Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Slow Stitch Project-Ready to Go

   Good afternoon,  Today my allergies got the better of me, so I watched more videos from the slow stitch site I shared yesterday   I love listening to her and have learned a lot so far. I was working on the wolf embroidery panel at the same time. This second panel is almost finished.

  While watching her tutorial on how to make a fabric bag with slow stitches---- Wow it just all came together for me in my mind, on that project I started to put together almost 2 years ago now. 

  Remember when I shared a Sashiko book with a pattern for a little bag?  I had cut out probably enough for 10 bags from my hand dyed fabrics---that was kinda crazy to do, but  I remember now I decided it was time to get my hand dyes out of their bags and use and share them. My plan was to gift these to my slow mail friends. I have not kept up with my slow mail writing either this past year-so will see how that goes going forward. I do love mail in my mailbox, and I enjoy writing the letters too.

  So watching one of her videos, I remembered I had already laid out a pattern of my hand dyes for one of the bags-just had not decided how to stitch it all together so it would be a cohesive piece of fabric Inside, the bags will have one full cut piece of one of my hand dyes.

     This afternoon, I dug everything out, and looking at this piece now,  I will swap out a couple of the fabrics, but watching the video I now know how to slow stitch this.

  Back then. I was looking at Sashiko stitch patterns to use, but I am going to do this piece all over in a running stitch, and then perhaps add Sashiko patterns in some areas-I will see how this goes. Stitching like the fiber artist has shared-this will be a more durable bag.

  That carpenter's table I really wanted to bring home-Larry still thinks I was crazy-but it gives me a long narrow table now to work on and this being in my computer-weaving -storage room it is not in the way either.

This is a bag full of my hand dyes, rust dyes, and some gift hand dyes from my friend Mary

My Mom was a master seamstress, and loved making bags of all sorts. This is one of hers that I have full of Sashiko threads and other threads plus an assortment of Japanese needles for hand sewing. My Mom liked this little bag for her purse, she made them for all the different seasons. She included several zippered pockets too.

This is another bag my Mom made-using vintage buttons. she kept this one in her car and it holds an umbrella in the back as well  I use it now for sewing projects.

 It does feel good to have a plan haha  This project has been on my mind for awhile too.

    I think the rain has stopped for now, we had sunshine this afternoon, so hoping I can finish up the grass cutting in the next day or two.

  Enjoy the rest of your week!


  1. You have quite a few treasures there with your mom's bags and that dyed material is lovely. I have a friend who did that kind of stitching all over a vest! you should see it!!! It is amazing she did a great job

  2. Good luck with your projects. Your mom bags are so special and sweet! Janice

  3. I like that table and I can see why you chose it. And I love that your mom's stitching transferred to the next generation.

    1. thank you she was a master seamstress-sewed all of our clothes growing up, all the drapes and curtains in our home, my fathers suits-amazing

  4. Sounds like you are having some fun Kathy. I love that long carpenter's table too. Sometimes wider tables just accumulate too much stuff (for me) and are hard to work on both sides. Have fun and a great rest of the week. hugs-Erika

    1. Good evening, yes I am having fun I was thinking the same today that I love that this carpenters table is narrow and long. I have a little more to finish up on the wolf embroidery panel and then I will start stitching this first piece. The artist I am following sews everything together like bags by hand stitching so I am going to do that as well


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