Saturday, August 17, 2024

Happy Weekend-Coffee and This & That & Amaranth Grain-Long Post

Good morning Friends,

   Last night was the first night in months that I fell asleep and didn't wake up til early morning. I didn't feel totally refreshed but I finally did get a good night's sleep. I have a lot of sleep catching up to do but this was a good start.

  We are back to very hot temperatures again with humidity-well it is August which I think is usually one of the hotter months here including July. This year I am sooooo ready for autumn to arrive.

 Since I can not work outdoors still, I am motivated to start the deep clean of our home  before winter settles in. If I do this now than when it cools down hopefully by mid September I can work outdoors-finally.

 Some mornings teas just don't work, I am out of decaf coffee so instead I ground up dandelion and chicory root. Have not made me  a pot of this in sometime now. It tastes really good too.
 Next to our coffee  maker I have these containers behind the coffee and decaf coffee. I grind a crock full of the coffees at a time.

 The dandelion and chicory pot is up on top .This makes a very smooth swallow. I forgot how good this actually is.  
   Many years ago I used to subscribe to Gevalia 's coffee club. I would stay a member for a year or two stop it for awhile and then re subscribe. Each time I would get some sort of coffee pot along with one of their crocks-most were white and I did get a green one once.  One year I had resubscribed   to get their porcelain pour over coffee maker-that makes really good coffee too.

  I was surprised when my new Gelli plate arrived really fast, just a couple days after I ordered it. Since I don't pay for amazon prime, it said it would take a week. We get our mail here at the lake really fast-which I love-since I order a lot of foods online too.  I haven't had the chance to play with the gelli plate  yet though.

   My system is still messed up since the too  much ice cream incident but it is getting better slowly. Really watching what I eat-lots of fresh fruits like berries and melons. Back to making chia seeds in 1% milk which my body can handle. I did find one more carton of cashew milk too that I used up with the chia seeds. I used to buy nut milks that the ingredients were only the nuts and water nothing else. Those are no longer affordable anymore.  I don't have a lot of food shopping choices close by so I order a lot of gluten free and organic canned items especially online. Coffee beans are more affordable online at Sam's club.

  I did order amaranth for another gluten free cereal besides just gluten free oatmeal. I haven't cooked with this one before although in the past I have used it as a flour.  This is actually a seed but is referred to as a grain. Very nutritious with protein and fiber  All the recipes I found to cook it as a cereal was 4 servings. So I broke it down to 1 serving. It needs a long slow cooking time and for 1 serving needs more water for sure. The flavor is pretty decent after the long cooking time kinda like cream of wheat cereal or a creamy grits cereal.  Any of you cooked with this as a cereal?  

Here is a photo from online-   It is as small as sesame seeds.

and this link made the amaranth porridge into a cereal or a savory dish

  The lake will be very busy this weekend going forward to Labor Day weekend.  Major boat racing events this weekend and next. 

  I have been watching older movies that I have never seen before on the streaming app Tubi and they have less commercials than regular tv so that's nice.

  This afternoon I did some "cyber" housecleaning.  I will be 75 this coming October-yikes and Larry will be 79 in October.  Using a computer started back when I retired in 2003
    For some reason this afternoon I went through the blogs I follow-and deleted lots. I am down to around 30 or less now. So many I never visit or they don't visit me, some have passed on-I finally was able to let those go. Only one I saved was Shroo- She was very special and I still  miss her. I really think she may have passed as she was ill.  Many I just don't go back to and read so those are gone. I did save a handful of arts and crafts blogs that I learned a lot from when I retired.  Just a very few that have totally opposite views of my own, don't visit me even if I visit them- are now deleted. 
     I did the same on Facebook as well-I would leave that very very liberal run space if not for a handful of friends since I retired and no longer blog. Also I follow one of my favorite authors there, along with many Yellowstone photographers. I visit but do not post much there anymore. also I don't have a cell phone so friends that do-text me on facebook and I get that as a message.

