Sunday, October 20, 2024

Gorgeous Day Today

 I had a busy day today. Had to go to town this morning for a part for our water, cut some grass, and spent an hour pulling that mint that totally took over my perennial garden. Turned out the abundance of water was coming from the well-after fixing everything else about the too much water issue--  it was the well.

   So the mint took over everything and pretty much choked out most all of my perennial plants that I had started from seed. Such a bummer for me.  I did find our shallots-the last of what Larry's Grandpa brought back from Israel-so happy we didn't lose those.

    This photo you can see the shallots, and a couple of perennials on either side that I don't know what they are

The green spot in the middle is more mint to get pulled out

This is the big pile of pulled mint

I always liked this area-the big copper pot on top, old tree stump and I had planted a lot of perennials in this area. . Those red stalks are probably poke weed that needs to come out

Surprise found this blooming plant that has been hidden with tall weeds

a couple little blooms that came up from fallen seed of last years' plants

Larry bought this used lift to help get him up to the top-hoping it works. We paid one of our workers to drive to get it for us-if it works I am thinking I can put heavy groceries in this instead of getting it all down the steps

Happy new week


  1. Thanks for the mint warning I should pull mine out before it becomes a problem -Christine

    1. most mints can get out of hand fast-we had a water leak so that made it much worse--most people contain it like in a big pot or put in an area where it can't travel

    2. Mint is one of the fastest-growing plants I know.

    3. I agree and this was worse do to the water problem from the well-some of roots I will need to dig out with a shovel Happy Monday

  2. What caught my eye with your picture of the garden was the stone wall behind it. Love it! So much work and craftsmanship go into building those. Hope your lift works!

    1. good afternoon, I love the rock too. there is also a short rock wall down below this garden area-near the front of the house too-on both sides

  3. We had a gorgeous day too. Sounds like you've been busy, and it's always good to get the garden ready for a winter's rest and then another spring revival. hugs-Erika


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