Saturday, August 24, 2024

A Good Day for Bean Soup & Cornbread

   A couple days ago I bought one of those large thick sliced cut ham with the little bone in the middle. I don't buy ham very often any more. Maybe once a year now do to Larry's heart disease.

  The leftover ham I cut into small cube sizes and made a mixed bean soup. Today I finished that up and made a small cast iron pan of homemade cornbread. I love this recipe as it only uses cornmeal, not flour and a little bit of cornmeal. 

  I searched my posts here, and when I was posting recipes in cast iron I shared this recipe here

  It comes from King Arthur flour site that I found many years ago. It since has been taken down, which is a shame since this is gluten free too with no flour. 

  I used to double the recipe and make a larger cast iron pan of this. Usually though some of it would go stale before we ate it all, so the birds got it.  This size pan is perfect for the two of us and for two meals

   Turns out this was the perfect meal today as the temperatures dropped with T storms most of this morning. This one gave us lots of rain and very large booms from the thunder.

  That big Shootout with the speedboats got postponed, but has just restarted again. I like watching a bit of it on the tv and they usually have a stunt plane too.

  Happy weekend


  1. Please share the ham and bean recipe if you can. This sounds like a great meal with the cornbread. Janice

    1. We really like this combination. I just make up the bean soup. I start with soaking various types of dried beans-I cover with water-bring to a boil-turn off the heat with a lid-let sit for a couple hours-then I added a carton of organic no salt chicken broth. I buy dried soup starter from the amish store-it has dried carrots, onions, peppers, lots of herbs in it-no salt. I throw maybe a 1/4 cup or more into the pot-. Then lit it all simmer til the beans are tender.takes several hours. I added in the ham to this in the beginning too.
      Whenthe beans are soft and the soup is thick I adjust the seasoning If it needs to be a little thicker before serving, I add handfulls of Bob's re mill dried potato flakes-they melt in right away to thicken

  2. That looks really hearty and delicious. BUT HAM has nothing to do with heart disease. People blame meat instead of carbs and sugar...

    1. Good morning, actually is ham is Very high in salt-so it is not the meat that is the issue it is all the salt in a processed ham I just looked this up online to verify my opinion
      "Ham is considered a processed meat that's high in sodium, and people with heart conditions may want to limit how much they eat. A 2-ounce serving of ham contains almost 26% of the daily value for sodium, and 3.5 ounces contains more than half of the recommended amount.
      Consuming too much sodium can increase the risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, and kidney failure. When there's too much sodium in the bloodstream, it pulls water into blood vessels, which increases blood volume and blood pressure. This makes the heart work harder to pump blood, and can put extra strain on a heart that's already struggling"

      My husband has very little heart function left-so we eat no processed foods like this-ham is a treat as is processed corned beef I appreciate your concerns and comment but it is the high salt content in ham Not that it is meat

    2. Thank you, Kathy. I personally don't eat processed I am with you on processed ham, bacon and sausages...they are processed, but not as bad as sugar loaded stuff. I usually just eat one-ingredient food. Since I don't or hardly consume any carb (usually 5 grams, not more than 20 grams of carb a day), so I actually need to eat more salt. I know the main stream always recommends whole grain, veggies and fruit, but if I had a heart problem, I wouldn't touch know the worst of all? The bloody over processed so called healthy vegetable/see oils. They were designed for the machines and a slow poison for humans. I eat all the animal fat, at least 100 grams a day (I know, sounds crazily a lot, but the first thing I want to eat after a heavy workout is the fat from the steak)...they are not man-made. Sorry for babbling...that's not my style, but sometimes I am just frustrated that people believe that fat and meat were bad guys...please accept my apology if I offended you, Kathy.

    3. Good morning Angie, no worries I have major food allergies-full fat dairy and gluten and Larry has numerous health concerns.
      back in the 60's I did go to college to be a dietician but dropped out of college after the second year as I didn't want the debt. so I really watch what we eat and we never have eaten at fast food restaurants-actually for years we quit going out to eat at all-bad food.
      I used to can-freeze dehydrate most of our food from our garden. when we were younger and lived on a small farm type property-we also raised our own meat and also ucks and chickens
      I am glad to know that in this lection Trump and Kenndy Jr wlll be fighting for healthier food in our country-going after the big growers and chemicals, and pharma-they are all working together to make big money while making Americans ill
      this has been a good discussion hugs

  3. Well it all looks yummy Kathy... I made some spaghetti the other day... We had some entertainment of a thunderstorms passing close by the other day.. We could smell the rain and enjoy the thunder and lightening but no rain for us.. This next week we have several chances , hopefully one or two will drop some rain.. Off to walk this morning with daughter... up before daybreak.. uuugh.. finishing my coffee...uuughh.. lol Hubs is off to play golf early too... Big Hugs to you girlfriend! deb

    1. Hugs back sorry you keep missing the rain-you must live in an area that gets missed a lot. Hoping you had a good walk hugs

  4. Sounds like a yummy meal Kathy. It's getting that time of year for soup, isn't it? I love soup so for me that's exciting. Have a great rest of your weekend. hugs-Erika

    1. Good morning, Yes it was really good-Larry asked for the bean soup since we had little ham left. we will finish it up today-hugs

  5. In my opinion it's ALWAYS a good day for beans and cornbread :-)

    The cornbread recipe I use is predominantly corn meal, but does include a small bit of flour. I'll have to try your recipe.

    1. I agree! I have been using this recipe for over 25 years now maybe 30 It has buttermilk in it too-but I just add some lemon juice to the milk-works great

  6. Happy Week! goodbye to August
    King Arthur still has a website with their gluten free products.
    Starting soup season, I'm into trying to go gluten free again. I need a good chunk of garlic bread with my soup.

    1. I buy mostly Bobs red mill gf products. love the company-family owned and they built a building for only gluten free-love that

  7. Cornbread is a favorite of mine and that looks like a really tasty recipe. I'm not ready for soup yet though!

    1. today we were 99 degrees plus humidity, so no more soups for awhile haha

  8. I also use the product made by companies you mentioned, Kathy, King Arthur and Bob's Red Mill and also Lodge cast iron pans. Soup is one of our favorite meals with homemade bread and a side salad, sometimes. It has cooled down here and soup time is coming up.

    1. Hi we had a eally nice cool down for a few days but beginning sunday we are back to 99 degrees with high humidity-ugh I prefer soups and stews too over meat and veggies on the plae

  9. I can't help being a little envious of your cooler day. Your meal looks fit for a king and would be perfect for any day, hot or cold, I think!

    1. the few cooler days were so welcomed here for sure-but we are 99 F plus humidity since monday I love meals like this the best too hugs

  10. How come I am that late again?!!!
    Hm, ham. See my blog-title. Though actually I should change it because by now I like warm ham, crazy. Another warm summer day here, yippeeeeee!
    Nice Larry and you can still share meals :-)
    Hugs to you and the lake!


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