Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Good Morning

 Good Morning mid week-already,

   This month at times seems to be moving along slowly do to the extreme heat and humidity here, but then it also seems like July is going by too fast as well. I am ready for September though-cooler weather so we can get our landscape projects accomplished.

   I have decided to start a second blog, Thoughts   where I can express myself if I feel I want to about what ever I feel like writing down.  Topics can be anything. When I was working on a title google wouldn't let me use anything specific-strange-but they do censor like Facebook does, so I came up with Thoughts and they accepted that, and I like it too.

 I was feeling pretty good with myself on my last spin, that is until I started spinning the Shetland. I am having allot of difficulty with this one. The fibers are very springy so I am having trouble getting the fibers to slide-thinner-so I am needing to re draft the long pieces to be more narrow. Hope that makes sense. I am hoping that helps things, if not I will set it aside for a bit and move on to another fiber.

  I may need to take a bit of a break with spinning, and fix the threading mistakes on the loom so I can get the towels woven off this summer. I am anxious to figure out the ruana I want to weave.  I think going forward I will need to get out my little sample loom and test the patterns first from my old Handwoven magazines to check for mistakes.

  We did not get the rain last night we were supposed to, so I need to get out and water this morning-its already 80 degrees F at 7am with very high humidity.

Enjoy your day


  1. Replies
    1. thank you-something a little different for me thinking thoughts, quotes and poems

  2. Oh, for the beauty in the irregularity of things made entirely by the human hand. I love the yarns you are spinning and admire you greatly for your stamina in sticking with it. We have gone through some rough days here lately, but that is to be expected at this time of year. As of late yesterday, we finished this round of haying, so I am playing catchup here this morning. I enjoy your hand-woven towel so much.

    1. I was thinking about you haying out there in the fields-hugs So happy you are using the towel too-hugs

  3. Hot here too... and i'm just not doing to good about getting up early. My yardwork is falling behind. sigh.. Hubs started a wonderful project for me to store my paints.. And now my part in it has come around and i'am staining a bunch of boards... I took a glance at Yellowstone's temp over there on your sidebar... 53 F degress... YES please!!! Hugs! deb

    1. We are up early here but I just can't handle the high humidity and high temps-my lungs are not happy either-I watered this morning-and wow I am sooo behind too on weeds and clean up from storms-just not going to fret over it at the moment-smiles
      I could go for 53 degrees too about now

    2. Oh and I look forward to seeing your newest project

  4. It's always a good thing to take a break in art when things are a bit off. It is interesting to me when people write about the heat when we are having such a cold summer. Stay cool and have a nice day.

    1. The east coast seems to be getting allot of rain and colder weather this year-while we are stuck in the hot and humid weather
      enjoy your day

  5. Have fun with the new blog, I'm afraid I'm just about coping with one just now! I landed in Facebook Jail a few times, don't ask me what I did wrong, they are sometimes strange! Hugs, Valerie

    1. Facebook loves putting people in jail we have a long time friend that is always in their jail-fb is very liberal so they usually target conservatives though they are very strange hugs

  6. We are going into the heat for a few days but coming out of just in time for August to show up.
    Happy spinning

    1. the heat will probably be welcomed after all your rain-enjoy

  7. Have fun with your second blog :-)
    I had some, too. One from before Ingo and I moved together with all the stuff we had to have twice and another I started cause my SIL did not want me to openly show pics of the kids, so I started one where you needed to ask me for permission.
    No one ever asked and also my SIL kept the kids mostly away from me so there simply were no pics. And now they hardly know me and are also nearly teenagers.

    Hope you get the trick done with the difficult yarn!

    And please... send some of the warmth over. Another cold, grey day here...
    "Cold" hugs to you and the lake...

  8. Just curious if Google is censoring or if someone already had that name. I don't know either way. Just wondering. Good luck with 2 blogs. I have a hard enough time with 1. Hope it cools off for you Kathy. hugs-Erika

  9. Congrats on starting a new blog. Question: Are the thoughts something you don't feel belong on this blog? Just curious. I get starting a new one. I did want to do that and made one and then found it too much work to try and manage two. Though I know folks do it all the time, and open many YouTube channels and IG accounts as well. For me, I can't keep up with just the one. Happy Weekend and Happy Writing. Cheers, Ivy.


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