than the lining with the layers of fabrics and stitches so the edges were not laying flat nice even after the ironing with steam. I decided to stitch a blanket stitch around the outside of the straps and then just a running stitch around the inside edges.  I am pleased with the finish.

  I began laying out the next bag last night and early this morning I finished the layout. It is ready to press and pin.

The next layout. This room is a bit dark so sorry not a great photo  The yellow piece in front with the white is not that bright as it shows up here. The little leaf cut out is one of my eco printed leaves.

   I will share a better photo once it is all pinned and I can take it into a room with more light.

  This is such a good way for me to use up my hand dyed fabrics into something useful to share as gifts. There are only two pieces in this layout that were gifted to me from a friend. That yellow and white piece-which is a light weight denim, and the strap on top of photo to the right-that blue piece was part of my gifted hand dyes.

Have a good weekend and hoping this winter is not too bad for any of you

Update: after looking at the layout photo above I decided I did not like that bright yellow piece. So I swapped it out for a more subtle piece. This one I had dyed with Pebeco sun paints and added allot of salt on top. These lay in the sun til dry to set the dye process-that was fun. I like this piece much better in this.
   When I was doing journal pages I always noticed something I didn't like or needed to be fixed after I took a photo. Same happened here. Wonder why that is?  Thoughts??

this is how this little bag closes-kinda clever