Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Happy Dancin-Cool Down & Embroidery Etc (Long)

   Good morning mid-week 

    Yesterday afternoon I could feel the cool down coming-finally-it's been over a month with highs in the mid 90"s. Am thinking though that a lot of the USA has had a hotter summer. Here in this part of Missouri these types of summers since we have lived in this area come around every 15-20 years so nothing new for these parts. 

 Yesterday  I did leave after 6 am once it got light to vote early-but sigh no one at my polling place. Never got a notice in the mail that it had changed. So I did my food shopping at Wal mart and then in the same city is our county court house so stopped in there. I could no longer vote there  but she apologized that I didn't get a letter and told me the new place-which was close by but not  marked very well. Now being held at the Methodist  church.  They have a one lane drive to the church so I am thinking come November I will vote at the courthouse instead-less stressful as the polls should be packed-hoping so.

 Yesterday I did finish up the first wolf panel. I soaked it in soapy water last night to remove most of the blue markings, I wanted to see what it looked like without those markings.  I struggled with the X's in the wolf especially that I marked in-but in the end will be ok. I rinsed it out this morning and laid it on a towel to dry on top of the dryer.

   I needed more white showing, so I outlined the stars and moon with white thread but did not fill in with the X's . I had marked lines with a quilting pencil for the moon and those markings did not come out yet-hopefully in the wash those will. Now that I think about it-I could still go back and fill in with  the X's and would still be white with the thread.

 There are 6 of these panels so I think I will stitch another one like this one, and then each two will do them a little different-maybe just also outline the trees instead of filling them in, not sure yet. Also thinking of using different colors for the wolf too-shades of browns, darker greys.

  Last week I had apples that needed to get used up in a crisp. I added dried tart cherries to them.

  You are all probably getting bored with seeing apple crisps, I won't make another one til the fall crop comes in-these were not as nice being last year's crop. I grabbed my largest cast iron pan to get most all of the apples used up. This is the first time I struggled with the heavy pan-getting older-ugh 

  Yesterday our friend that also helps Larry with outdoor work projects was here yesterday. One of the things I really wanted done-is if they could get down the hill and steps-Larry's Grandfather's rock. Larry has moved this rock where ever he moved for close to 50 years. It is a unique rock, and back years before we retired -a friend of ours that was a taxidermist for a museum asked if could make a cast of it. Was perfect in many positions for displays.

  A few weeks last autumn before Larry's fall, we moved it to the lake house but it has been up on top of the driveway since-then our neighbor didn't like where it was and without asking moved it next to his small rocks. I told him about the rock and that one day it will get moved-and that he had it upside down too..

  It is rather cloudy outdoors right now so didn't capture all the colors in the rock-love the spots that hold water for the birds.  This was extremely heavy-they had it on a dolly and going down the steps the strap broke-but Lesley was able to save the rock-yikes. It did chip the concrete steps a bit.  

  I told Larry about it, and he says "why did you have them bring it down?"  So we could enjoy it here. He was wanting to get it moved over from our neighbor's property but our side right there starts the steep downhill driveway-steep hill on the back side as well-and we couldn't enjoy seeing it. Plus it could roll down the hill I was thinking too.

  So anyways long story but am grateful-told Lesley this will probably be the rock's last resting place.

 On that same trip to the woods house, I saw Larry's woodworking table. I love old wood pieces especially and said I want that piece. My thoughts were to place it in the living room-but at the time did not realize it was so long. Larry left so much of his shop behind that I just really wanted this piece. So of course he was having a fit over it. The only spot I could find that was long enough was in my already too full computer-weaving-food pantry room.  It is cramped in there a bit but I have the table-smiles

  So the guys brought that down too and set it up. I cleaned with Murphy's oil soap  and then rubbed in a wood preserver. It is a lot darker now after doing that. I can still get into the two pantry cupboards behind it-the bookshelves there-and Lesley made enough room to the left so I can use the weaving warping board-this was all set up when I came home yesterday On the floor behind are the quilting poles that go into a quilting frame.  

Our friends from Wisconsin have not been down for a visit in a couple years now, but when they do-they sleep in this room on their air mattress-I am hoping there will be just enough floor space still. If not will need to figure something out.  Originally I wanted a bit larger house-one more room would have been nice to fix up for a guest room.

  This ended up being a long post but was good to write a post to share.

  The cool down today is "heaven"


  1. Hello, it was nice to catch up with you. My boys recently moved, I shared with them they should go register to vote now, so it is not so stressful in November.

