Monday, September 9, 2024

Do You Have Books You Love-so Re Read Them?

   Good morning Monday, I am waiting for it to warm up this morning so I can get more grass cutting done. Hoping once I get through all of it-I won't have to do this again til next year.

 I wanted to share a book that I really enjoyed and am reading it again now. Back when covid began another friend from  Wisconsin was going through her books and offering them for free. She would leave them out on her porch to be picked up-so no people contact back then..  One of her books was a paperback The Oregon Trail a New American Journey by Rinker Buck.  This one intrigued me so I asked if she would mail it to me. She would not let me pay the shipping.

  I loved the book very much and suggested to Larry he might enjoy this too-as it was very informative with lots of history and the brothers journey was just so interesting. 

    I loaned it to another Wisconsin friend that saw it and wanted to read it-he lost the book before he read it. I was Not happy So I bought the kindle version so I would have it.  I started to re read it last night, and thinking for this book I want to read as an actual physical book.  So I browsed on ebay and found a hardcover with free shipping for less than 6 dollars-I grabbed it haha

  This is about two brothers that grew up with their family taking road trips in a covered wagon with their mules-so this adventure was not entirely new to them. They have totally different personalities and life styles so that was a big challenge for them on this long journey.  I loved all the history thrown in.  So I am anxious to read this again. I will wait till the hardcover book arrives to re read.


 We bought a book again recently that Larry loved and loaned it out and never got it back. We were talking about it again last month so I ordered a copy. and we loaned it out to our nearby friend. sigh why do we do this?. I asked him about the book-he hasn't had time to read it so I asked for it back. 

  We need to stop loaning out things as most times they do not get returned frustrating. Does this happen to you?

Erika recently shared her book list and Catherine the Great sounded like a good read. I found a hardcover book for around $5.00 no shipping so that was a good find too.  I am happy to get back into reading more again.

   We are getting lovely sunny days here with very cool nights so it takes awhile to get warmed up in the mornings. I am not ready to pay for heat just yet-since we are warming up during the day with sunshine

 I am enjoying a hot decaf coffee with a slice of my pumpkin bread while I write this.

 Happy new week!


  1. Sitting here with my cup of coffee... Folgers... not decaff for a change with a little caramel macchiato creamer... mmmmm.... I'm about to go outside and mow and weedeat my yard... I doubt this is my last time though , especially with all that rain... By the end of the week we are back in the 90's with 70's at night... I have a whole library of hardcover books i plan to reread... Infact, if a book does not go along with a series i already have then i'm not buying it... I ask myself a while ago why am i keeping all these books if i don't plan to reread them... Also i have no more room!!! Now i may reread these books and decide i'm done with them and then make room for others but we'll see..

    I do have some favorites that i reread oh usually about every 5 years... ONe is the Lord of the Rings... loved the movies but the books go so much deeper... And the Outlander Series... I have a huge collection of Stephen King books... and Dean Koontz and John Saul books.... and i could go on... I have a few books i have thrifted waiting for me to read but really i plan on rereading.. my entire library deciding to keep or let go as i go..

    I think i'll cut down a few Sunflowers today too... Ones in odd places or starting to go to seed... Take care with your mowing etc.... Congrats on reaching the end of mowing season...uuuughhh... send some of that cooler weather my way!!! Big Hugs! deb

    1. I had the whole series of the Outlander books including her other series that went with these-by the time I got to the third book they were just too much for me to get through-so detailed-can be a good thing-but one really has to pay close attention-I ended up selling all of them on ebay to get my money back-that took a lot of pressure off of me for some reason.
      I weed eated in a difficult area this morning so I am going back out to finish up the large battery.
      loving the sun with no humidity so far enjoy your sunflowers-take a photo for us--and thanks for sharing about your books hugs

  2. For sure, there are books I loaned that never made it back to me. Once, a book loaned to me disappeared before I could locate the person to return it. Thinks happen.
    There has been nice weather here with those chillier nights. Today made it into the sixties. I sat outdoors anyway. lol

    I will look for your book. It will be a good read I am sure.

    1. brrrr I happy we are still making it into the 70s and low 80s I need to catch up the outdoor work it is sad when people don't return what they borrowed

  3. Gosh I have not read a book in eons....however this one does intrigue me... and no I will not ask you to lend it to me. ;-) Someday when I am retired I can back into reading. I read somuch at work I dont want to do any at home.

    1. when I was working I never had time to read either. have a good week

  4. I reread books frequently. This one sounds pretty good. Thanks for the recommendation Kathy. I hope it warmed up enough so you could get outside and work. hugs-Erika

    1. It has warmed up nicely here cold in the mornings but by around 9 am I cut grass

  5. I haven't read much since I read the wolf books. I still have one to go. I don't read much during the warmer months but enjoy reading when the weather turns cold.

  6. Le Petit Price I read in sometimes. It´s not only for kids! I tried Rudy Rucker´s "Fourth Dimension" a third time,but jikes my math is not good enough. Gave a copy to my friend, when she´s done, she will explain the rest to me. Wish me luck!
    And have a nice day, hugs to you and the lake.

    1. Hello Iris, I am not familiar with that and I am terrible at math-hugs back

  7. I do not loan out what I would want back for just that reason.
    I am reading a book right now that I just am not loving it is to dark.

    1. If I don't care for a book once I get into it-I don't waste anymore time on it

  8. Yes, I quite often re-read a book.
    The book I'm currently reading I haven't read before though!

    All the best Jan

  9. I do not re-read a book, Kathy, because there are so many unread for the first time ones. Like yourself, if I start a book and find that it is enjoyable for me, I stop and move on. I have never lent a book and really do not buy books except for some from the thrift store or library book sale and some of those have been re-donated. The book you mentioned sounds like one I might enjoy as I do read historical fiction quite often.


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