Monday, August 12, 2024

Cool Down

   Good morning Monday,

      It has been cool here-this morning feels like October, a little rain coming in. We soooo needed a break from the high temperatures and high humidity.

Sadly I have been ill during this perfect weather for getting outdoors. I have food allergies, back in the 80's when doctors could not help me I did an elimination diet and figured out I had celiac-no gluten. I also over the years have had issues with dairy products-full fat milk, cheese etc. So last month I forgot about that and have been enjoying ice cream in the evenings during those extreme hot days. My husband loves ice cream too so this has been a treat for us-ahhh not so much for me-Last Friday it all backfired and my body is rebelling-severe constipation and painful rash on my hands, feeling really ill.  I should have known better not to have ice cream more than once every 10 days or so.

  On a very positive note, yesterday Larry made it up the steps-and into his heavy equipment that has been in the same spot since his fall early October. This has been sitting on a steep hill where we were working on a drainage ditch since that fall.. A friend that we pay to help us with things was here, and the weather being cool-was a good day for this. Larry needed a step ladder to get into it. Battery needed charged but it started right up. That has been on his mind for awhile now to get it moved. With this moved, once we can get Larry's Snapper to start-thinking needs a new battery-he can park that near the basement door and drive up the hill to the top.  So this was a huge day for him. Of course severe pain today but I know he feels good accomplishing this task.

  Larry's suburban will not start now after sitting all this time. I don't drive big vehicles like this, but we should have thought to start it once in awhile. Now the electronics are off and the "key" needs to be  reprogramed to work  Not sure how to go about that.

 After falling in love with Erika's printed leaves on her gelli plate-I had to buy me one. I have lots of acrylic paints too, back when I was trying out painting, so am anxious to try this out. This has been a rough one since Larry's fall and I have not been able to concentrate on any of my arts and crafts. I am enjoying the embroidery project but this one has me excited. The woodworkers table will work perfect for this project, will just cover it up with one of those flannel backed plastic table covers. It will save me from needing to clear my very full desk top in my craft room.

  There were some happenings at the Olympics this year that I was not too fund of. The closing ceremony was "weird" in my opinion but I loved the ending when they passed the Olympic flag to Los Angeles with Tom Cruise-that was fun.

 Happy Monday and new week

Found this Snoopy online


  1. Glad Larry is improving. I loved Erika's gelli plates -Christine

  2. Hi Kathy, sorry to here that you have been feeling bad. hope it is soon better. But wonderful news that Larry made it up the steps, that's fantastic. Hope his progress continues! Have a great week, hugs, Valerie

  3. That was an accomplishment for Larry. Glad he was able to do it. I hate driving our cargo van but I do when I have too. Oh no on the ice cream rash. I cannot eat a lot of sweets myself so I have to monitor my intake. Janice

  4. Sorry to hear you've been unwell. I hope you are feeling better now ❤️. I was so pleased to hear Larry is up and about doing things again and that you've been enjoying gelli printing with leaves like Erika 😊. I wasn't sure about the closing ceremony but I enjoyed watching the Olympics games themselves, fabulous! Loving that happy Snoopy image too, it made me smile! Take care and happy wishes! Hugs, Jo x

  5. I am so glad to read that Larry has improved so much. Yes, just climb up on the Snapper and away he can go. :~) I can definitely relate to your food allergies! I stay away from all gluten and dairy. Also all food additives. It is not easy to do. I have become pretty much a meat and potatoes kind of girl. We had a rainy day yesterday with highs in the 70s. How nice it was, but they say we will be in the triple digits again in a couple of days. :~(

    1. Yes hoping the boys that help us can get his snapper running-that will help him be more mobile too he was even talking about going fishing-not sure about that one-we'll see. we had some rain this morning but not a lot. I have a horrible rash of some sort on my hands that is actually eating away my skin. may have to go back into the doctor again as it is not clearing I usually don't eat much milk and cheese or ice cream-what was I thinking ugh
      hope we don't get super hot again but we probably will

  6. I'm so sorry you've been sick! I can see why you did the ice cream though, even though it paid off in bad benefits. But very good news on Larry.

