Saturday, October 5, 2024

Our Present Government is Refusing to Help Hurricane Victims

     I knew it was bad for the hurricane victims but I didn't realize How bad. I don't watch news any more (mostly lies and propaganda these days)  so not sure if they are reporting anything-probably Not

   Did you know that our federal government is Refusing to help???  That's right and I haven't wrapped my head around this yet.

This is so un American and Unacceptable.  FEMA says they have No money,(which is our money not theirs by the way) They refuse to send the military that could help find the dead and the wounded, set up tents for housing, bring water and food, warm dry clothing and a medical team. Clear roads etc. This is what our military is prepared to do. They are waiting for their orders-that are Not coming.

   Are you okay with this treatment of our fellow Americans????

  One must think why are they doing this? Our country should always be Americans First-Period! 

   Those of you supporting Harris need to think about this-and really think about it. Can you remember a time in our history with hurricanes or any natural event like this,  that our Federal govt did not step in to help??? This is shocking how this current administration has done NOTHING what so ever. The first day our military should have been deployed. 

  I know Biden must have a handler do to his dementia or whatever so he is not mentally fit to take charge of this horrible situation,  but where is Harris?????  Others need to step up and find out what our constitution allows, the General mentioned the Speaker of the House could release and re direct funds.   

  This is cruelty at it's worse Or stepping back this is a coup a total takeover of our America-why do you think Harris is allowing and paying all these illegals to cross the border or be flown in to our country??-     These are Not immigrants they are illegals. To offer $750.00 when these victims have lost everything-is a slap in the face, just like what they did to the Hawaiian victims

  Wake up America


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