Sunday, September 24, 2023

End of Weekend Post & Catch Up

   Am hoping your first autumn weekend had good weather. It has been a bit cooler, but Saturday the humidity increased and very strong T storms with winds moved in. I don't sleep well during storms like this-I worry too much. We did miss the hail which I am thankful for. Also no damages that I saw.  This morning and through out the day (Sunday) lots of fisherman on the lake-we enjoy seeing them This lake (Lake in the Ozarks) has many fishing tournaments going on every weekend pretty much all year.

   I feed the wild birds year round since we really enjoy them. They are in the habit now that I will put out the seed and hummingbird feeders at first light. Over the deck those feeders must be brought in each night do to the pesky raccoons--they break their way into the feeders or they get tossed over the deck. typical of coons haha  We still have the little hummingbirds visiting. I think now we are getting different groups of families that stay awhile, move on and a new group moves in as they migrate out of our area.. I will be keeping up the nectar feeders til they have all migrated on. Usually in this area though the hummingbirds have left by  mid September-at least they did at our woods home.

   This year the bird parents brought their youngsters to the seed feeders-that was so much fun to view for us. The eagle pair visits again most every day-up in those tall trees. One day last week we saw one of the eagles catch a fish in the lake-pretty cool to see. They have also brought their juvenile too.

  Our check ups and blood test results went very well, as did my dental check up. My lower side and back is finally feeling a bit better, but as soon as I do something physical-so much work outdoors to do-it will act up again. The rain has stopped the progress on the drainage ditch since early Friday.  If no rain I want Larry to go out fishing. We are people that work too much and never take time out for fun things-it's time to do that.

 Early spring I had ordered in water iris's, but I had planted them too close to the waters edge-so with the high waves splashing up over the rocks on to the grass edge all summer, I lost most of those-sigh. We replaced them and this time I planted them further back. They will have the fall months to hopefully get more established. I found yellow ones and also violet blue siberian iris. These multiply so should be pretty in that area in a few years.. We found a really good seller on Ebay for these. here are her photos.

  I am also hoping to dig up some grass in that area along the rocks and start planting the creeping thyme-they have really multiplied since last year and are taking over. I noticed the root system on those must really travel during the winter months-so I must start getting those transplanted.

   I love watching football-always have. I don't like their politics though and stopped watching them for several years-for a football lover Kc Chiefs with Mahomes and team are just too fun to watch. I grew up in Indiana near Notre Dame University in South Bend, Indiana, so I got hooked back them. I was looking around to see if maybe a channel would televise one of their games yesterday-and I found one. I forgot how exciting college football can be. They lost at the last second by one score.

   I guess I have written a long enough post already, so will close with a photo I took a couple weeks ago.

    I still don't have a way to see what my photos look like-as everything is mostly pinks and grey but hoping this is a nice sunrise photo 😀

Happy New Week


  1. We feed our birds year round as well. That is a very pretty lake photo.

    1. thank you Debby we have always enjoyed watching the birds and wildlife so I just feed year round. the prices on seed have really gone up too-sigh but I have been shopping more online too for a better price

  2. We are not supposed to feed birds over here...the lake view is beautiful, Kathy. Have a wonderful week ahead.

    1. Hi Angie, oh that is kinda sad not to be able to feed birds-I have never heard of that before. I know many areas restrict feeding wildlife like deer etc which is understandable but here in the states many enjoy feeding the birds
      you have a good week too hugs Kathy

  3. Your sunrise picture is beautiful. Your water irises were so pretty last year - sorry you lost them and good luck with the new ones. We had lots of heavy rain on Friday night so the graveled roads around the place are a mess. The blue jays are back, no doubt wanting me to fill the feeders again. I usually wait until the hummingbirds are all gone but that may not happen for a couple more weeks. I enjoyed catching up with what’s going there on the lake. A great post. Take care! Mary @ Hilltop Post

  4. Hi Kathy, you really should do more things which are just fun, you really work hard! Look after yourself, hugs, Valerie

    1. Yes we should-we both have always worked all the time-only vacation I ever took-after I left home after high school was the Yellowstone trip I took in 2017 hoping Larry can go fishing tomorrow morning

  5. I had a small pond at my old house with the purple water iris in it. A beautiful pic of the sunrise over your lake. Here in Michigan we are either a Wolverine or Spartan fan for football and college football is big here, although I do not watch. Janice

    1. I think college football is very fun to watch My husband is the football"widow" here I did not play sports but I do love watching sports.
      the irirs's ae so pretty aren't they? enjoy your week

  6. There is a calming familiar to watching football, especially on Thanksgiving Day.
    When I moved back to New England, I added the New England Patriots after decades of being a Cowboys fan. Two is better than one. :)
    The irises are beautiful. They will make a nice spot there when they fill in.

  7. I'm glad your appointments went well and that your back is improving. You didn't need that. Too bad about the water iris but I think they'll be beautiful. I hope you could replant higher up (versus having to get all new). Despite being part of the U, I'm not a big football fan. I guess here I am perpetually upset with University athletics!


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