Monday, August 5, 2024

And The Heat Continues

  Good morning new week,

    Not much happening here still, mostly do to the extreme heat wave that has not let up, no rain but next week it is in the forecast.

  Over the weekend I watched a lot of Olympics and looked for movies on the app Tubi found a couple to watch.

 For summer treats we have been enjoying more ice cream than we usually do-and I bought for the first time-Klondike bars for a treat. I also make smores in the microwave once in awhile too-I love them and since I don't have a gas stove here at the lake, the microwave works pretty good.

  I worked on the hand embroidery piece all weekend as well, not totally crazy about the outcome, will finish it today. I will rinse this in soapy water by hand to get rid of all the markings and see how it looks then. I am not going to stress over it as this project was suppose to be a stress reliever and to accomplish something during this heat wave. 

  Looking this morning for a summer song to share-and found this old classic

  Happy new week


  1. The humidity is high here. More storms and rain rolled in too. Smores sound really good. Cannot wait for bonfire season here. Janice

  2. I hadn't had Klondike bars in years and this year I discovered no sugar added Klondike bars. They're wonderful!

  3. A shame with the weather, dear Kathy. 59F here (OK, not even 06 a.m. but still - is this summer?!) I hope you are strong-minded and are able to send your temps over... I must google Klondike bar, unknown here.
    Wonderful song. Hugs to you and the lake. I would love to hop in - I still have your letter with the ladies by the lake right here on the wall :-)

    1. awesome that you are enjoying the ladies-they are a fun stamp collection-found them on etsy. I think we are finally headed towards a cool down this week-hoping so

  4. Smores in a microwave sounds good. I might try one in the oven someday as I've never had one. Post a few of the movies you like. I'm at a loss what to watch.
    Stay cool!

    1. smores are really good in the microwave just need to do a few seconds at a time to not overcook the marshmallows I rarely find a movie I really like last night they were all too corny haha

  5. We lost power last night when I was going to do some commenting, so now I'm a day late. Your weekend sounds like much of mine. It rained all weekend and I watched some of the Olympics and tried to find a good movie too. I hope your new week has started off nicely. hugs-Erika

    1. sorry about loss of electric we are finally getting a cool down next week looks like rain happy midweek


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