Saturday, January 18, 2025

Winter Blast Coming

I am not sleeping tonight do to the strong winds out there-which is bringing back another arctic blast. Looks like those of you on the east coast will be getting it too this round. I had two warm days to work on clearing things, especially after I was able to get through that very thick ice to make a path to the top. Yesterday I finally was able to get my car back too. Our circle gravel road has been solid ice-and the steep hill is still ice when it wasn't melting. With the super cold coming back now here too-I won't be going anywhere though.  Our friends that help us out are leaving for Florida early this morning and will stay in Florida til March-don't blame them. I should have ran some errands yesterday but I just wanted to get back home.

We were still continuing to have issues with our new furnace from the original install-they had to come back out again to fix a major issue. I think it is finally right now. We keep the heat on at the woods house and have had issues getting my delivery this time. This time it was totally empty and our friend there that helps us had to bleed the lines and relight the pilot-that is in the attic. I hope this is the end of things to deal with. Fingers crossed-as they say "when it rains it pours"

 A football weekend for me-KC Chiefs in the playoffs-again at home, and the Notre Dame Irish playing in the college championship game. I will watch the inaugural activities as well.

 I was browsing Pinterest a bit a go and found a DIY that had me thinking of blog friend Deb in Texas-a wind chime made with tin cans This would be a pretty garden feature

   I don't like the sound of wind-has always made me uneasy and nervous. It is really howling out there now like crazy-I worry about dock issues when the winds are this strong. I may just take an early shower so I can't hear it haha

  I have the second bag all pinned  and ready to sew. I am thinking a big pot of potato soup sounds good for today-I will see if I still have a little ham to add to it.

Stay warm and safe


  1. We are getting another polar blast coming in tonight

  2. I had totally forgot about the National Championship game! I will have to watch that. Hope that wind stops for you soon, looks like it is going to get really chilly across the country this weekend!

    1. I think that championship game is on Monday which I was surprised about I am looking forward to that game. the wind is still going crazy here yes I think a good portion of the usa will be very cold the inauguration ceremony is now indoors and I think now just a small parade too cold for people to be outdoors for long hours glad they changed that.
      Happy weekend

  3. Oh, no, not another of those icy attacks! I hope it does not hit you too hard - at least you have it warm... Here it´s 32F and dry, no wind at all - I hardly can imagine your place.
    I love that wind-chime! And... once I retire I might try to find out how to sew, too.

    Oh, I wish you all the best out there! Big hugs to you and the lake!

    1. Hello Iris, you can learn how to sew on You Tube-I have learned how do a lot of things on there. the wind is still strong and crazy here and temperatures are dropping all day. the east coast here in the states will be getting arctic weather as well brrrr. all of the ice has not had a chance to totally clear so with these very cold temps it will all refreeze again I am just not going anywhere for now. I am thinking of making us clam chowder today One thing I use a mix for is potato soup and then I add the clams and more potatoes Hugs back

  4. Great post today Kathy!!! I'm writing you a letter so i will save some of my comments for the So nice of you to think of me with the windchime... That may be a nice one i will actually put outside... I find i'm reluctant to put my mobiles or windchimes outside as the sun and wind will be harsh on them... lol And i'm pretty sure if i make the one you showed hubby would be like.. .ANOTHER Hey we like what we like right?! Ok i'm off to write in you letter.. take care and stay warm.. We are getting cold too but i'm sure not as cold as you.. 22F tonite..brrrrHugs! deb

    1. Good morning, we are headed back to the single digits again and the wind is relentless all night and still blowing strong ugh. hoping that blows out of our area soon. it is going to be super cold in Washington DC Monday that Trump changed things to be indoors and a smaller parade-didn't want people standing out there for hours-Reagan did the same thing for his second term. If you put a sealer on the cans after decorated perhaps that would help-or find a less sunny area-this windchime sounded fun to make.
      I look forward to your letter hugs

  5. PS ... Could you put something preemptive on your steps?? Like salt... before the weather comes??? Would that help?? deb

    1. when I got my car I was planning to drive into town and get a bag of ice a few groceries and go to the bank but I have been tired and over stressed trying to clear a path that I just wanted to get home. I have a little salt left but not much

    2. ooops a bag of salt-don't need to buy ice haha the salt on top of the ice with sun and above freezing helps a lot to break it up too

  6. I'm sorry your furnace is still a problem and hope it will deliver for you in the cold snap. We're going through the same -- it's due tomorrow and through the week and sounds like a frigid one. The birds are eating us out of house and home! So glad your car is back. Even if you don't want to go anywhere much, it's a comfort to know you can if you have to.

