Saturday, July 22, 2023

Still Spinning

  I have been spinning most every day or at least every other day depending on the weather and if we are working outdoors or not. I am hoping to be much improved by the end of this year.

 I just started preparing the Moorit Shetland wool for spinning this afternoon, and wow this reminds me of the bison fiber I was working with a couple years ago.  Very short staple and soft.  I like to search out the more rare breeds to spin, I feel like I am honoring their heritage, and shows me how different the breeds of wool are to spin-especially if they have not been over processed.

 Researching I found out Moorit means the brown color as Shetland comes in many different colors.  They are considered a mountain sheep and are native to Orkney and Shetland. They used to not be shorn but plucked in July-which reminds me also of the bison wool-which is the extra warm layer on top for warmth and that will shed as it gets warmer.  These are considered a rare breed now.

I found a photo of a Moorit Shetland online here  and this site  has a page of information and interesting facts about Shetland wool 

  At the moment I am spinning the Wensleydale roving. This is from a different seller and spins entirely different than what I originally purchased from another Etsy seller-this one is more processed. I am working on spinning a finer yarn, and so far this one is the finest I have spun, thinking this is a sport weight-I like it. This breed has a very long staple and very soft and springy

It's a bit over spun, but not too bad, I will loosen up the spin when I put it on the niddy noddy.

  This morning I made us a batch of vanilla ice cream, and also a peach Jello with mandarin oranges and fruit cocktail. This coming week I want to bake us up a new york cheesecake. I think we are headed towards another very hot and humid week.

  Happy weekend and new week


  1. The rain finally stopped and today was perfect!
    You are so productive to spin so much wool in the summer.
    Your dessert sound wonderful

    1. Glad you had a rain free day-your area has gotten soooo much rain. It's too hot to work outdoors, so I am indoors doing crafts etc

  2. I read some kids believe fish-fingers grow on trees - I hope that was a joke, but you never know...
    I love your approach to wool, to check out the different breeds, to show where the wool comes from, to do it from scratch.
    I got a couple of knit shirts from Great Britain (60´s/70´s style, soooo cool) - a difference to the usual "plastic" clothes you can buy here.

    1. That was a funny joke or thought lol I have only worn natural fibers for the most part in my clothes-cotton, wool although jeans probably have a little polyster in them never owned "plastic" clothes although I remember when that came out when I was younger and was all the rage-ugh not me Happy new week

  3. P.s. ... Hugs to you and the lake :-)
    And yay for your weather - just trade, if you like. Sunny but "cold" over here.

    1. I would take some cooler weather for a week but 60's F is a bit too cold for summer but would be nice early mornings

  4. How fun to see what you are spinning! I like that you know so much about it. Oh we are hot and humid here too... I guess that will be our entire summer as we are well into July now.. uuughh.. Even the mornings are not pleasantly cool... Looking forward to that first cool morning... Hugs! deb

    1. I am still learning for sure-and practicing to spin better yarns. yep all the humidity is back again-we did have on cool day on friday I think it was. we get allot done in a few hours if the mornings are cool-Hugs

  5. It's hot and humid here, too. We will be back in triple digits by Tuesday. Nearly that today.

    Your spun wool looks perfect to me. It is beautiful and well done. Try to stay cool, dear Kathy.

    1. Good morning Elizabeth, we had several 100's for next week but they changed those to 99 F haha. Thank you I am finally seeing better improvement-I am a slow learner-but I do enjoy the process

  6. Hi Kathy, glad you are still enjoying spinning those beautiful wools. I hope it's not too hard on your back. Here the weather has cooled off a bit, I hope it stays this way. I am sorry you are not linking to T Day anymore, that makes me sad. I know we are both opposites in politics, but I hope we can still be frineds and keep in touch. Hugs, Valerie

    1. Hi Valerie, yes it does get to my back, especially if I spin for over an hour-I probably do not have the right chair for it.
      Yes for sure Valerie, I value our blog friendship very much, the politics does not matter between us-which is how it should be and is how it used to be-sad how things have evolved over the years.
      I love seeing your beautiful art and photos, so I will be visiting for sure-hugs from the lake.

  7. I love that you're spinning. This looks so fun. Creative enjoyment. LOVE THAT!

    1. I am enjoying spinning, I have tried spinning off and on through the years, but full time working gave me no time-when I retired I really got into natural dyeing and other crafts this year I made my mind up to learn to spin-finally- on my wheels and to improve.
      loving that term creative enjoyment-


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