Sunday, September 8, 2024

Good Morning Sunday & Pumpkin Recipes

 Good morning Sunday, hoping you are enjoying your weekend so far.

   I am enjoying the much cooler weather. Yesterday I started on the grass cutting with the weed eater. Lots to do, but I learned from last time-don't over do. I have a large battery that goes almost an hour, and then I used one of the small ones until I started to feel sore and then I stopped. So didn't get sore from over doing it this time-a good thing.

  Friday I went in to the pharmacy to get my second shingles shot. The first one I had gotten a very very bad reaction from it, so I was not looking forward to this one. This time I still had a very very sore arm that turned bright red for about 12 inches, and I was really ill that evening-but after that it was not as bad as last time-thank goodness.  Next up is the flu shot, I won't get another covid shot though.

  I am waiting for it to warm up a bit and the dew burns off before I go back out this morning. It is 45 degrees F here around 7:30 am. So fall temperatures have arrived for the evenings for sure.

   This morning before I go out to "mow", I decided to browse on Pinterest this morning for more pumpkin recipes to share.

   Healthy Soft Pumpkin Cookies with Salted Maple Frosting link here  This one sounds good and does not have a crazy amount of sugar-although that could be changed over to a sugar substitute.

Pumpkin Coffee Cake-This one looks really moist, and again not crazy with the sugars. link here

Baked Pumpkin Donuts  again not too crazy on the sugars link here

   You will need the mini donut pan for these. Years ago I had bought a set from Publishers Clearing House of all places haha  that included the mini donut pans, the large donut pans, and also a jelly donut pan-I need to get these out and bake us up so donuts-smiles  Sometimes the donuts are hard to get out of the pans, so I have learned to let them cool in the pan first

    This last recipe share looks and sounds so good had to share it too-I don't think I can convert this one to gluten free for me-but these would be delicious for Thanksgiving Dinner

   Honey Pumpkin Dinner Rolls recipe here

Happy Sunday and have an awesome new week


  1. The pumpkin cookies sound perfect for our afternoon snack. We are loving the cooler weather. I am up to my eyeballs in yard work but loving to be out there again after all those oh-so-hot days.

    1. That would be perfect for your afternoon snack. I am loving this much cooler air too-hugs

  2. Our mornings have been very cool but the days warm up nicely. Today it is cool and the wind is brisk. But summer is on the return this week in the 80s again which is fine because all the humidity is mostly gone.
    I had some pumpkin spice in my coffee this morning after frothing my cream. so yummy. I do the pumpkin bread off king arthur flour and it is the absolute best. Before covid when they did food baskets I use to bake 4 dozen of them for he baskets. Each time I went into the food pantry they would say we got more compliments on your pumpkin bread. Of course covid changed that and now they give out grocery store gift cards.
    Take it easy mowing it is hard work.

    1. covid messed up a lot of things. I use King Arthur flour when I bake for Larry. for my gluten free flour I mix up my own blend or I use Bob's Red Mill 1-1 gluten free flour blend which is the only one I use if I buy it. I pretty much can only handle the very large recharge battery-it goes about an hour-which is all I should do at one time since I am bent over and holding the weed eater.
      Have a good week

  3. My favorite time of the year besides Christmas...Autumn/s cooler temps and everything pumpkin. YAY Janice

  4. I got really sick from both of my shingles shots-high fever, aches. But its still way better than if I came down with shingles. My brother had it and it went on for weeks and was really painful. I agree, it's nice now that it's cooled off some. I hope your weather stays cooler for you. And nice recipes. You've found some yummy sounding ones. What do your think you'll make? Have a great new week. hugs-Erika

    1. The first shot I was really sick for a long time. The pharmacist that gave it to me was not gentle giving me that shot. This second shingles shot she was gentle-but I could feel that very thick medicine going into my arm--I was really sick that first night-freezing than too hot then back to freezing again-Today my arm finally does not hurt to touch it well at least it is done I will be 75 next month so don''t think they will come up with another shot any time soon. we took the two shots back when we turned 60 I think it was, and they said those were not working.
      I really like those first cookies and the little donuts too-might be fun to make some donuts
      The cooler weather with no humidity has been soooo nice. hugs

  5. I'm glad it's cooing down for you. Here, too. Those cookies look great, too! I've heard the second shingles shot is a bear. By now I hop iit's a thing of the PAst!

    1. It is thank you for me the first shot was the worst-this one was bad for just about 4 days-


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