    1. Yes I feel so much better having my car back. I have never driven Larry's suburban which is a bit too big for me and I have never driven these newer cars with push buttons etc. we have so many squirrels here that they take most of the seed away from the birds and I had a nice suet feeder out that I think a raccoon may have run off with it after breaking the chain. I may try the other suet feeder I have with this cold.
      stay warm and safe

  7. Too bad about your furnace. I hope this fix takes care of any issue-especially with this cold. It will be at my house by Monday. It's been pretty cold all month at my house. And glad your car is back too. It's been a tough start of the year for you, and I hope it is much better after these events. Stay warm. hugs-Erika

    1. Thank you Erika, I am hoping this is the end of troubles for awhile. I thought those winds left us but they are back again tonight. I just looked at the weather forecast here wow tomorrow through early next week very very frigid cold here-ugh I think the furnace is fixed now finally it has run two days with no issues-finally. I should have done my errands before I came home as the next 4 days I won't be going out for sure-we are dropping to 4 degrees on sunday and 2 degrees on monday brrrr I wish we could have gotten the chimney repaired for the woodstove here-that always warms up a house.
      You and yours stay warm and safe as well hugs

  8. So glad you got your car back and the furnace is working. Most driveways along the river here North of us have steep drives going down to there houses from the road. My cousin is one of them and she always leaves her car now at the top and walks up in the Winter because she is afraid of having ice. Good idea as she might go into the river driving in. I would not want to live in a house like that even if it was a great view of thr river in the other months. Not fun. I too hate the winds. It makes me nervous wondering what may happen. Temps are too cold here even to let Tundra out for a long time now. He wont like us but oh well. Hopefully this weather passes soon for everyone. Janice

    1. Good morning, I am so glad too my car is back and the furnace is working. I am hoping these winds have finally moved on too. That is an excellent idea to have her car up on top the hill. This reminded me of when Larry and I first got together over 40 years ago now. We lived at Larry's Grandfather's little place in the woods near a huge pond in the back with the woods. It had the original log cabin as one of the rooms. One year we had a horrible winter blizzard-extreme cold tons of snow and high winds. I worked for the phone co and had to be there no matter what. I did the same parked my car at the end of the long road to the highway. That lane would drift really bad since there were farm fields on either side. that year I used Larry's snowshoes to get to my car. that was something else what we went through but we were much younger back then. thanks for the memories hugs

  9. Yes, the wind bothers me too. As you know it blows everyday here and at night when the ocean is more angry than normal the gusts shake my upstairs windows. I hope the furnace stays good and that you are warm.

    1. I did not know you had to deal with the wind blowing everyday-that would really bother me. I am working on not letting it get to me so much. I think our new furnace is finally installed properly so thankful for that with these extreme cold temperatures coming in tonight. I have been watching the high waves on our man made lake here and all the sea gulls fishing. You stay warm as well

  10. Kathy I feel just like you do when the wind howls. We are getting the arctic blast tonight and it will last until Thursday. There is something about winter that makes us feel so isolated. Even though we are able to get out and about just feel like staying in where it is warm. Pray that your furnace doesn't give you anymore fits. Take care. By the way I think a pot of your Potato chowder would be delicious. Hugs!

    1. Now they are saying we are getting down to minus 2 degrees too cold for me hahs Our furnace has been working well-thankfully. I made more cookies today wheat choc. chip for Larry and yesterday I made gluten free molasses cookies those were really good stay warm and safe hugs

  11. The winter blast hit here on Saturday. Now we are expecting snow. This is the winter from Hades. Stay warm, safe, and indoors, please.

    I need to find a large tin can. I have the others. Love her idea.

    1. Hi Elizabeth we have been really cold here too since Saturday getting down to minus 2 degrees brrrr I thought this wind chime was such a cool idea. I may need to save some cans and make one too stay warm and safe-hugs to the kitties

  12. We have been cold and blustery and had 5 inches of snow overnight. We are very cold tonight, we have have had the fireplace going to keep the furnace from running all the time.

    1. I wish we would have fixed the woodstove here-the previous owner had a major chimney fire I have the heat set low for us 72 so it will not run a lot-mostly at night we are going into the minus degrees tonight and tomorrow morning praying our electric stays on as we still have too much wind--stay warm and safe

  13. The weekend snowfall was far less than predicted here in Nashua, NH, and now bitter cold has set in, but thankfully there is no wind. Hope that your furnace issues are finally sorted out, Kathy. Homemade soup is perfect and mine was chicken this weekend.

    1. I love chicken soup too I made that a couple weeks ago. we have not had too much snow here so far but the extreme cold right now is a bit much. stay warn


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