Wednesday, January 29, 2025

This & That

 Good Morning Friends,

  What a difference sunshine and above freezing feels like. Our home is finally warmer. Discovered the old furnace was heating the basement-weird-but that did keep the floors warmer than they are now when it is below freezing. So I had to wear shoes indoors-ugh I never do that just wear thick socks instead.

  I did have to go into the doctor Monday to make sure I was having asthma issues and not something else. So am on those dreaded steroid pills but am thankful not pneumonia.

  A couple weeks ago when I was buying a few food items online, I was looking for those olive oil sprays. Not like Pam etc-but just pure olive oil-doing that I found something better. Not sure why I never knew about this before. On Amazon I found a sprayer made in Italy that you pour your own olive oil into. Wow I had not seen this before and I love it! Are you familiar with these? This is the one I bought (that red piece is a protector in shipping)

After I wash up my cast iron pans, I always heat them up and spray olive oil in them, let the pan heat up and then wipe out the extra oil--This new sprayer saves money for sure. I also use it to spray into the cast iron pans for frying eggs etc

When I went food shopping yesterday I couldn't help myself but to buy some flower seed packets. I wish I could grow a few veggies here but the numerous squirrels here destroy everything ugh-except flowers This Spring I will be able to find out how many of my perennials perished with that water issue. Thinking most all of them I will replace the bee balm plants for sure. Will check to see what seeds I still have left of perennials if any.

   The super bowl will be a repeat of the super bowl two years ago. Hoping KC will win and make history-first team ever to win 3 super bowls in a row. KC has excellent coaches.

  Happy Midweek everyone, and hoping you are having warmer weather now too



  1. Back in the 1980s I bought an oil sprayer. It was prone to clogging/leaking and I soon discarded it, but I bet they've improved things since then.

    1. that was a disappointment-This one works excellent-no leaks, the glass has weight to it as well

  2. Kathy glad to read you have warmed up a bit...we are having a January thaw...tomorrow sunny and in the 40's. What a great oil sprayer. I need to get one of these for my cast iron skillet. Thanks for the tip. Hope you didn't lose all your perennials - they often will surprise you and come back from drought and too much rain. Have you ever grown foxglove? They are one of my favorites and from time to time they will pop up unexpectedly. Hugs!

    1. Good morning, I am hoping I will be surprised that some of the perennials survived I am pretty sure I lost the bee balm but perhaps not if the roots are still good. I think I have tried foxglove in the past-doesn't it take two years to bloom? I may try that again, so pretty enjoy the warm up we have rain coming in today

  3. We had some sun and warmer temps today, but tomorrow it's back into he deep freeze for me so enjoy your nice weather.I'm jealous. :) I've seen those olive oil sprays, but never tried one. It's good to know they are worth it. Thanks Kathy.

    1. Sorry you have more arctic cold coming in, we are getting a nice break from it all I really love this sprayer wish I would have known about these earlier

  4. Yes thankful myself that the Polar Vortex has moved on. Interesting on the olive oil sprayer and yes it would save money. Will need to check into it as we use a lot of olive oil. TFS Janice

    1. Good morning, I love this olive oil sprayer-It was packaged very well too and heavy glass we had rain early this morning-hoping no more arctic blasts for either of us

  5. Your sprayer is pretty. I used to have an olive oil sprayer made by Pampered Chef. It was years ago and I don't know if they still make them but they were very inexpensive.

  6. Go Chiefs! Chief fan here too! Yes! So nice to be warming up!!! We get a little warmer every day now... even up to 85! Which is crazy in February... I'm sure there is still cold weather ahead of us.. but the warm up is much appreciated... Letter in the mail to you! I still have some packs of Cosmos that i got for free a couple years ago when Hubs and i went on that long trip...I got them for free from a state visitor center.. and passed some out.. I probably sent you I might plant those this year.. I've never grown them but i think they are pretty.. I might purposefully plant some Sunflowers this year... maybe some different varieties.. and i need to pick a perennial. Last year it was that red yucca and if they make it to Spring i will have about 20+ to put in the ground... I have no idea where to plant that many... I was pretty successful ... lol I figure i will probably lose a few during the transplanting.. Hey my Viola made it through 19F! I have some Pansies that look half dead so note to self .... they may be in the same family but Viola or you might call them Johnny Jump Ups handle the cold better than their sister Pansy... lol I use Pam Olive oil spray... I may look into a sprayer... but i would never spend that much on one.. hopefully i can find it cheaper... may be cheaply made but that will have to do.. Hugs! deb

    1. Hi Deb, I think the violas are a perennial where as pansys are annuals. violas grow wild here. sounds like you are doing well with your plants.
      I stopped using pam years ago because it is not pure oil, and always made a mess of my cookie sheets etc-not sure what they put in it.
      The sprayer was a bit of a splurge especially at my senior age now-but in the end I am saving a lot of money not buying those small spray cans of pure olive oil. the amount of spray cans I was using in 2 months paid for this sprayer and the oil will last longer than 2 months. I did feel a little guilty about it-but I love this one.
      we are getting warmer but not that warm-a nice treat for sure. we do have a couple days next week close to 60 F with some rain. that should finish melting off the ice here.
      take care hugs

  7. Yes, the squirrels are terrible for a garden. However, there are lots of veggies you can grow indoors.

    1. I don't have a good spot in this lake house to grow indoors-may need to set up something in the basement fresh greens would be nice

  8. Lucky with finally warmer temps and sunshine. Here it´s grey and cold, PJs under jeans-weather.
    With the cellar underneath in winter I always wear house-shoes.
    Asthma sounds scary.
    Nice oil sprayer! I have a cheap one that sadly sprays too thick.
    Sad the squirrels destroy everything.
    The Superbowl. Can´t you play when it´s daytime here?
    The last one was so darn cool, in Perth it was morning and wee, that was some game!
    I wish you loads of fun! Here they start 11:15 p.m., buhuuu...
    Enjoy for us as well, OK, hugs to you and the lake!

    1. Yes we so needed a break from the arctic cold here.
      This winter I have to wear shoes too with the very cold floors
      asthma can be scary, this oil sprayer works perfectly
      too many squirrels here and I think we are the only one that puts out bird seed
      I think the super bowl will start here in the evening at 5:30 pm can you record the game?
      Thisshould be another great super bowl-with close score
      Happy friday and weekend hugs

  9. We've had some very welcome sunshine in my part of the UK which is always welcome.

    Enjoy Superbowl.

    Sending early wishes for a good new month of February.

    All the best Jan

    1. thank you so much glad you are getting some sunshine too Happy weekend


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