    1. Hello, I agree this November I plan to vote at the courthouse- I am going to be 75 in October-I believe this is the most important vote of my lifetime and I have been voting since I was old enough to.

  2. you are getting some things done I do love that table to bad it would not fit in the kitchen as an island so perfect for that. But it is big.
    I have not made a crisp in some time but fall is around the corner. I tend to go towards pies and quick breads.
    I do see what you mean about the indents for the birds to get water.

    1. This kitchen is small I had to downsize from my 10 burner commercial wolf stove too this had one of those tiny electric stoves which I dislike Larry left behind a lot too-but he was the one that wanted this big downsize I refused to downsize all my crafts though.
      this is a very cool rock-has lots of character-it has a lot of reds in it too that didn't show up

  3. Hi Kathy, nice to see you posting! I wish I had some apples here, then I would make a crisp, yours looks so good! Glad you got your special rock back, it's wonderful! Hope Larry is doing well. Have a great day, hugs, Valerie

    1. Thank you Valerie we really love apples and crisps another month or so fresh apples should be available again from this year's crops Thanks about Larry-he still struggles-can't get up the steps still and his back gives him much pain as well the hospital missed so much sad

  4. WOW on that rock. Looks like it will sparkle lots in the sun. Glad myself along with you that the humidity has gone away for a bit. It was nice sleeping with the windows open. Tis the season for apples and I love them! Janice

    1. Hi thanks about the rock-I love it and it is special for Larry. Veryyyy heavy I thanked the two men for doing this for us. Larry does pay them when they drive up to help Larry I love apples too

  5. Nice story with the rock.
    That was last autumn with Larry´s fall?! Time runs.
    Without asking?!!!! What kind of neighbors are those?!!!! And if it´s on your property... hello?!
    To the table! You are a caring person!
    Yes, a room more here would be great, too. Alas...
    Eeek, itt has cooled down here, too, I don´t like that.
    Well, we can´t make the weather - so... enjoy your day, hugs to you and the lake!

    1. I know first week in October it will be a year--the hosp really messed up. never took a full body scan which he asked for-his back is really in pain all of the time now too. we have the insurance but sometimes a bad hosp won't spend the money for seniors these steep steps we have keeps him from getting outdoors
      Yes this rock has a special story I love that we can see it now out our front door glass
      we really really needed this cool down-hoping to get back out to cut grass again

    2. we did did get lucky with good neighbors on both sides of us-but when they dumped the rock out of the truck-very very heavy--it was just barely on the neighbors side-he is a perfect yard person so he moved over to his side where he had a few much smaller rocks-he should have asked first

  6. That rock is fabulous. I can see why you brought it down. And I love your embroidery! I'm on a crisp kick these days too. So easy and so tasty! I vote absentee now -- 100 times easier!

    1. Larry thought I was crazy to have the guys bring it down the hill and steps-but so much nicer here-I will plant flowers around the base next year. the birds will love it once they find it. I always go in to vote-last time I did use mail in ballots only because Missouri secured did measures to secure our votes now. I will do that for Larry again but I think I will drive in to the court house this time to avoid the lines at the poles

  7. We've had a lot of hot humid weather too. I hate to see my electric bill running the AC. That rock is so cool though. I can see why Larry kept moving it. And your wolf panel looks fantastic. I can't wait to see the rest. I hope you get some good weather soon. I bet you are waiting for fall. hugs-Erika

    1. Good morning, yes I am sooo ready for fall this year-smiles. I have kept the temp at 78 or 79 degrees for the a/c Larry is always cold, and I have the big windows covered from the morning sun too which helps-I open them up again when the sun has risen higher-makes a big difference for us with a/c bills.
      Thanks about my wolf panel in the end it turned out pretty good hugs

  8. I'm so glad you got a cool down.... WE got a warm up! 107 F predicted today...uuugh.. Hubs took off early this morning to play golf.. I was suppose to go but after a few days with the kids i begged off to play in the craftroom... That is one COOL rock...!! Love the nooks and crannies.. I have a pink rock ... a good size one that we lugged from Arkansas to the things we get attached I have a small bookcase thats one of Hubs first woodworking attempts that he put hearts all over it that is important to me.. I would be as happy to have it as you are your table.. Love an apple crisp! As always your food looks yummy!! Hugs! deb

    1. I am so thankful for this cool down we had heat indexes around 107 but not that actual temp. that's too hot for me. I agree we get attached to special items. I know Larry is happy I insisted we bring his special rock. I love the crisps too-easy to make and less carbs too without the two pie crusts and I sweeten the fruits with splenda not sugar so that cuts some sugar off the total glad you got time for yourself-hug

  9. The Rock is special, good looking with character. I don't know how you kept your cool when it was moved without permission. Bravo. The table is also gorgeous.
    Rocks. I hope they continue to make folks happy. Mine is pea size in comparison to that rock.
    Lovely stitching! The colors are perfect. I look forward to seeing your next project.

