Friday, October 18, 2024

Is it Really Friday Already?? Slow Stich Update

    We woke up with a bit warmer weather this morning, and full sunshine-Nice. I may try to get some outdoor work done this afternoon. This morning I thought I would make us lasagna for our main meal at 2 PM -something I have not made in a long time

  I did bake us up fall cut out cookies-everyone loved them-we had our friend and the two workers that have been helping us here yesterday-along with one of their Moms, so I shared the wheat cookies They were a big "hit" with their coffees

  This photo is of  my gluten free cookies.  I was happy with the frosting as it hardened up in a couple hours. I used butter, milk, vanilla extract, meringue powder and half confectionary sugar and half keto powdered sweetener-turned out really well.  So the frosting was half the sugar as were the cookies I made for the wheat version-half organic sugar and half Splenda. I wanted to cut the sugar a bit

Note: All photos will enlarge for better viewing-just click on them

I did get more stiches done. This is going well, and I think each bag will stitch up a little faster now This orange hand  dye is now all stitched. I may consider stitching across this-not sure yet

Last night I stitched this section. 

   This piece was dyed with Pebeco sun dyes that I had added coarse salt to as it dried in the sun. That was a fun sun dye day with a neighbor that had never hand dyed before. The sun dyes are fun as you can put leaves or a flat object on top and after being in the sun it will leave the impression on to the fabric I made different things with those pieces already.  

  I have not removed the chalk lines yet-so that is what the white is. I went to my embroidery thread stash and found one that blends into the fabric

 The pretty clear yellow piece was hand dyed with mimosa leaves. In my opinion it gives the most lovely yellows from natural materials.  The goldenrod is a bit tricky or at least it was for me-it took me three seasons to realize as soon as you see yellow-must pull it out of the dye bath-or it will turn cloudy and a bit brown instead of yellow.
   At the woods house we had a beautiful mimosa tree-so I had looked up to see if it would dye or not. Once the tree is in bloom with their pretty flowers-that's when to collect the leaves and dry them for future dye.  Once dry-I pulled off those tiny leaves into a paper bag-as you do not want the stems in the dye.

Happy Friday and weekend 

    Any plans for the weekend?? We will have beautiful weather here at the lake


  1. Have you shared the gluten-free cookie recipe yet? My mom used to make the best sugar cookies, until she found out she had celiac disease. Ever since, her attempts at gluten-free baking have been a little rough, and it’s been hard on her. My kids do their best to be polite, but last time, my youngest just couldn’t handle how much she hated her gluten free cookie, and it ended up all over the floor. We got my mom a carpet cleaning, but now we’re on a mission to find a recipe that actually works. I love the fall theme—hoping this will be the one!

    1. For most of my favorite baking recipes like these cookies, I follow the recipe I love, but use gluten free flour instead of the wheat flour.
      What flour is she using? I had figured out I had celiac back in the 80's so I have been baking this way a long time I have found that Bob's Red Mill 1-1 gluten free flour-is the best on the market-better prices for it can be found online-I have never had any problems with it-just substitute it in your favorite recipes. Hope this helps

  2. Happy Friday!
    I love the orange sun dye color. It has a nice look from the pieces left on it.
    The cookies look delicious!
    No special weekend plans. I'm still cleaning up after switching summer to winter clothes and such.

    1. I have never had a seasonal wardrobe-accept t shirts over sweatshirts and sweaters depending on the weather. I am just a jeans girl, I don't even have any dress up clothes any more-as we pretty much just stay at home these days.
      The cookies were really good, I may make another batch as I just found a witch and and a ghost cutter in my stash smiles

  3. We're having beautiful weather too Kathy. I worked outside today and got 3 garden patches all ready for winter. Your cookies look delicious, and nice stitching too. Sounds like you've been having a good week. I hope you have a super weekend too. More cleaning up outside is on my agenda. hugs-Erika

    1. Good for you getting lots done outdoors-I am so far behind these days. looks like warm weather next week so will see if I can get out there and get caught up on projects.
      Happy weekend to you too hugs

  4. Happy weekend! -Chrisrine

  5. After a few really cold mornings (36 degrees), today was glorious with a high of 69 degrees, which allowed us to do a lot of outdoor work too. Your cookies look so perfect for fall and I love that you iced them- my favorite. Have a good weekend.

    1. I love frosted cookies too-these were really good. we started warming up a little more early mornings-we are headed for the 70's in the coming days


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