Friday, August 23, 2024

Good Morning Friday-Ramblings

  Hello everyone,

  Were you able to see the August full moon? I didn't get a photo but it was just glorious to see over the lake. Huge and very bright-but not orange here like I have seen in some photos. The moon with it's very bright reflection over the lake was really amazing.

  These past several days we are enjoying much cooler weather 50's-low 60's F early mornings and low 80's during the day-loving it!  We are heating back up though to the 90's F

    I did get out with the weed eater to tackle the very very tall grass in areas-of course I over did it and my back is not happy. It was screaming in pain yesterday. I laid on the floor last night with a few blankets so I would be laying really flat. I know better than to do this two days in a row too. I wanted to get it knocked down before the heat returns and before labor day weekend.

  This weekend is the lake's big Shootout event -the big speed boat races-many are already here running fast boats up and down the lake (Lake in the Ozarks)  They are fun to view as they fly by-the docks not so much. This is a huge charity event to help those in need in our area. It gets bigger every year and is televised in more areas now too. I think last year they raised around $500 thousand dollars

  My dairy attack on my body is getting better-slowly. Really watching what I eat.  I have lost 5 pounds too which I have been wanting to do.

     I am someone that has always preferred  snacking opposed to sitting down to a meal. I have had to finally give up potato chips etc as well-too much fat in those for my digestive track. That was a big one for me this year-no more potato chips, fritos, popcorn. ugh.  Larry is really enjoying ice cream and Klondike bars this month still. I shopped the local small grocery stores yesterday and found all natural popsicles with half the sugar.  I bought a box of mango ones for me. Yum I used to make my own-and still have the popsicle forms to make them-I may just do that.

   I started shopping at Sav a lot more. These stores are in Missouri and I am not sure if they are outside of the state. Our friend tells me they buy their meat there. I discovered if I am there Monday through Friday when they first open-they have a section with really marked down meat. We pretty much only eat pork and poultry these days. I found a small boneless pork loin roast for $1.50 Wow I grabbed that one for sure. If we were eating beef still-they had two packages of huge porterhouse steaks-really marked down as well. I do buy organic grass fed hamburger but no longer steaks etc. I asked where their meat comes from, I thought they sold usa meats-she said from the local farmers-love that.

 I have been working on the next embroidery block. This time I outlined all the motifs first, and now working on all the X's in the background. I want to see if I like this better than filling in the wolf, trees etc with the X's

Wow preseason football games have started already. I don't watch preseason games though. I am still watching the KC Royals baseball games. They are getting closer to getting into a playoff wildcard spot.

Another month is flying by this year-soon we will be in September-Wow how did that happen?

Enjoy your Friday and Weekend




  1. I can't believe it is almost September either. And we've had the cold down too. IT feels like September, and I am enjoying it. It sounds like you are too. I haven't heard of Sav but that's good to get markdown meat because it is so expensive otherwise. Enjoy the boat races this weekend, or will it be noisy? hugs-Erika

    1. Good morning, where we live is just away from the action-a good thing really as many many people come to this event. I watch it on tv at laketv channel but we do get many of the speed boats here too it is very very noisy but the boats are pretty cool to view when they are not racing-they speed around the lake some have been here all week

  2. Replies
    1. I know-I will be glad to see fall-this has been a too and humid summer for us

  3. WOW that a lot of money raised. Not many speed boats this year on the river. Probably because the gas is too expensive. Hope your back is feeling better and have a great weekend Janice

    1. this event has grown every year-amazing what they do for the communities-everything is run by volunteers too and then all the money raised is shared where needed Happy weekend

  4. I eat a lot of frozen watermelon during the hot weather-cube seedless watermelon and arrange it on a cookie sheet. Put into a bag or container when it's frozen.

    To me it tastes like a Popsicle, but healthier.

    1. My Mom used to do that-thanks for the reminder Happy weekend

  5. It sounds like things are going well for you. Three cheers. (Apart from modifying the diet but it seems to be having some positive effects, if frustrating ones!). That moon -- sigh. So beautiful. We were traveling and my only photos were out the moving car window so not very good. But what a fabulous heart-memory.


  6. glad you are feeling better
    It takes time to adjust to what we can and cannot eat.
    Chocolate sheet cake cut in half, spread ice cream on one half and make an ice cream sandwich to freeze. Klondike bars don't last with me, too easy to open the wrapper.

    1. thank you I have never bought the Klondike bars before Larry wants one every day now haha


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