    1. rocks are special to many of us we brought several special small ones here too. I was very upset with my neighbor but had enough patience to wait til we had help to move it. thank you about my embroiderypiece

  10. Hi Kathy. I'm just responding to your Gelli printing questions. The plates come in so many different sizes. I personally prefer the 8x10. That way I can print a whole (or just about) piece of paper. The smaller ones are good for cards, and the biggest one is almost too big. For paint I prefer something not too runny but not super thick either, craft paint consistency is perfect. My favorite paint to use is golden fluid acrylics, but not the high flow. And it's gotten expensive but I think it makes the boldest colors. But I mostly buy the cheaper craft paint if I can going to cover it up. And I use a roller to spread it on the plate.

    I have printed on all types of paper. The ones today were on watercolor paper (I buy the cheap student grade), but I've used the backside of old scrapbook papers, deli paper, even newspaper. It depends what you want. My only suggestion is to not clean your clean your plate between pulls. Leaving some of the old paint behind means it will be included in your newest pulls and it creates some cool color combinations. And don't be afraid to use multiple colors over each other. I don't even clean my plate when I'm done. I just pack it back between the 2 plastic sheets it came with and put it back in its packaging until the next time I used it.

    Hope that helps. Hugs-Erika

  11. I actually used fresh leaves that I just went out and picked. I think they would be better than dried ones because they won't crumble. I tried 2 things which both seemed to work. I put down a thin layer of paint, pushed the leaves down, and then rolled more paint (of any color) over them. I also put leaves directly down on the plate and then rolled paint over them. I also sometimes used the same page and used it a couple of times to get layers of leaves. Some of those did not come out very good, but it was fun to play. I did find that some leaves worked better than others. The flatter the leaves-those without a really tough mid-vein, the better the results.

  12. Your 90 Fs are down right cool compared to our daily 104 F (40 C) the boys and I have had.

    Love the wolf. And the apple crisp. And that rock is amazing. I have rocks from many places I visit. I brought them with me when I moved here. I finally got them positioned recently in my front flower bed. I understand Larry's desire to save that rock. Have a super weekend, dear.

    1. Wow I didn't realize you were that hot-we had a lot of heat index's with the high humidity in that range but not actual temp. we have a cool down right now tht feels really good.
      rocks are special aren't they? we have several small rocks too from different places that we moved here. Happy weekend hugs

    2. We got a cool down just in time for the clean up today. I will take 80 F over 104 to 106 any day!!

    3. Good morning, That's awesome we are in the 70's today love it-but I have been sick the last few days so can't get outdoors to catch up on the grass cutting and we have a lot of rain coming in. oh well

  13. Glad I could be of help Kathy. Have fun when you Gelli plate arrives and if you have any questions I'll be glad to try and help. hugs-Erika

  14. If you have not yet purchased the gelli plate, here is a tutorial you might want to check out:

    1. Good morning Elizabeth-than you so much for referring me to your tutorial. I should have remembered you have many tutorials. I think the glass would be scarry to use. I am not familiar with the acrylic but that was interesting. I did search online and found a gelli plate to buy You are right a bit expensive but found one for $26.99 on amazon for the 8 x 10 size and I did buy a brayer for too to use on the plate. -amazon has free shipping when you spend 35.00 which is a pain. thanks again

    2. I saw the gel plate you bought that was $26.99. The gelli, which is the original, was $40.00. The gel plate hadn't been invented when I bought the gelli.

    3. this must be popular for artists then I never was all that enthused about playing with this but when I saw Erika's leaf print-I had to try it smiles

  15. My friend Scott has Prime, so shipping is always free.

    1. I have thought about prime the shipping is very fast as well here the next day-I did their free trial but in the end I find it too expensive. I usually save what I want to buy and then buy it when I have the 35.00 total I get pretty fast shipping where we live now as the mail comes in from KC or Columbia

  16. Scott's motto is if it doesn't come from Amazon, you don't need it (grin). He gave the Prime part to me and he has the shipping part. I can watch movies and lots on Prime now that I cut the cable.


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