    1. thank you-I should have known better just forgot about that issue with full fat ice cream oh well it was good at the time smile

  7. I'm so glad to hear you liked the Tom Cruise thing too... so did i.. but i hear many people didn't... oh well can't please everyone.. I've been sick too.... sinus , cough you know the usual that usually starts this time of year... a little early maybe this year.. I'm so sorry you've been sick! thats awful! I can totally understand you forgetting you can't eat icecream... !! Its STILL HOT here.. Up over 100F every day.. hitting 106F or so next week... so no cold front for us.. Even the SunFlowers are showing some wear and tear... I gave the poor guys some water last night.. Wow Larry has been moving!! I'm s so glad to hear it.. What determination that man of yours has Kathy! I hope he is well on his way to getting up out of the hole your house is in and getting to see a doctor.. Much love, deb

    1. Hi Deb, I can't believe I didn't know better about the ice cream. we do not eat much dairy anyways I guess we just really needed ice cream during those super hots days haha.
      yes sinus stuff has started for me too-super ugh we have gotten a cool down here with rain which is so welcomed but hot returns soon. sorry your allergies are starting already-perhaps all the dryness out there of the plants etc.
      Larry has been in super pain since that day, but I applaud him for Not using the wheelchair but forcing himself to walk in the house-either with his cane or walker. Yes Larry has always been a fighter-and has always had medical issues since a child
      Hoping soon he can get in his car and get the electronics reprogrammed soon. we need to get to our yearly doctor appt next month and the suburban would be better for him take care hugs

  8. Oh! Ice cream used to be a favorite but I have since given up on dairy as it doesn't like me. Of course I'm gluten-free too and that has been acting up lately. Good accomplishment for Larry!! I have a friend who has been in the hospital for 5 weeks and she has asked me to start up her car for her. Hope you feel better soon. Take care.

    1. I am thinking that gluten free and dairy must go together-I am ok with 2% milk and keifer or yogurt-but not much cheeses or full fat.
      I wish one of us would have had thought to start the car once a week-I could have done that when I went to check the mail oh well
      thank you

  9. Hi, I hope you are feeling better soon. Yay, for Larry. :-)
    Enjoy the rest of the week.

  10. How come I am that late again?! I get nothing done atm.
    What a shame about your allergies. So sorry you have to miss out on so much!
    But yay to Larry´s success!
    I hope you are better by now and enjoy the days at the lakes. I still have your stamp of the girls cooling their feet off in the lake at by chance I wear such a striped shirt right now, hugs with that!

    1. Hi Iris, so glad you enjoy those stamps-I buy them from a shop on etsy and I think she designs this series-I love them very much too.
      never late on the internet-hugs-this was a bad one with the dairy-and I should have known better-but this is the first year in awhile that I bought ice cream as I was making my own instead. lesson learned-it will take me at least a month to get recoverd ugh

  11. The allergy sounds bad, I hope you're feeling better.
    Our old car, which I use now and not so often because I prefer to ride my bike for short distances when the weather is as nice as it is now - yes, I have to start this car every now and then, otherwise we have to recharge the battery. It already happened that it didn't start...
    I watched many sports at the Olympics... gymnastics, surfing, breakdancing, athletics... I saw the opening ceremony, but not the closing ceremony, but I did watch the segment with Tom Cruise (I like some of his films). I liked this scene and it gets you in the mood for Los Angeles in four years :-)))
    I wish you lots of joy and success with printing, dear Kathy.
    And a very nice greeting comes to you from Viola

    1. Hi Viola, this is a bad one this time. I am doing better but still really watching what I eat-adding in good fiber grains and No full fat dairy.
      That is awesome you can ride your bike to places I would love that. we have always lived away from cities-even the smaller ones-always rural. here at the lake we are in an area very rural but the lake lots give us neighbors-we are not used to people nearby.
      I enjoyed the surfing too but here they didn't show much of it on the tv. I thought Tom Cruise was very fun-loved it.
      thank you sooo much Viola-hugs I am plannng on printng some fall cards with it to mail out to friends.l


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