  I have rambled on enough it seems-smiles- Happy weekend everyone.

    Oh and I forgot to mention, when I was going through my too many teas,  I discovered I have a box of black tea  and also green tea that are not decaf-I missed that some how when I bought them. Any of you in the USA that would like some of these tea bags let me know with your address and I will mail you some. Larry does not drink teas and I can't drink these. My close by friend Mary drinks no teas.  



  1. Glad you got a good night's sleep, so important.

  2. I have a lots of broken sleep that is not helpful. Not heard of that coffee. Sounds bitter. I only mostly drink sleepy tea in the evening. I rarely buy much on line. But it is getting harder to purchase in person with stores closing.

    1. Good morning, it is difficult when one does not get good sleep regularly.
      No the chicory and roasted dandelion root is not bitter at all-very smooth, caffeine free and a very mellow flavor. There is a company that does a lot with dandelion but they have gotten expensive. Teecinno comes in tea bags or bulk with different flavors.
      I had bought these two ingredients-dried chicory and roasted dandelion root in bulk years ago. It is dried and in small little pieces-but brews better when I grind them together first.
      In the 1800's dandelion root was used and in the 1900's they started roasting it and selling like coffee. (I just looked that up).

  3. It's hard to believe we are in the countdown to Labor Day already. Sorry you have so much heat. We're actually feeling more like fall lately, maybe a little to early but it's still nice. It's a funny thing blogging. Some people just stop blogging after a while. I get why they do that, but it's weird how one day they're there and the next their not. And you might never know why they stopped either. Have a super start to the new week Kathy, and good luck with your "chores". hugs-Erika

    1. thank you Erika, I lost many good blog friends when facebook came on scene. and with this platform it is very very difficult to find new friends. I much prefere blogging over facebook. Happy new week hugs

  4. I need to go through my blog roll and delete many too. Lots of folks stopped blogging for whatever reason it seems. Hope you are feeling better but I know you enjoyed the ice cream at the time. I love teas and drink it daily. Janice

    1. When facebook cam on the scene almost all of my friends stopped blogging and went to facebook instead sadly. I never liked that platform at all and zuckerberg sensors continuously If you would like some of these teas let me know

  5. Hi Kathy! Glad to see a post from you! I'd love to have a couple Black tea bags if you have any left.. thats my go to. I generally do decaff but i don't mind the regular once in ahwile. Lately i've been making Moon Tea during the Waxing of the Moon. Hubs says i mix it a little weak but i like it.. Super HOT here and DRY oh so DRYYYYY... Hopefully it will break soon and not make me wait until October! . Alvin will be 66 the end of this month and i turned 57 back in June.. time flies.. He is off to play a crazy game of golf in the heat and i'm hibernating..
    Good to do some housecleaning now and then... actual and virtual online.. I don't follow many blogs.. i think i have more on YouTube that i follow than anything.. 90% are art and craft related.. Really enjoy my Snail Mail friends... Much love , Hugs! deb

    1. I follow a lot of arts and crats on you tube too Now with our smart tv and streaming I have you tube on there and I love the full tv screen. they have movies and all sorts of free things there -never realized that.
      You are first to ask about the teas so I will send you a bunch soon. I might be able to get away with a little green tea that is not decaf but not the black tea.
      You are two are super young. I think I retired when I was in my late '50s back in 2003 we are still hot and humid here. and I am just not feeling all that well to get into cleaning which I was hoping for soon am hoping.
      Quite a few years ago I deleted many blogs it was really time to do that again. most people do not blog or even know blogging exists I prefer it over facebook for sure.
      I love slow mail very much too Hoping to be better with my letters soon

  6. It's good you were able to sleep throughout the night. The dandelion and chicory sound interesting, I've never had that, I hope to be able to try it one day. Hopefully you get to do your deep cleaning so your fall season will be more enjoyable! Hope the temperature cools, and you're able to enjoy the rest of summer!

    xoxo, MidoriLinea


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