Sunday, October 13, 2024

My Slow Stitch Progress & Mail Surprise

 Good morning Sunday,

  I have been slow stitching on my first bag, and am enjoying it so far. Nothing planned out til I start on a new block of my hand dyed fabrics.

   Some of the threads I am using are hand dyed variegated DNC embroidery threads that were a gift from one of my slow mail friends. I really like them a lot, so found out who the artist was and just ordered her Rockies collection.

  I finished that blue block first and last couple of days working on the rust dyed piece.

     I decided I did not want to stitch over the heavier rust dyed areas so stitching around those.

Photos will enlarge for better viewing

  There are some white chalk lines still showing up on the blue block

I really like these pins-they stay in place while handling the fabric when stitching. The straight pins would be coming out and stabbing me as well haha. These are special safety pins as they don't have that big curl on the bottom which would damage the fabrics-these lay flat and if that rounded end goes into the fabric-not an issue.

ooops I should have turned the photos on the next two as that will be the direction on the finished bag

This one below is the variegated hand dyed thread, as is the threads in the blue dyed block  I had started stitching this first to see how the threads would look on the orange-I like it-then decided I needed to stitch up the rust dyed block below it first

I just love getting slow mail and surprises in my mailbox-don't your??

  This handmade card is from Deb--I love it!!  I am enjoying it on the mantel with my gnomes

Update  around 1 pm  just finished the rust dyed block-  am happy with it


  1. I like it Kathy!! Can't wait to see more of it! I keep talking of starting some slow stitching... maybe Fall is the time....!! Although i have alot of pans in the fire right now i'd love to slip in some stitching... I'm so glad you like your card... For some reason your email went to hubby's email... weird... Hope your having a beautiful day... Hugs! deb

    1. It took me awhile to start stitching as I wasn't sure how to start-those last videos I shared a link to inspired me that I could do this-smiles. it is relaxing, I watch a lot of sports so stitching watching those now
      for some reason I had your husband's email instead of yours-I will see if I can figure out how to change that hugs

  2. This will be a fantastic bag and more special since you are making it. Kudos on the stitching. Sometimes my needle gets me. Ouch. Now I know why ladies use thimbles...but I am a stubborn one and dont use one. LOL Janice

    1. Thank you Janice I had grabbed my large pieces of my hand dyed fabrics and cut out 9 or 10 for these bags. I was planning on using them for gifts. Not sure i have 10 people to send them to now smiles. I may just hold a drawing for a couple of them.
      I have a few bags for smaller pieces of my hand dyed fabrics that I am using for this outside panel of the bag with the stitching. A whole piece of hand dyed fabric will be on the other side-once hand sewn together the bags will be reversible I will sew it all together with hand stitches too. I used a quality muslin to lay out this patchwork panel-it will give the bag a good sturdy body.
      I do not use thimbles either I have collected several over the years of different sizes different styles-never liked any of them-so I just don't use them either. I do like these safety pins better than straight pins


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