Sunday, January 12, 2025

A Bit Warmer-Shoveling and Future Bags

  Good morning Sunday,

  No Sunshine today which I could use for working the ice up, but we will be mid 30's up to low 40's. Hoping I can get a path up the hill-we will see how this goes today. My legs are a little shaky this morning after working on those steps. Thinking I will skip the top three steps if they don't clear easily and get on with a path to the top and clear where my car parks.

 I am loving my finished bag-so I am excited to be going on to the next one. I started pinning it yesterday-this room has no heat ducts so it gets pretty cold. I bought the little heater for this room when we get really cold, but Larry needed it more when the heat was not working. No issues so far thinking it is fixed right now.

  Before Larry's accident (October 2023) I had dug out all of my hand dyed fabrics and the larger pieces I cut for the linings. I think I cut for 9 or 10 bags. I also had yardage of good quality heavier muslin cotton as the foundation for the hand dyed layout. My plan is to mail out to my slow mail friends but I will have extra bags-if you would like one please contact me through the contact form on my page here. This was a project to use my hand dyes in a project and then share with my online friends.  I will make a list in order as I receive them. 

  I am off to eat something, and then get to work outdoors

Happy Sunday


  1. Replies
    1. good morning Happy Sunday@ we have sunshine but am so frustrated the ice is super thick and won't come off the concrete hill ugh

  2. Oh my goodness, did I read that right-you are gifting your bags??!! I want to be on that list, please! The one you showed is gorgeous.
    Please be careful in the snow and on the ice.

    1. Yes you are on my slow mail list-so you will be getting one-hugs

  3. Trying to break up hard crusted snow and ice is hard work for sure, Kathy, so do give yourself time to rest and take good care.

    1. Good morning, yes I am being careful got enough done to carefully make it to the top-got my mail dropped up garbage in the bin but lots more to do-more cold til wednesday

  4. Yikes to the ice! And oh, boy, that was October 2023? This is really so sad.
    As I have way too many bags (and sending to Germany is likely very expensive) I do not want one, but I think it is so nice of you to do this!!! Have a wonderful day, I hope it warms up and the ice melts away. Hugs to you and the lake!

    1. good morning, yes it has been a long time we have had a lot of in home physical therapy but Larry sadly will not being getting better the injurys were too much.
      thanks for letting me know about the bags as I was going to share one with you hugs

  5. You are very generous. I have many many project bags myself and really have no need for any more. I also have tons of fabric and even the scraps are piled into lidded crocks where I use to stuff my pillows. Nothing goes to waste. LOL I hope your ice situation gets cleared up. I would rather deal with snow than ice myself. We had more flurries yesterday. Snow remains on the ground now from the other day. Janice

    1. Good morning I have bins of all sorts of fabrics here too-lots of wool too I had gone to resale shops bought 100 % wool clothing and then took them apart and washed them for projects also did that with cotton, silks and some linen. and I still have too much spinning fibers too I have more possible projects here which is ok with me haha had not thought of using fabrics to stuff pillows thanks

  6. Dear Kathy what a wonderful gift...would certainly treasure one of your bags. Please be careful my friend with that ice and don't overdo. Hopefully with some warmer temps some of the work will get easier. We are getting some very cold temps this evening and then by Friday - it will be in the 30's. Yeah! Take care - Hugs!

    1. Hi Debbie, I finally got the steps cleared, a bit of a path to the top and half of my car space shoveled out but still so much ice to get through I did make it up to the mailbox yesterday too after a week-and your letter was there-thank you soooo much and I loved the painting too hugs we got back down to 10 degress F last night still really cold this morning looks like no more shoveling til at least wednesday or thursday

  7. Ohh would love to see those bags. I know how wonderful your art is. Lucky people who get one of your bags. Stay warm and rest your legs.

    1. thank you I am going to have at least two extra if you would like one let me know

  8. Take it easy and don't push it, nothing is worth getting hurt over.

    1. thank you no I can't get hurt so being patient too cold now til wednesday or thursday

  9. Your Snoopy says it all. Be careful out there. We don't need two people going down the steps! And lovely and generous you are with your bags. That's wonderful.

    1. Good morning, I have been waiting for warmer weather again thursday and friday the warmest hoping to get my car on friday after I finish getting dug out. I had decided time to use my hand dyes in a project and then share them

  10. Hi Kathy. I got an envelope from you today that looks like you sent a card. Did you get mine I sent to you? I'm not sure when you sent it, because my mailbox has been frozen shut for nine days. I was finally able to open it today.

    We have been below freezing for 11 days now, but it is supposed to get above freezing on Thursday. Thank you in advance and I will open and share it hopefully next week at T Tuesday.

    1. I sent out slow mail just before new years eve I think we had a major ice and snow storm- I had two days that were warmer so I got the steep steps cleared but the steep driveway is still iced over-still waiting for a warmer day. now that snow has turned to ice I can not make it back up the hill to the post box ugh I am ready for spring this year for sure haha

  11. I do like Snoopy ...
    Do please take care in the snow and ice.

    All the best Jan


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