Thursday, July 6, 2023

We Have Been Working on Outdoor Projects

   Despite the hot and humid weather, (still very little rain over the last couple of months as well) we are getting outdoors very early and working on projects. We are so hot and humid with-high 90's F so we are up at day break to put in a couple hours before it's too hot for us to be outdoors.

   Larry has been working on getting his skid steer working again-changing parts and a major tune up, and a new seat -quite the job. He used to be a heavy equipment mechanic as well as working in construction and road projects. He does enjoy his "toys"  He also brought over a back hoe, the bull dozer is still at the woods house.

  The first couple months after we moved to the lake, he had rented a jack hammer, hired a couple guys we knew to get rid of all the concrete that ran in front of the house, and replace the walkway with bricks. The people before us knew nothing about directing water away from the house-we live on a hill, so they ended up making things worse with loads of concrete.  Those pieces have been piled up along the stone wall just in front of our door and front of the house.

   You may remember that I had carried allot of it to make those rock hills, and plant the perennial garden to the right of our front door and steps. To the left of that area we still had large piles of the concrete pieces.

  We got right to work this week, and I totally forgot about taking a before photo. Larry also dug out two large horrible bushes that just made no sense for this area. They are gone now and will be sunk in the lake, around our dock for fish breeding.

  Here is an after photo, and we also got the 8 large bags of garden soil down here too. In the back there behind the bags of soil is a lilac bush-I love lilacs so wanted to save it. This gives a clear view now, so we won't feel so cramped with those horrible bushes gone-they were just the wrong species for this space.

   Tomorrow morning early if I am not too sore, I will rake this area out and add the garden soil. For now I will scatter a bunch of zinnia, cosmos and marigold seeds to fill the space. To the right of this photo is a large pallet full of bricks to make my outdoor cast iron cooking area, we are pushing to achieve that this summer as well-still working on getting that large tree stump and roots dug out.

   Leaving the small pieces of rock and concrete will add some drainage to the soil, I did that on the other side as well. To the left and behind the lilac bush is a little garden shed-and behind that is a steep hill to the lake. Larry worked on scraping off the grass in that area this morning-getting it ready to put down the landscape fabric (my job) and rock-this will be easier for me to maintain with less grass cutting. 

  So we are making allot of progress which feels good-we both just have to really pace ourselves especially Larry with his heart condition. Those bags were soooo heavy-I had quite the time getting them into the skid steer bucket.

 I have needed to water almost every day, do to no rain. Everything is blooming well though and I am so happy with everything-there will be plenty of perennials to split up in the fall or early spring to plant in this new area.

My echinacea is still producing flowers and I have many butterflies that are enjoying all of the different flower blooms They really make me smile. We are attracting the bees as well.

For a treat late yesterday I made up a root beer float with my homemade ice cream, In the back is an empty bottle of wine waiting for me to remove and save the label.

   I am still making progress with my spinning-will post about that soon.

Enjoy your July and Summer


  1. You two are amazing. Wow on getting out so early to do such hard work! I am struggling with keeping everything watered. Rain came so very close today, but we only got a few drops. Every little thirsty plant had its little tongue out.
    Dan would love that root beer float! Mary@Hilltop Post Take care!

    1. Hi Mary, it has been so hot here too with the sun glaring down too that we can only work early in the mornings. we are early risers anyways so we just get moving outdoors. I am probably going to lose my plants up on top of the driveway-too hard to get a hose up there so I carry up watering cans but it's just too hot for them up there. may have to just put rocks up there next year. we really need rain here too.
      I love root beer floats too I always make a couple during the summer

  2. It's been hot and humid here too Kathy. Good for you to get up at daybreak to do some yard work. I tried that yesterday and was still dripping wet so today I'm going to let it pass and wait until it cools off a bit-like tomorrow. Your flowers look great, and I'm not a rootbeer fan, but your ice cream looks good. I also made some myself this week. Have a wonderful start to your weekend. hugs-Erika

    1. homemade ice cream is the best isn;t it? It has been fairly cool in the very early mornings here so as soon as the sun is up we need to get back indoors-just too hot and the humidity is high too-can't believe no rain yet. Happy weekend hugs

  3. Wow Kathy - You have been so busy. Amazing job on that area. Glad to read that the two of you are only working in the morning. Humidity really zaps the energy. Your coneflowers are so lovely...I just don't grow these well...wish I could...daisies either. Love both. Speaking of love...your homemade ice cream with the root beer sounds delicious. Hope you get rain soon and have a great weekend. Hugs!

  4. Busy busy girl! We got up at the crack of dawn yesterday to play too hot to do so otherwise.. This morning we are up and it is yard work... One day off makes 2 days catch We need rain too but none in the forecast.. You two take care doing all that work in this heat! I'm not an early morning person usually but in the Summer i have to be! uuuughhh... wake me up when Fall arrives... Hugs! deb

    1. haha we have always been very early risers-it's the farm girl genes in me I think haha Good idea to golf as early as you can to stay out of the worse heat.
      I am needing to take today off I did over do yesterday and the muscles in my arms are really weak and hurting. those heavy soil bags got me along with a few other heavy things. we are suppose to get rain tonight-I will believe it if it happens take care hugs

  5. You have been very busy again, well done. It seems to be a lot of Hard work! Happy weekend, hugs, Valerie

    1. yes this part is allot of hard work-but we made allot of progress so far Happy weekend to you too-hugs

  6. You are busy! My coneflowers just started blooming.

    1. Yes, we are trying to get a few major projects accomplished. awesome-I love my coneflowers very much-first year for me blooming the butterflies love them too

  7. You carrying a lot of rocks, that feels like years ago. Y'all do a tons if work on your landscape.
    For transporting heavy things, I use a snow sled. On a hill, a long rope, slide it down, tie off rope, go down to push the bag off, and back with the rope for another load.
    Owning a bulldozer would be so much fun with land to move around! I might put that on my bucket list. :)

    For now, a rootbeer float will do.

  8. Oh my, Kathy. You really are a marvel. After my back quit on me even stooping to weed is a challenge and carrying anything heavy is banned. You are amazing. And what a satisfying project.

  9. Wow, you really work so hard! My deepest respect. Sad the pre-owners were so dumb. And awww, your flowers are blooming! I have two wildflowers blooming, the rest is still sleeping, BUT it´s warm now here, too.
    That root beer looks interesting - I haven´t seen that here.
    I´m wishing you a great Sunday at the lake! Hugs


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