Thursday, July 27, 2023

Happy Friday and Pancakes & Cheesecake

   Happy Friday and Weekend,

Yep still too hot and humid here, and reading posts from friends on the east coast still raining places there and too cool-and my friend Iris in Germany is too cold where she lives-so I am guessing many of us are not happy with Mother Nature. haha

 I will have to say I am very ready for Fall and cooler temps this year, so we can get back to outdoor projects and feel better.  I am really concerned about the very high electric bill that will be posting soon-scary 

  I asked Larry what he wanted for breakfast yesterday and he says pancakes please. So after making his I made a gluten free batch for me. Photos are the gluten free version.


Maple syrup from Pennsylvania-I buy a gallon and break it down into quarts direct from their farm

In the background in above photo you can see some of the cheesecake ingredients.  I have learned the cake bakes up better if all the ingredients are brought to room temperature first-takes a couple hours-cream cheese, sour cream, and eggs I do use a keto powdered sweetener instead of sugar for the sweetener. This time I made a walnut crust-grind up the walnuts, add a little flour-used gf flour-and butter and a little sweetener I used Splenda instead of sugar. Bake first til just done.


Ingredients ready to  mix for the crust below

We had cheesecake for breakfast this morning-good eats. forgot to take a photo of our plates.

 For some reason I woke up wide awake at 3:30 am this morning, and couldn't get back to sleep-will be needing a nap this afternoon 😀

Enjoy your weekend


  1. Kathy your pancakes look delicious. I do not make these too often but they make a wonderful breakfast I am certain. Hope you are staying cool. Hard to believe we are at the end of July already...time really flies. Hugs!

    1. Yep still hot here, going into august hoping will cool down towards end of that month

  2. Yummy food. Some nights are like that for me, restless sleep/

  3. Have a good nap!
    I found a recipe for walnut cake on the New York Times Cooking page that I have to try. A walnut cheese cake with crushed walnut crust sounds as good, maybe even better.

    1. I didn't get around to a na, the walnut cake sounds delicious, I need to see if my Grandma's recipe or not

  4. Pancakes YUM! Am ready for fall myself and tired of the thunderstorns and exsessive heat. Janice

    1. good evening we could use more rain here-and get rid of the excessive heat and humidity too

  5. I have never made a cheese cake I love them but have never made them.
    But I make the best pancakes ever! just ask my grand lol

    1. the cheesecakes are really easy to make and guys love them awesome about the pancakes-hugs

  6. Cheesecake for breakfast? Boy that sounds delicious. So do the pancakes too. Happy Friday Kathy. hugs-Erika

    1. good morning, we love desserts for breakfast and coffee-hugs

  7. A pancake wouldn’t be a pancake without pure maple syrup. How I would love a slice of your delicious cheese cake. Yummy! I am growing weary of these oh-so-hot and humid days. I try not to complain about the weather, but still….. hilltop post

    1. I try not to go on about the weather either-but this has been a very very rough summer way too humid and hot-so stuck in the house-oh well it is what it is

  8. Pancakes and cheesecake - sounds like paradise to me! Hugs!

  9. Good Friday morning Kathy!! You had an EARLY morning.. so did i but not as early as you... I decided today was the day i get back to walking in the morning.. I have seriously fallen off the wagon since Spring.. I've been trying for the last week but just turn off the alarm and roll over... Now i've given hubby permission to boot me out of bed! Ha! So one mile all the way down a big hill and one mile back up... now some weedeating.. Your pancakes and cheesecake look and sound yummy! I may need a nap later Hugs! deb

    1. lol walking is good I need to do that again but not in this heat-early morning today 80 degrees with high humidity that humidity just won't move on twe have a steep hill here too that makes this circle stay safe and cool hugs

  10. We love pancakes. Tonight I'm making waffles. Yum. Love all the baking and cooking that you do. So fun!

    1. we love waffles too I have a Belgium waffle recipe I love-haven't made those in awhile


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